Dive Into One of Carina’s Old Podcast Episodes with Gems That Can Help You in Your Designing!

During the very first month of Carina’s podcast episode 20 has some great advice for those struggling in their creating and designing. 

The title of this episode is called “What Those Negative Thoughts Are Doing To Your Creativity” Here are some highlights that you can benefit from! If you want to watch the full podcast episode, there is a link at the bottom of this post.


There are different ways that designers deal with negativity. Those who have doubts and negative thoughts, but get their work done anyway. They tend to keep going through the process with no breathers. Then, there are those who are immobilized by doubtful or negative thoughts, and sometimes can’t continue with their work.


Carina explains that everyone needs to find their happy place regardless of who you are. Take a second to breathe and calm down so you can feel better. For Carina, that’s watching a TV show. It is very normal and important to take breaks as a designer so you don’t experience burnout.


Negativity can begin within yourself as well as come from other people. Don’t let people who don’t know your craft or design work tell you what to do or tear you down. Don’t let them talk you into not doing something. You know yourself!



As creators, designers, makers, etc. you are pleasers. You want to create things that people love, which can be difficult mentally when someone is tearing your work down. Carina explains the importance of communication and boundary setting.


Having your own personal cheerleaders is also so important! When people cheer you on, you want to create more and more. Build an environment surrounded by people who love you and your creative work, not those who are negative critics.

Lastly, it’s normal to have creative blocks! Carina’s advice is to take a break when this happens. Move forward when you feel stuck. Decision fatigue is a real thing. When you make a decision and continue on, the creativity starts to flow.


Designing and creating is hard work! By following these tips from Carina, it can solve a lot of issues with motivation, doubt, and others so that you can continue to be successful in your work!


If you want to listen to more of Carina Gardner’s podcasts, visit this website 


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