"From self-doubt to self-discovery, my journey as a coach on the 'Design Your Life' Podcast has been nothing short of transformative. What started as a leap outside my comfort zone has become a weekly highlight, where laughter, insight, and encouragement blend into something I never knew I needed." You can Find Inspiration Through the *Design Your Life* Podcast and encouragement.
The *Design Your Life* Podcast has quickly become one of my absolute favorite parts of being a coach at Carina Gardner’s Design Suite. Specifically, the *Coaches Unfiltered* segment. It has brought me an unexpected amount of joy and as a result, I have found inspiration and encouragement through the Design Your Life Podcast with Carina Gardner. If you had told me a year ago that I’d be on a podcast, I would have laughed and said, "You’re nuts!" I mean, I’m a born-and-bred, sweet tea-drinking Southern girl with a strong Southern accent that I’ve always been a little self-conscious about. The idea of broadcasting my voice to the world? I never thought I’d want to do that. And besides, who would even care what I had to say?
Well, let me tell you—saying "yes" to Carina’s invitation has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Being part of the Design Your Life Podcast has been a deeply rewarding experience. Each episode brings something meaningful into my life, and believe me, I hear *every* episode. I’m literally paid to listen! But here’s the thing—I don’t just listen because it’s part of my job. I genuinely look forward to it. You can find inspiration through the insights Carina always has, and I get so excited to hear her thoughts. Then, after I’ve soaked it all in, I get to chat with Julie about it on the *Coaches Unfiltered* segment. Before we know it, we’ve been talking for 20 minutes, and it feels like no time has passed at all.

What I love most about the Design Your Life Podcast is how it’s never the same twice. Carina covers such a wide range of topics—from practical business strategies that help us grow as designers to personal stories that make her so relatable. I especially Find Inspiration Through the *Design Your Life* Podcast and those stories! She’s even willing to pull back the curtain on some of the inner workings of the Design Suite, which I know a lot of listeners really appreciate. And don’t even get me started on the book recommendations! I think I’ve read almost every book she’s suggested, and every single one has been worth the time. It’s amazing how much I’ve learned, not just in my career, but on a personal level too.
As a designer, it’s easy to feel a little isolated. We often work from home, spending long stretches of time alone with our projects. That’s one reason the Design Your Life Podcast has been such a lifeline for me. Hearing Carina share her experiences—the highs and the struggles—has reminded me that I’m not alone in this. So many of the challenges I face are the same ones she has encountered. That connection, that sense of shared experience, has been so encouraging and uplifting. It’s like having a mentor right in my ear, cheering me on and reminding me that I’m on the right path.
Carina has a gift for encouragement. Every now and then, she’ll dedicate an entire episode to lifting people up, and it feels like she’s speaking directly to me. That’s the beauty of podcasts, isn’t it? They’re always there when you need them, like a good friend you can turn to when you’re feeling down. Whether I need a little pep talk, fresh ideas, or just a reminder that I’m not out here on my own, the *Design Your Life* Podcast is always there for me.
For me, it’s not just something I listen to; it’s a weekly highlight. It’s a constant source of inspiration, motivation, and community. I hope that it continues to reach and inspire others in the same way it has for me. If you haven’t tuned in yet, I can’t recommend it enough. Find Inspiration Through the *Design Your Life* Podcast, it just might become a favorite part of your week, too.
You can sign up for the Design Your Life Podcast here: https://www.designsuitecourses.com/offers/LzDHi9sW