Last July, I prepared several recipes and met up with photographer Justin Hackworth and editor-in-chief of Where Women Cook Magazine Jo Packham to take photos in my 1968 Jet Airway.
It's now March. When I received the copy of the magazine I was completely surprised to see my family on the front cover! Well, surprised is an understatement. Delighted and giddy describes it better! My mom was in town helping me sew my most recent book (Sweetly Stitched Quilts available in Kindle and PDF format), and she saw how excited I was. Actually, she might have seen me jump right out of my chair in my office, lol.
There are so many wonderful recipes in this issue! I'm excited to try them out. There are also some gorgeous photos. Because so many photos I loved from the shoot didn't make it into the issue I thought I would share a few here. Also be sure to check out the hastag #carinaglamps on instagram for more glamper goodness.
If you want to see more of my glamper renovation, check it out here.

This Peach Fizzy Drink didn't make it into the magazine but is in my book.

Get your issue of this magazine here or at your local craft or grocery store.