Working Smarter, Not Harder with Emily Fish

On a recent podcast interview, Carina Gardner hosted Design Suite Mastermind member Emily Fish. She opened up about her progress and challenges throughout her design business career over the last 2 ½ years of being in the program.

  “It takes a while to build business,” Emily explains, “I gave myself a goal to add a thousand products by the end of February. I really really pushed myself, I was able to pull from a lot of my existing designs… the more I add to it the more my sales have increased.”


Commitment and dedication is the key to growing sales! “Most people only produce about 250 products per year,” Carina adds in, “And you did it in six weeks which is insane.” With Emily’s impressive hard work in such a short amount of time, it has paid off extremely well.


“The program really helps me… I jumped around a lot [with other programs]… because I wasn’t finding something like a mentor, or a group of like-minded people that could work together… and I think that’s actually what’s been really most interesting to me about Design Suite.” Emily found the perfect fit for her through Design Bootcamp and was able to learn the things she needed to take off in her business.

“Emily did come to a Design Bootcamp, that’s how she got in, so we’re going to give a link here if you are interested in Design Suite and you liked hearing from Emily and what she has been doing,” Carina states, “remember she’s repurposing a lot of the stuff she had, so she was really being smart. And one of the things that we try to emphasize in Design Suite is working smarter, not harder.” 


The true secret to success is smart work! Just like Emily, you too can make profit off of your designs if you are committed to following the path that the Design Bootcamp shapes for you.

 Sign up for Design Bootcamp here 

To look at Emily’s products, you can visit her website: or find her on Etsy: HarperNCoDesigns

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