I'd like to start with the good cause because, well, it's the most exciting for me! My little sister SuiKim (pronounced "Sweet-Kim" without the "t") and her husband Steve found out a couple of weeks ago that they have been chosen to adopt a little baby boy! I'm especially happy for SuiKim and Steve, who are just about the nicest, kindest couple of people around. They have spent most of their marriage wanting to have a child, and haven't been as fortunate as many of us. If you've gone through this process, you know how heartbreaking and difficult it is. I'm so grateful that this opportunity has come for them and wanted to share my joy with you.
Without going into my family history, I'll just tell you that my family as suffered a bit of heartache the last few years (a story for another time). Because of this SuiKim and Steve don't have many financial resources. I wanted to help the best way I know how. So the digital kit above, BABY MINE, will go on sale on Thursday, April 8th, at Design House Digital with all the proceeds going to help pay for the adoption. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity in helping me get this new little family started. I'll be sure to post pictures of the little one when he arrives (camera will be waiting in hand!). (BTW, the pic on the side is my sister Yanni (right), SuiKim (center holding Yanni's son Tad), and me).
If you don't digital scrapbook, or just want to help, I've included a donation box here for you to send money to them.
Thanks again for all your help in this effort! I'm excited to see this little family get their first baby!
Okay, on to the next thing! A giveway. Yes, I know you like giveaways and I do too! Due to hit Design House Digital on Thursday is a new Color Kit. I've been getting emails about this, and FINALLY I got to it! Want to win it? All you have to do is leave me a little message in this post about your favorite hobby—Are you scrapbooker? Quilter? Avid crafter? Obsessive organizer? I love hearing about others' obsessive need to create! I'm right there with you.
Here's little peek at Color Kit 3. I'll post the winner Thursday morning, bright and early so leave me some love sometime on Wednesday.

And finally, a little freebie for you! It's a little party card download made from the Baby Mine kit. Use it for a birthday, baby shower, baby housewarming party, or (in my case) "Baby's Here!" party. If you aren't a "digital person," no worries! This card is already positioned on an 8.5" x 11" paper so all you have to do is download and print. You may get a download window, or the image may appear in a new screen (if this happens just right click on it and SAVE IMAGE). It's a high quality jpg that will print beautifully for you! Enjoy!