Remember Cuteness

Creamie wearing remember dress 1This happens every summer for me. I blink, and suddenly the summer is half-way over with. Does that happen to you too?

Summer is also a funny time in our studio because that is generally when we are making samples for Halloween, Christmas, and generally getting ready for winter. The office mates are probably tired of the off-season Christmas music. Sigh.

I know I haven't shown you a lot of projects with my Remember fabric so today I have some lovely eye candy for you! Erika from pinksuedeshoe sent me over these darling photos that she made with the Remember Words in Cream fabric.

She says that she made this dress using the Simplicity 5695 Pattern but added an inset waistband and changed the skirt to be a lot twirlier (my kind of girl!). She said that it's about 90 inches along the hem. This dress also has a 4 inch deep hem so that she can let it out as her daughter grows. Hello, practical!

The pink polka dot fabric she used to contrast this Remember fabric is used in the bow and the waistband. You don't need very much. I personally adore the little pink bow on this blondie's bun. Sew sweet!

Creamies big pink bow

I also have to hand it to Erika's imagination. I haven't used this fabric yet for a child's outfit. When I designed it, I was really catering to quilters. The ease and freshness of this is lovely.

Creamie wearing remember dress 4 copy

Creamie wearing remember dress 3

Creamie wearing remember dress 5

A big thank you to Erika for the photos (and for sharing with us her cute model)!



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