Podcast Round Up: August edition

This article dives into three insightful podcast episodes that explore essential strategies for creative professionals. From the value of investing in your network, to the transition from interior design to the fabric industry, and the unexpected sources of creative inspiration, these episodes offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to enhance their career and creativity. Whether you’re seeking industry insights, exploring new creative paths, or simply looking to spark your imagination, these discussions provide practical advice and inspiration to keep you moving forward.

1- Episode 457 What Got Me The Inside Scoop When I Had No Network

In this episode, Carina addresses a common question from live bootcamps: how to get the inside scoop without an established network. The advice is straightforward but often overlooked—you have to “pay to play.” This means investing in your career by attending shows, networking, joining programs, and immersing yourself in the industry. By doing so, you gain valuable insights and build connections with key players like buyers and manufacturers. The episode emphasizes that many creatives miss out simply because they hesitate to put themselves out there, making this commitment crucial for success.


2- Episode 462 Interiors to Patterns with Stephanie Socha

In this episode, Stephanie Socha, host of the Make and Decorate podcast, shares her journey from interior design to exploring the world of patterns, hand stitching, and fabrics. With over seven years of podcasting experience, Stephanie discusses how her show has not only showcased her design work but also helped her build a strong network. She details her recent transition into the fabric industry and how podcasting has played a key role in connecting her with the right people and opportunities.


3- Episode 463 What Fiction, Martha Cooks, and Mickey Mouse Do For My Creativity

In this episode, Carina delves into the importance of operating from a place of creativity. She explores how different influences—like fiction, cooking shows like Martha Cooks, and even Disney’s Mickey Mouse—can inspire and fuel our creative processes. Carina encourages listeners to examine their habits and routines, emphasizing the value of maintaining a positive and creative mindset in both work and life.


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