How Journaling Can Boost Your Design Work: Make + Design Podcast Gem

Do you ever struggle to know where to start when making a big project? In the Make + Design Podcast, a hidden gem from February 2022 titled “How I Have Used Journaling To Take My Design Work To The Next Level”, reveals strategies that Carina uses, which can become the catalyst for your future design projects.Carina starts out the episode by giving an example of how journaling helped her create a new fabric line. It is important to notice that this is a big project, not a small every-day craft. Carina uses journaling for her big projects only, since they require more work. The key to this journaling was using it as a way of “mapping out” her ideas.

When you map out a big project, you allow your brain to dump out many ideas you wouldn’t normally think of. The act of writing ideas on paper gives you the clarity and direction you need for when you go to the action of creating the actual project.

Carina explained that the actual fabric line produced does not often look like what the “map out” was, which is okay! The whole point of mapping out is to brainstorm and revise your project to the best version it can be, which is what the final product becomes.

If you are ever stuck at the starting point of a big creative project you have, journaling and “mapping out”, is your key to moving forward.

To listen to this full 10 minute podcast by Carina, click here.

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