The Difference That Design Suite Has Made For Aja Fillmore

Aja Fillmore, one of Carina’s design coaches, joined Carina on her Make + Design Podcast to discuss her successes in design. You can watch the full podcast on YouTube and at

When she first began to design, Aja started out by doing a lot of things at once (digital scrapbooking, fabric repeats, printables, etc). She emphasized, “I was trying to do it all my first year, which was not a good idea, because that is not what Carina teaches you to do. She teaches you to pick one thing and focus in on that.”


However, Aja was still managing to make about $400 a month. Carina mentioned how she was very impressed with that, but saw her potential to do even more. She encouraged her to change platforms, and her area of focus, and Aja started making $2400 a month with her artwork!

“Being in the program has really pushed me to do better and go after the big stuff,” Aja explains. Joining Design Bootcamp and then Design Suite made all the difference for her. She talked to Carina before joining and said, “I’ve got the design piece, but I don’t know how to make money with it,” and Carina gave her the tools to succeed.


Going into the unknown was hard for Aja, but so worth it. Carina and her discussed the importance of shifting your mindset to just go for it. So many people out there are afraid to take the next step, but it is exactly what they need.


Later into their discussion, Carina asked Aja what her biggest win has been in the program. Aja says, “It has been the community other than the money aspect. The community that is here is the most amazing and supportive, and we’re always cheering each other on and here for each other when we have lows as well…”

Over time, Aja has taken over the Marco Polo group chat for the community as well. It is a free app where you can send in videos and interact with one another. She talked about the relationships that have grown from that group, and the difference it has made in women’s lives.


Just like Aja, you as well can change your design business through Design Bootcamp and Design Suite. Join the wonderful community to be uplifted and supported!

To watch the YouTube video, visit this link:

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