What does Carina think about Ai and Design?

As designers, I believe it is essential to recognize the value and limitations of AI in our field. While AI is a powerful tool, it will never fully replace the nuanced work of an actual designer. I can still remember when computers revolutionized design. When they first emerged, they were met with skepticism and resistance. Many who specialized in traditional methods like lithography or screen printing found themselves out of work because they refused to adapt. The ultimate danger for designers today is ignoring AI technology out of fear, ego, or pride. Instead, we should embrace it, learn about it, and integrate it into our workflow because the industry is moving in that direction. Just as computers did not render designers obsolete, I believe that AI won’t either. It will simply be the next evolution in our toolkit.

Some good examples of how AI is currently being used are design tasks such as:

  • Mockups
  • Color correction
  • Straight art
  • Prompts
  • Getting started images
  • Logo design

Charts and graphsIt is important to remember that AI operates primarily with pixels. This presents limitations in creating scalable vector graphics, which are essential for logos and corporate images. AI cannot produce vector images, making designers indispensable for these tasks.
Designers will always be needed because AI cannot handle the entire design process. While AI can assist with the creative aspects, it cannot understand the purpose of a product, create layered SVG files, produce spot colors, or color-match artwork accurately. These tasks require a designer’s expertise, critical thinking, and practical application skills.

Another thing to consider is that AI-generated artwork often has a uniform look, whereas designers can create original content, filter biases, and understand the nuances of language, colors, and elements. These are things AI cannot do.

Yes, I do believe that some design jobs may be lost to AI. But I also believe that many more will be created. As more people use AI for design, they will need professionals to clean up, vectorize, and make their designs usable. The types of design jobs at risk are those involving quick turnarounds and inexpensive designs like logos, as well as pixel-based design programs like Procreate.

My advice to designers today is to avoid markets without proven profitability and focus on areas where they can pivot quickly to other opportunities. Be wise about your choices and stay adaptable. These things will help ensure a successful future in design.

There’s no doubt about it…AI is a valuable tool for designers, but it is not a replacement. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it to enhance your work. By being smart and critical thinkers, designers can navigate the evolving industry and continue to provide unique and indispensable value.

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