Highlights from Make + Design Episode 60: Why Carina created her Design Bootcamp and Design Suite

Back in November 2021, Carina made a podcast episode explaining more of the “why” behind her Design Bootcamp and Design Suite. This is an episode that everyone needs to listen to! The full title of the episode is called “Why I Created My Design Bootcamp and Design Suite Programs and How It Can Help You”.


Before Carina had begun the process of creating these programs, she noticed problems in the marketplace that were affecting the success of designers. With the strategies she came up with, she started to implement them into her own designing and selling.


Along with her strategies, Carina also shared how long ago, she used to teach small design classes at a place called JessicaSprague.com. The people in her classes weren’t necessarily coming out of it saying “I am a designer!”. Carina wanted to make a lasting impact to internalize potential.


Design Bootcamp was created for the purpose of Carina being able to have personal relationships with designers. There is a true impact when Carina is able to critique and give pointers. She has noticed real success from this!

From that point, some people notice the frameworks that are stated in Bootcamp actually help them make money. That’s where the Design Suite program comes in. This year-long program condenses what would be four years of a graphic design degree. Carina explains that it is so intense, yet at your own pace, and so powerful.


Even with all of the Design Suite members, there is still one-on-one time to know what needs to be done for individual progress. Carina expresses the gratitude she feels in being able to work with so many amazing women that have been so heavily impacted from these programs.

Design Suite is an investment, Carina explains. Unlike any other program, you can make money while you are in the program. That being said, not everyone will flourish in this program, which is why Carina encourages all who come into Design Suite to start through Bootcamp. This allows people to know what Carina teaches and how she does things.


Carina often mentions the motto to “work smarter, not harder”, which is essentially the whole outcome from Design Bootcamp and Design Suite. There are very few designers that do what she does, and Carina wants to share with anyone willing to learn her tactics!

Not only has it been life changing for those in the programs, it has been life changing for Carina as well. If you want to join a Design Bootcamp, you can visit this link: https://www.designsuitecourses.com/designbootcamp 


To listen to this full podcast episode, visit this link: https://makeanddesign.com/?p=370

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