I'm just getting around to posting my New Year's Resolutions. Not that they aren't the same as most of yours...get in shape, give more time to myself, my family, document our lives (I'm hosting a 365 at DHD)...yada, yada, yada. Mostly, I just wanted to post because I am so EXCITED for 2010. It's going to be a fun year. I can feel it. And I hope it will be for you too.
Here's what's on the horizon for designwork this year:
* Two fabric lines will hit quilting shops this year. Coquette will arrive in quilting stores in June (call your quilt shops this month to ask if they will be stocking this beautiful line from Northcott!) and Love Nest will come out later in the year. All of the fabric samples are up for your viewing pleasure!
* A brand new Carina Gardner™ Shop will be opening up! We will be offering limited quantites and fat quarters of the new fabric line and will also eventually carry all kinds of goods from my designs in scrapbooking and fabric. The Shop is set to open in June 2010. I'll have more information on it as it gets closer.
* I'm at a new digital shop! This has already happened but it is such an exciting venture for me as I get to participate in Jen Allyson's newest venture! She's a pleasure to know and a fabulous designer! I think you'll see that Design House Digital will be the fastest growing digital shop in 2010. It already has had some astonding traffic! I'm just proud to be apart of such a wonderful group.
* I'm pleased to be teaching again. It's been two years since I stopped teaching at the University of Minnesota. I never thought that teaching would happen to fast for me again. You can find my newest adventure with Jessica Sprague teaching a self paced course—Illustrator 101.
* Keep checking back for my Paper Lines with My Mind's Eye. I'm sure we'll have several in the works this year.
And while there might now be a bullet point on this one, if you know me, there will be plenty of other good things happening in 2010 on this blog. I'm already working on a great craft project for my daughter that I'm excited to share with you (give me a week to finish it up!)! And with all the fabric hitting my studio in May, you know we will be sewing like MAD around here!
Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and may you be happy in 2010!