Make & Design Podcast Gem: Borrow A Little Confidence From Someone Who Believes In You (Episode 40)

The Make & Design Podcast has been going on for a few years now, and this was one of the episodes back in 2021! This is the perfect podcast episode to listen to when you only have about 10 minutes to spare, and need a little boost of motivation and confidence.

Carina explains the difficulty in having confidence in yourself as a designer and in general. She begins by talking about having someone else believe in you to give you a little “kick” to continue in your successes.


It’s okay to let someone else believe in you, it will take you further. If you rely 100% on someone else that you’re gonna make it, that’s different and ineffective. You just need that cheerleader for an extra boost of confidence!

Carina gives an example of her husband, Josh, having the quiet confidence and optimism in her that she would be just fine. This helped her so much in her first few years making hardly any money. It gave her a push that she could make her dreams happen.

Hold onto and lean on those who support you and cheer you on. Allow that to motivate you and boost your own confidence in your abilities. Carina often emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with people who will be there for you, rather than cause doubts and negativity.

To listen to this full podcast episode, visit this link 

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