Design Around the World: Kyoto Japan Tour

My family and I booked a tour through Kyoto Japan to most efficiently see everything in the time we had there! It was incredibly beautiful to see the temples, nature, and other parts of this city. 

The tour we went on took us to four different places: Fushimi Inari Temple, the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, and Arashiyama.


There were plenty of food and shopping stands at our first stop before getting to the grounds of the Fushimi Inari Temple. We saw the famous shrine of the Kami Inari, the deity of good harvests and business success. This is one of the most popular images of Japan.

We were obsessed with all of the tiny details in these places. The temples and shrines are beautifully designed and decorated, along with the gates leading up to them! Seeing design in a Japanese culture in real life was so amazing to me.


The Kiyomizu-dera Temple was next, and our favorite part was probably the Otowa waterfall. We got to drink the water of this waterfall as it is sterilized by UV light. It’s supposed to have healing qualities and attract good fortune!

At the Kinkakuji Temple, we were blown away by how beautiful and golden it was! It is one of Japan’s most iconic landmarks and is also known as the Golden Pavilion. The top two floors are covered in gold leaf, which was incredibly designed, not only looking beautiful, but having meaning behind it to represent purity. 

Our final stop was at Arashiyama. This is a bamboo grove and forest that was stunning! I noticed a lot of great signs and detailed patterns of many buildings as we walked into the park. The bamboo stalks get up to 30 meters tall, and it was breathtaking to see in person. 

If you want to watch the YouTube video of our Kyoto tour, click here  It was such a beautiful part of the Japan trip my family did!

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