Gigantic Marshmallows and Moose

We've been camping the last couple of days roasting ridiculously large marshmallows (My husband says they throw the universe out of balance. My mother-in-law suggests jumbo-sized chocolates and graham crackers should be sold to match these. I think a brand-new box of baby wipes should accompany them.).


On the campgrounds, look what we spotted this beauty:

IMG_3637It was just on the edge of the campgrounds as we walked over the bridge. I didn't think we were going to see any critters (except for Potty and Snotty (so named by my daughters)—our potbellied squirrels that scavenged our campsite). It was such a treat to see this big guy!

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A Lazy Saturday

We went to Lagoon (a Utah theme park) and are now recovering. I love theme parks, but a day of rest is necessary afterwards.


So today, we are still in pajamas and creating all sorts of disasters. The girls got out the scrapbook stuff and created their own "books" this morning. I'm also planning on getting to the mountain, er, laundry accumulating downstairs.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the chat this morning. It was a bit of a problem because the site was overloaded, so I left up the thread and anyone can comment on it until 5pm MST to win the $10 gift certificate. I'll announce the winner at the end of the thread. Want to check it out? Go here.

You also have a chance to grab one of my kits for free this weekend during the sale and a couple of $1 Kits. You'll also notice the Meredith Fenwick has her entire shop for sale so you can check it out the sale here.

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Designer Weekend Sale—Daisy Jane and Informed

Today is release day. I have a couple of new releases today (30% off today only), but my favorite is my Americana, which I made in honor of Independence Day.carina_americana_layout

If you've been looking for a digital scrapbooking sale from me, here it is!  My designer sale going on this weekend at DHD. There will be a free kit (You'll want to jump on and download it!), and two $1 kits. All of Daisy Jane and Informed with be 25% off on Saturday and Sunday ONLY.

I also have a special code for my blog readers! This coupon code is for 25% off the FRESH PICKED MEGA COLLECTION on Saturday and Sunday only! Your code at check out is: BLOGLOVECG

And finally, come join me for a chat in the DHD Scrap Room at 9am MST on Saturday, June 26th. If you've ever wanted to see the pure mayhem of chatting through a forum for 1 hour, you should come join in for it!



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Happy Birthday—Free Download

IMG_3158It's just a silly, little thing, but worth it for the birthday girl! Print out silly faces of the birthday girl (or boy) and place a birthday hat on their head. Add a toothpick and you have a very fun (and thoughtful) birthday cake (even when your birthday cake is having a landslide problem. Next time don't attempt a third layer, Carina)!

happybirthdayhat_cgJust click on the image (and "Save As" to download) if you want to use this little template for your own birthday hat silliness!

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Old School Fun-Paint and Play in a Cardboard Box

I bought a dresser last week and, of course, the best part is that it came in a box. After playing with it for a week inside, we dragged it outside to paint it and let the neighborhood play in it.

IMG_2955 copy



They get to use their creativity and it's, I love a good box!

Also a shout out to everyone taking Jessica Sprague and my course: The Art of Digital Design today! It's week 5 and you are stuck with me (whaaahaaaaa)! Excited for all the fun we're going to have this week!

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Old School Fun-Paint and Play in a Cardboard Box Read More »

Sew Important

IMG_2180My mom was recently in town, and she gave Siri a sewing lesson. It reminded me of when I started sewing at the ripe old age of five years old by my mom's side (I'm sure not unlike the way Siri was sitting by her in this picture I managed to capture).

The amazing part is I remember taking her old scraps at the age of eight and being completely unsupervised on the sewing machine (kudos to her for letting me go at it). I remember making Barbie dresses with big skirts (my introduction to learning how to gather). I remember cutting the fabric in all sorts of crazy ways and sewing them in even crazier ways. It was brilliant. The pure happiness of a little girl entranced in her sewing project.

Looking back, I appreciate more than ever my mom's efforts to let me be creative...and let me try things independent of her. I must have made a fact, I can even remember some of the messes. I would dump out boxes of scraps of fabric and thread looking for the exact right piece—a mother's nightmare to clean up.

This little trip down memory lane is just a nice reminder to myself that I need to create opportunities for my little ones to be creative (And maybe be okay with the messes. Ouch! That's hard!). I hope that whatever crafting and creativity you have in your life is also a part of your children's lives too—Because I think creativity is pretty important. Hope you do something fun this weekend with your loved ones and nurture that creativity!

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Dirty and Clean Dishwasher Tag—Free Download

dirtyorclean_1I've been meaning to make this for myself for sometime now—A magnetic dishwasher button that tells everyone else in the house if the dishes are clean or dirty. Here it is for you too (should you also have the problem of everyone asking you if the dishes are clean or dirty). I'm going to laminate mine, glue to thick paper or board, and add a magnet to the back. A pretty simple project. If I had a button maker, I'd probably make it into a button instead. If you do cool things with this button, be sure add the link here or add it to our Flickr group.

When your dishes are clean, simply flip the "Completely Clean" side up and when they are dirty, flip the "Disgustingly Dirty" side up. I even included 4 colors here so you could decide which worked best in your kitchen:).

Download below!

dishwasher_cgHere's a few other things to check out:

+ If you wanted Pretty Posy, you only have a few more hours to join the Facebook group. I extended giving out the freebie until tonight.

+ Coquette™ will be arriving in the next couple of weeks, and I've already started getting a quilt design together for you! I've also got all sorts of other crafty ideas for you with the line.

+ A few updates to the studio site was made including the addition of Love Nest™ to the fabric section. If you want to see this line at your local quilting shop, be sure and email the link to the web brochure to them! You can also check it out on the sidebar on this here blog.

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Funny June Weather

After a few beautiful days, we got this yesterday:


Someone needs to explain this weather to me. Today I put in my herb garden. It was freezing and the wind was crazy. Silly me for trying to garden!

If you haven't signed up for the facebook page yet, there's still time to get the free kit! We are SO close to 500 people and once we hit it, I'll be sending out a link to everyone with a download of this beautiful kit.

Happy Saturday!

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Facebook Fan Freebie

I recently started a Facebook page so that you can keep up with blog posts, sales, and freebies. So here's one of them! Once we hit 500 people, I'm going to give away my new Pretty Posy digital scrapbooking kit to everyone who joins! Once we hit 500, this kit will go on sale at Design House Digital. So take advantage of getting it free now!


Here's a cute little layout I did of my friend's daughter, Isn't she adorable?



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A Busy Morning

I always wonder were my days go. So this morning I had camera in hand while we did our "stuff." Sure, not a typical day for us in some ways (Siri was home from school because she's had a fever the last couple of days and we didn't want to infect anyone). And super typical in other ways (there's always some kind of craft-making mess in our house).


Paper crafting, anyone? (Of course, only after I actually managed to clean my studio)


More projects with the paper (Siri chose MeadowLark™ for her wings this morning).


Why do these darn kid sprinklers ALWAYS break?


The view from my backyard. We anticipate seeing this for the next few days. You can just barely see our next-door neighbor directing the bulldozer guy.

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How to Change a Skirt into a Dress

IMG_2549 copy

IMG_2509 copyI found these darling skirts at Gymboree clearanced out. So of course, the only sizes left were 9 and 10...a bit big for a 3 and 6 year old (and I wasn't about to let these bad boys sit idly in a closet for a few years!). So I made these skirts into dresses.

With just a bit of ribbon and a giant flower (I got mine from The Lace Place), these skirts become dresses for my girls. Here's what you'll need to do a project like this:

+ ½ yard to 1 yard of ribbon that matches or contrasts your skirt (I went with the pink satin ribbon)

+ 1 yard of ribbon for a bow or silk flower

+ large safety pin

+ Fray check

+ small, squirmy child to try it all on

1. Fit the skirt to your child. Most likely you'll need to bring it in a little. I'm not the kind to pick apart the whole thing and put it back together. I just turn it inside out and sew an inch (or whatever) into the seam. I don't even sew the length of the dress! I just taper off after a couple of inches.

2. Cut the ribbon in ¼ to ⅙ lengths and fit to your child ( you'll need 2 lengths for each "sleeve").

3. Sew the ribbon into the skirt wrong side out (You'll do this four at each point the skirt and ribbon connect). Sew at least two lines of stitches. Put fray check on the raw edges.IMG_2528 copy

4. Put the safety pin through the large flower or bow you've made. Then attach it to the dress. I like the safety pin because then you can take it off when you wash the dress or use it as an accessory on other clothing.

I think this project took me an hour from start to finish. Modeling for me is my darling niece Lola (I think my own kids have had it with me and the blog modeling!). She was actually excited about wearing Felicity's dress (that's a welcome change!).

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Find My Free "Stuff" Easier

Recently, I included a link above called "free downloads." If you have clicked on it recently, then you know that I've now made it a little easier for you to find the free patterns, free downloads, and free printables on this site!

This new little page can be accessed from the top navigation bar (free downloads) or the blog's side bar (the lovely photo of the Coquette™ flower in that cute little red-head's hair). It doesn't include ALL the free stuff that you can find on this site...just my favorites! And with EQ7 in hand (it just showed up this week!), I'm going to have a few more patterns before long for you (I have certainly gotten into the spirit of quilting since going to Quilt Market)!

And if you didn't see the Design House Digital sale, yet, I'd recommend heading over. Super big kits are on sale for just $1! Have fun!

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Chinese New Year Party

This is a flashback post:)! You know how I mentioned that I was going to try and dig up a few things I MEANT to post about but never did? So here's one of them! These photo are from my Annual Chinese New Year Party. I used to throw a CNY when we lived in Minnesota (in fact, Aimee and Bryant (pictured in the center) were the first attendees of my Chinese New Year Party seven years ago in MN!). This was my first attempt to throw this party in our new, little house in Utah. We managed to squish 20 people into our tiny living room. We moved out most of the furniture and put tables on the floor. It was tight, but cozy.

My cute husband bought me a darling set of dishes that was perfect for this party. I ended up making invitations, menu cards, and and place cards to match (I should dig those out and turn it into a digi kit, huh?).

I spent the day cooking the way my mom taught me (She just recently came into town and fed us our favorite dishes). My sister came over to help cook and manned the camera during the party (thanks, sis!).


My favorite thing about a party like this? Getting to know new people and catching up with friends. We always invite a mix of new and old friends to a party because it adds variety to the group dynamic.

I've already started thinking about next year's party. Chinese, anyone?

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How to Make an Easy Summer Wreath

I think wreaths are one of those things that are really easy to make especially when you can't find exactly the kind of wreath you want (In my case, an all green summer wreath). Of course, I think the materials are pretty expensive (which is what keeps me from making all of my wreaths), but if you can find a fab sale, then making a wreath is easy (and did I mention fun?). I found such a sale and stocked up with some summer and fall stuff to make a couple of wreaths.

I like to keep it pretty simple. My summer wreath is made of four types of stems but they are all varying shades of green (so I can't screw up). Then, I just layer them.


I just put a little hot glue on the bottom of the stem as I push it into the wreath. Sometimes I put a little hot glue on top, but not always because I want some of the branches to fall out to give it volume.


The layers for this summer wreath are 1)boxwood leaves, 2) lime green olive branches, 3) green berries, and 4) mini green apples. Group the green apples together (2 or 3 together).


This wreath took me less than an hour (how do I know? Because I dropped Siri off at dance and finished it before I picked her up again).


And there you go! An fun and custom wreath for your door!

BTW, if you haven't taken a look at the sidebar, you'll notice I now have a new "grab it" button! Please really take it and share it!

Speaking of sharing, if you have any great wreath ideas, please leave your comments here with links to wreaths you've made!!! I love hearing what you have to say and seeing what you are making too!

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A Digital Scrapbooking Sale at Design House Digital

I've been putting out Fresh Picked for a couple of weeks now and after seeing the spring and summer collection, you had to know that autumn and winter were going to follow, right? So tomorrow, you can check out those collection at Design House Digital along with the mega kit that includes all 16 kits.

What's the big deal about the Mega Fresh Picked Kit (try saying that 3 times fast!)? Well, all these kits alone would cost you $63.84, but the mega kit is only $39.99.  Add the 30% off for release day (Thursday only) and that whole jumbo kit is only $27.99. It's pretty much a steal.


What do I like about Fresh Picked? Well, other than the solids (I like having a huge stack...I mean, I tried 3 green backgrounds on this layout before I settled on the correct one!), I like that it's a collection I can use for any season.


Also wanted to mention my new little Facebook page. Yes, I'd love you to join; Yes, I feel silly about having one; and Yes, I will have a Facebook freebie on there soon (I just couldn't think of any "no's." If you don't want to join now, just look over on the sidebar for the link. I'm hoping that this page will make it easier for you to hear about sales, blog posts, and design news coming from my little corner of the world.

Products used in the above layouts all created by Carina Gardner | Green Layout: Fresh Picked Summer Borders, Spring Solids, Spring Stamps, Summer Solids, Summer Florals, and Autumn Stamps

Blue Layout: Fresh Picked Winter Papers, Winter Stamps, Winter Titles, Autumn Tickets, and Design 365 Color Kit 1

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Felicity Fabric Flower Pattern-Free Download


I've been making these fabric flowers for a couple of weeks now and named the little pattern after my sweet little red-head. I first made this pattern for Siri's ruffle dress that I've been working on (pinwheel and pearls in the center), but I also like it with the big button on this shirt featuring Love Nest™ and this cute headband featuring Coquette™. It's pretty easy to make and super versatile!

The headband uses both the little and large petal patterns and the flower on the shirt just uses the large pattern. I can see a whole string of teeny-tiny flowers hanging like flags in my office. I'll have to get to work on that!

Think shirts, headbands, clips, and belts. This little flower would be cute on all of those! Okay, enough gabbing! Here's the easy-peasy instructions for you. Download by clicking on the image below!

Happy sewing!



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Quilt Market Day 2 | Celebrity Sighting

Here's a recap of today's celebrity sightings (in between the many meetings I had today!):

Jen Allyson, Heather Baily, me, and Deena Rutter.


With Lizzy House


I went Anna Marie's book signing at Treadle Yard Goods in St. Paul. She's really as nice in person as she is on her blog.


Couldn't help myself! I had to take a photo in the Summit neighborhood while I was on Grand Avenue in St. Paul.


I had a little stop at Cafe Latte while on Grand Avenue. I got a little treat take home via airplane for my sweetie.


If you can't tell I'm a total foodie. The people to the side of me could only stare at me taking pictures of my food! Sorry folks! I document my food if it looks this good.

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Quilt Market Day 1

As promised, I'm writing reporting back on Quilt Market! It was my first day, and as a wide-eyed newbie, I was completely enthralled with everything! One thing that made me happy, happy, happy, was to be in Minnesota again! Here are the highlights:

The view from my hotel. Totally gorgeous!


Coquette™ in full force!


I hung out at the Northcott™ booth this morning before walking the show floor.


Shari Berry's new line Child's Play for Northcott™. So sweet! The ABC fabric is my favorite!


These felt cakes are SOOOOOO adorable! I loved walking the show for this kind of stuff!


Lunch with some new friends! Bloggers John, Kaye, and Jennifer (Jennifer's friend Doe took the photo).


I picked up Jen Allyson and Deena at the airport after a day at the Convention Center. We went to one of my favorite restaurants Muffuletta in Anthony Park.


Here we are! Happy and full!

Okay, so that's the wrap for the first day. Sorry there aren't more descriptions but I need to get myself to bed for another fun-filled day tomorrow!

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Print on Fabric with Your InkJet Printer


Would you believe that that the fabric in that little shirt Siri is wearing was printed on my INK JET printer? Nuts, huh? I needed to make a mock-up of my fabric Love Nest™ which won't come out until January 2011 so I decided to try this little trick. The shirt turned out beautifully and you would never know that I simply printed on my inkjet. All you have to do is buy fabric (I used white 100% cotton) and iron it onto Freezer Paper (which can be bought at your local grocery store).

IMG_1784The freezer paper makes the fabric stiff enough to go through the printer. You iron the freezer paper's waxy-shiny side to the fabric. My printer is able to print 13" x 19" sheet, which really helped with the construction. I printed off 4 sheets in the pink paisley from Love Nest™ and 1 sheet in the red calico flower from Love Nest™. (BTW, pattern for that flower will be coming soon to this blog!).

I can't imagine that the fabric is will hold  up to several washings (I've heard that you can wash it a few times before it starts having trouble), but I love the idea of instant fabric and will have to dream up some more uses for this little trick!

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Working Draft of a New Pattern


We've been a busy crew here at the Gardner house the last few weeks! Among other things we had family pictures taken (by the amazing Susan Haglund).Good timing too so that I could get these amazing photos of Siri wearing the first draft of a pattern I've been working on. Don't you worry, I'll be whipping this ruffly-thing up in Coquette™ too.

IMG_7069_filtered_1I ran into friend Melissa Esplin tonight (I was trying to sneak into JoAnn's looking pretty awful and got caught!), who inspired me to try and get all those great projects I've been hoarding up on my blog. I have a few months of back log (I know, I know, did I mention I've been busy?), and I'm going to do my best to get them rolling out so you can be inspired too. Oh ya, and you certainly will be seeing a post from me this weekend: I'll be reporting from Quilt Market in Minneapolis. I'm looking forward to seeing old friends there and attending this amazing show for the first time. I'll be sure to snap a lot of photos of my favs!

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MeadowLark Giveaway Winner Announced and A Bit of Favorite Friday

I haven't had a Favorite Friday post in an age, but I thought I would give you a little Favorite Friday today by sharing my never-fail, absolutely-easy, dessert-of-choice for parties I throw. What is it? It seems ridiculous that I by-pass the best pastry shops and go straight to Costco for their chocolate cake. It's affordable, rich, and feeds a crowd! After serving and preparing a big dinner, I always try to opt out of cooking dessert, and this is the way to do it! I served it at my Annual Chinese New Year Party this year (which I STILL haven't gotten around to posting photos of!) and it fed 20 people (with left-overs to spare). I like to serve it with fresh strawberries. It's such a treat and perhaps even better because I didn't slave over a hot stove to make it !


OKay, enough Favorite Friday! I'm sure you are itching to know who the winner of MeadowLark™ is! First, thank you to everyone who made comments about MeadowLark! It was fun to read what you might use the collection for! I get a kick out of reading your comments and the more comments this blog gets, the more fun it is to post giveaways and freebies! Let people know so I can continue to do so! And the winner for this giveaway by was:

Screen shot 2010-05-14 at 4.51.47 PMPatti Hutchinson says: I just love the idea of a neutral black and white line for all of my spring and summer flower pictures. I also think it would make a great mini album for just about anything!
Thanks Patti for your comment and I'm excited to see those photos! I just need you to email me at and I'll get this lovely collection shipped out to you right away! Not a bad way to end the week, huh?

As for me, I've got some serious designing to do this weekend because I'm gearing up for Quilt Market next week in my home-of-six years, Minneapolis! My first line Coquette™ will be premiering there. I'll be sure to give you all a report and LOTS of pictures!
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Sewing with A Ruffler

I have to take a little minute to chit chat about my new Ruffler. This amazing little device can save you minutes, nay hours of hand-gathering! I got this little baby when I started working on a children's pattern with an absurd amount of ruffles (I just can't help it! I adore ruffles!). The ruffles are perfect (you can choose a ruffle at every 1, 6, or 12 stitches thereby also creating the most perfect pleat).


If you are an avid sewer + ruffle-person (please tell me I'm not the only one out there), you would love this device (BTW, Bernina did not put me up to is simply my own little obsession. Josh is tired of me pushing guests into my studio to show them how amazing it is!).

Just as a side note, the MeadowLark™ giveaway ends tomorrow! Be sure and enter by adding a comment in the post below!

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MeadowLark Paper Giveaway!

I just picked up more of my MeadowLark™ Collection on Friday. I've been inspired by the black and white papers in this line to work on all sorts of projects (check out my ABC Book) because they are so neutral! I've decided I need to share the love so I'm giving away both the Dusk and Dawn Paper Packs (18 papers back and front with 2 accessory sheets!) plus the two rub-ons (I'm obsessed) that match! What do you need to do to get entered to win this set? Just leave me a little comment on this thread of what you might use this super versatile line for or why you love it! I'll choose one winner on Friday evening (this giveaway will end 5pm MST) by random selection. Good luck!


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Designer Get-Together for Design House Digital

I just got back from a lovely weekend retreat with Design House Digital designers in Midway, Utah. We laughed, listened to Glee, worked, and chit chat. Who was there? Jen Allyson, Deena Rutter, Melissa Esplin, Mary Shaw, Gennifer Bursett, and Spencer Nugent (who showed up at Hi Mountain Drug in Camas at the end of the retreat). It was wonderful hanging out and getting to know these awesome girls a little better!

Here's a run down of what we were up to:







Thanks ladies for all the fun!!!! I'm excited to get to know you all better and steal your headbands (um, thanks Melissa!), decorate with the new birdie plate (I love you Jen!) and force you to help me pick out shoes (everyone had to at least LISTEN to that).

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On the Subject of Family

IMG_1374_smSunday night we got together as a family at Liz and Tim's house. It was fun, the food was good, and the company was excellent. Liz also had me up late to help refresh an old chair. I couldn't help but show it off here because the final result was amazing. I should have taken a before photo. Just know that old white washed wood was dingy and the old faded cream textured fabric was ragged and dirty. I was glad we gave it new life with this geometric fabric and white finish! The contrast of the antique chair with the bold geometric made me pretty happy.

I also promised an update on my sister who has adopted a darling little boy! SuiKim and Steve has had new baby Grant for a couple of weeks now. It seems as if he has always been here! Siri coos over the baby and asks when we are getting a baby brother. Um, not any time soon, darling. Sorry to disappoint. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who bought Baby Mine! It was a wonderful success!

IMG_1383_smSuiKim was over at my house yesterday and I had a darling package from one of our Decorators from Design House Digital, Heather. She had used the Baby Mine kit to make two adorable sleepers (which she sewed!!!). SuiKim and I were touched! Thank you Heather for the generosity! Grant is going to look stunning in sleepers! I was also impressed with this darling baby card Heather made (I need that script font!). The tininess added  to the intimacy and  sweetness. You are best Heather!


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interNational Scrapbooking Day-Freebie

IMG_1307_smAll the hail and sleet the last couple of days gave me some extra "inside time" to get this freebie together for you in honor of interNational Scrapbooking Day! Otherwise, I'd still be in my yummy lime green gardening boots planting ranunculus in my front yard!

So here's some of the fun going on at DHD: There is a HUGE site-wide sale happening, chats all day on Saturday, May 1st, and freebies to be had. I'm jumping the gun a little by posting a day early with this freebie, but I say let the fun begin! Be sure to drop by HERE at 9am MST for my chat at DHD (hint, I'll have a little exclusive freebie:).

So why is this kit called Paisley v2? Because you can download Paisley v1 by signing up to be a fan of Design House Digital on Facebook! When the fan page hits 2000 fans, this freebie will be given out.

Okay! Here's Paisley v.2. Just click on the kit to download it!


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ABC Book Template


I've been working on this new hybrid ABC Book for a couple of days now. It's a little present for my mother-in-law for Mother's Day...shhhhh! Don't tell! She even gave me a little time to work on it while she hauled my kids to the aquarium for a little "grammy" time yesterday. I had to share because I made this little book from MeadowLark™ and my new ABC Templates that will be out tomorrow at DHD. The mini illustrations are so sweet! Think Mother's Day (or in my case, Grandma's Day). The bonus? It's pretty easy to make.

dhd_carinagardner_abc_sqPREVThe templates all fit on a 4 in x 4 in photo (I get 4"x6" photos printed at Costco and leave the extra space blank). All I did was take my "ABC photos" and dropped the templates on top (the digital kit comes with both white and black versions-52 files in all).

Once they are printed, you only have the fun part left! This little book is 5 in. x 5 in. You could make your book any size though. When I make my photos 4" x 6", I tend to make a 5 in" x 7 in" book. I was loving the black and white papers because it made the photos really pop. I added red ink to all the paper edges as an accent and some fun MME rub on letters to the cover (the other elements on the cover come from the MeadowLark™ die cut accessory sheets).  Oh ya, and my favorite way to get things bound? A quick trip to OfficeMax to let them spiral bind it for me. I'm okay with the hand off on this part of it!


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ABC Book Template Read More »

Design House Digital Designer Blog Hop Freebie!


If this is the first post that you are hitting for the DHD Designer Blog hop, then you are in for a treat! If you've hit this blog from one of the other designer's blog, then WELCOME! I'm happy to give you one more piece of the DHD Designer Blog Hop Freebie!

dhd_carinagardner_dhddesigner_1PREVSo what is the DHD Designer Blog Hop? It's an opportunity for you to check out each of the Design House Digital designer blogs and get to know your favorite designers! And what better way to do it than by giving you a little freebie to boot? Well, little is maybe a bit of an understatement, heehe. To get the entire kit above (can you believe how big it is?) simply click on the icons below with the designer's name and hop from blog to blog, downloading as you go! (Hint, if you just click on the right hand icons you'll hit every designer going one way, if you click on the left hand icons, you'll hit each designer going the other way!)

Download my 6 digital papers from this gorgeous kit by clicking on the icon below. I'm totally loving the colors (spring is calling to me!)! Enjoy!

While, I'm here, I ought to mention that I've made a few changes to the blog and studio sites. A little easier navigation system (if you want to see designs in fabric, paper, digital, and courses, all you have to do is click on DESIGNS & RELEASES now.) It's also easier to find the free downloads and the newest releases (under DESIGNS & RELEASES). Check it out up top! And my final little bit of news is that the ladies over at My Mind's Eye's blog have been doing some FABULOUS stuff with my new Meadowlark™ line, so check it out if you get a chance!carinadownloadicon

Okay, ready pick up the rest of this delicious kit? Check out these designer's blogs:
hop-tiffany hop-melissa

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It's a Project Day


Ahhhhh! I love a good project day! I'm off the computer designing for a day (after finishing up my new collection Daisy Jane™ for DHD last night) and getting paint on my face! I found a steal of a deal at Tai Pan the other day, and it's been waiting for me to give it a fresh coat of paint. Of course, Felicity helped as only a toddler can (that's her little hand painting in the photo!). I'm also hoping to get out those new MeadowLark™ papers to work on a little project. That's this afternoon (with the girls...they love a good art project as much as I do).

elephant frontSpeaking of projects, I have to show off these amazing projects by one of DHD's new Hybrid Decorators: Jane Beljo (click on her name to see more). These cards use the Baby Mine kit (proceeds go to a good cause—see the post below!). You can see her helpful hints for making her cards at Design House Digital (her first post is here).

Oh ya, and I've been meaning to give a little shout out to Hi Mountain Drug Store in Kamas, Utah. Our little family stopped by to see DHD's Digi guru Gennifer Bursett on our way back from a spring break vacation last week. It's no wonder that the burger joint there has won so many awards! I inhaled that deleIMG_1075ctable philly burger with the refreshing limeade in a ridiculous amount of time. Yes, my mouth is salivating just thinking of it. Gen, watch out...I may be back sooner than you'd like!

Okay, backing away from the computer now :).

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Winner of Color Kit 3 Giveaway is...

from is Comment # 8

Rhadonda says:

Children truly are a gift and a blessing. Congrats to your sister. I will be back to buy the kit to help your sister. Hobby… to digital scrapbooking and loving it. I also love to sew and smock (kind of like embroidered hand stitch) little girl dresses. The new color kit looks awesome too. Thanks for the opportunity.

Congrats Rhadonda! I LOVE smocking (not doing it but looking at it:). You've won Color Kit #3. I'll contact you to get you a link to download this fab kit! I know this giveaway was short notice, so thank you to everyone who participated! Be sure and check out DHD today and pick up Baby Mine or Color Kit 3 if you get a chance!

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Winner of Color Kit 3 Giveaway is... Read More »

A Super Post- A Free Download, A Giveaway, and A Good Cause


I'd like to start with the good cause because, well, it's the most exciting for me! My little sister SuiKim (pronounced "Sweet-Kim" without the "t") and her husband Steve found out a couple of weeks ago that they have been chosen to adopt a little baby boy! I'm especially happy for SuiKim and Steve, who are just about the nicest, kindest couple of people around. They have spent most of their marriage wanting to have a child, and haven't been as fortunate as many of us. If you've gone through this process, you know how heartbreaking and difficult it is. I'm so grateful that this opportunity has come  for them and wanted to share my joy with you.

sistersWithout going into my family history, I'll just tell you that my family as suffered a bit of heartache the last few years (a story for another time). Because of this SuiKim and Steve don't have many financial resources. I wanted to help the best way I know how. So the digital kit above, BABY MINE, will go on sale on Thursday, April 8th, at Design House Digital with all the proceeds going to help pay for the adoption. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity in helping me get this new little family started. I'll be sure to post pictures of the little one when he arrives (camera will be waiting in hand!). (BTW, the pic on the side is my sister Yanni (right), SuiKim (center holding Yanni's son Tad), and me).

If you don't digital scrapbook, or just want to help, I've included a donation box here for you to send money to them.

Please Donate To SuiKim and Steve's Adoption



Powered by The-Online-Quest

Thanks again for all your help in this effort! I'm excited to see this little family get their first baby!

Okay, on to the next thing! A giveway. Yes, I know you like giveaways and I do too! Due to hit Design House Digital on Thursday is a new Color Kit. I've been getting emails about this, and FINALLY I got to it! Want to win it? All you have to do is leave me a little message in this post about your favorite hobby—Are you scrapbooker? Quilter? Avid crafter? Obsessive organizer? I love hearing about others' obsessive need to create! I'm right there with you.

Here's little peek at Color Kit 3. I'll post the winner Thursday morning, bright and early so leave me some love sometime on Wednesday.


And finally, a little freebie for you! It's a little party card download made from the Baby Mine kit. Use it for a birthday, baby shower, baby housewarming party, or (in my case) "Baby's Here!" party. If you aren't a "digital person," no worries! This card is already positioned on an 8.5" x 11" paper so all you have to do is download and print. You may get a download window, or the image may appear in a new screen (if this happens just right click on it and SAVE IMAGE). It's a high quality jpg that will print beautifully for you! Enjoy!


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Pinfeathers Sale


I started this morning with an Easter egg hunt and brunch at my house with family. I was just thankful that weather's little April Fool's joke had mostly melted away. Brunch was still held inside, but we held the hunt in the backyard. I was just telling Siri how much I loved Easter egg hunts as a kid. I even remember one year we found eggs hanging on the tree in our front yard with all sorts of treats.  My parents said they didn't know who put the eggs up and the mystery made it even more wonderful. I was just thinking about it last week and realized that my PARENTS were the ones to have hung the eggs. I guess it only takes 20 years to figure something like that out.

I hope you are also enjoying your Easter weekend! We start spring break and I hope to spend most of my week just hanging out with the kids and having a little family holiday. A break is much needed!


Before I drop off for a week, I thought I'd better let you know about a couple of things. First is that at DHD there is a designer sale going on this weekend only on my PinFeathers Collection. You should check out the freebie, $1 item, and the 20% off that is happening Sat-Sun only (April 3-4).

Second, I wanted to mention that Meadow Lark is officially on sale at My Mind's Eye. Go check it out! It's part of the Spring Release that also includes So Sophie (which is to die for!) by Jen Allyson and Deena Rutter.


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Sick baby

logo copyI've been dealing with the croup for, well, not even the last 24 hours. My poor little toddler started hacking last night and got to a point where she couldn't catch her breath. It was probably overly anxious, but Josh had dialed 911 before I knew what had happened. Of course, by the time the ambulance arrived, she was breathing steadily again. After a horrible night of sleep, lots of loads of laundry (because who knew all that gagging would result in so much vomit?), and an elevated fever, I ran her up in InstantCare. I'm in for the long haul for a couple of more nights.

Of course, my baby is most important, but during the periods of her little naps or Josh's trips to McDonalds (that's all she will eat right now-terrible, I know), I'm trying to stuff a few more things into my new Drawing Class currently being sold at Jessica Sprague (It's also now being sold at a discounted price as a bundle with Illustrator 101). I also wanted to let you know that I will be doing a one time only WebCast for the class on April 15th for everyone who has registered. I'm excited for you to begin illustrating!

Here's a few other things happening! Expect to see my new paper line, Meadow Lark, showing up from My Mind's Eye soon! You'll also like to know that you'll be able to find two glitter books from me at Hobby Lobby and Michaels in the coming months. Yum Yum! And finally, I'm suppose to finish out this week by sending tons of files to China for my new Halloween paper line for My Minds Eye. I'll announce it and give a peek as we get closer to summer releases!

Okay, one last thing before I run. This weekend, DHD is beginning their new designer releases, which begins with yours truly! Check it out because one of my kits will be free and a collection will be one sale. Oh, and I promised the decorators I'd get a Color Kit out. I promise, I'm working on it!

For now, I need to get back to tending my little one so we can be back on track for a festive Easter!

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A New Illustrator Class: Tips and Tricks of Drawing


I know you've been waiting patiently! So I'm here to announce that my new Illustrator class for Jessica Sprague goes on sale on Monday! It will be available to take on April 1st. It's a two week course of intensive drawing for beginners. I include two of my favorite tricks. I hope you enjoy this additional mini class for those of you learning how to illustrate your own work!

In other news, you are going to see two new glitter books from me soon (at Michaels and Hobby Lobby) and of course my new line for My Minds Eye, Meadow Lark™ which should be coming soon! Right now, I need to get back to work on refining my new Illustrator class. Here's a link for a sneak peek! It's the introduction to Lesson 1.

**New info! The Illustrator 102 Drawing Class will be 10% off until April 1st. I will also be doing a special webcast for everyone who has registered before April 15th.

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Digital Art

carinagardner_alphaartI've had numerous requests for these digital tidbits and I've finally had time to get them formatted for digital re-production! Tomorrow on DHD, the Alpha and C'est La Vie digital prints will be up for sale. I first showed them off last October when I was working on my daughter's bedroom. I made the alpha set to go over their shelf (see in the pictures above). All you have to do is choose which color you want and print. Yep, it's that easy (I can only handle east these days!) The C'est la vie print is hanging in my studio (no pictures yet as it is still a work in progress!)  So be sure and check them out tomorrow in the shop!

Here's a sneak peek:


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New Collaborative Collection with Crystal Wilkerson

IMG_0514Just a quick drop in before I leave for a leprechaun hunt. Just wanted to let you know that I have a new collaborative collection on sale at Design House Digital and Jessica SpragueOH BOY! was created with designer Crystal Wilkerson. I know you don't see many boy kits out of me, so you'll have to take advantage of it! As always, Thursday release days are 30% off (making getting the ENTIRE collection super cheap).

Hope you all like it! I have to run to my leprechaun lunch (hence the little man pb&j sandwiches). We don't want them to get away!

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Spring Cleaning

IMG_0424If you read this blog regularly, many of you know I bought my first house just last October. And while it was in wonderful condition and the previous owners did a lot to my darling 1944 brick bungalow, I find myself completely overwhelmed by everything I need to do to get it looking the way I want it.

I'm sure you can relate.

I've had a chandelier in a box just sitting in the living room for a month now. Everyday I tell myself I AM going to paint the hallway ceiling and that I'm going to get organized with my displays. And the list goes on and on.

Why the rush to finish up the inside (or at least part of it?). Because spring is on it's way of course! And I plan on spending every moment ordering up lots of bulbs, plants, a playset, and recovering a couch in outdoor fabric to get my backyard in top notch condition (I'll take lots of pictures)!

Does anyone else feel overwhelmed when spring hits? If you have tips and tricks for how you get organized, I'd love to hear them! For the most part, I just try to relax and it enjoy the process (because it really is so wonderful to finish a little project and see how beautiful it turned out). But then again, I wouldn't be the least bit sad if I had a Samantha nose twitch to get it all done at once!

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