Julia Child

julia-childThis may be a rather odd post after I leave you a download for canister labels, but it is late and after watching a movie about blogging, I find myself wanting to share. Sorry to bore you and sorry for no free download.

Josh is working late tonight which meant I got to watch Julie and Julia all by myself. When it comes to anything sentimental, I really like watching by myself anyway. Maybe it's because I like to cry loud. And maybe it's because I like to cry.

So anyway, here's a post for all the other foodies out there! If you haven't seen it, the photography of Paris in the 1940s-1950s is absolutely gorgeous! The food looks lovely, and I loved the story of a woman turning 30 and finding herself through cooking.

So much for an early bedtime. Good night!

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Canister (Flour & Sugar) Labels-Free Download


I got into a bit of an organizing mood today and hacked at my kitchen. Part of the mood was due to these new air-tight canisters I bought. These happy tiffany- blue tops made me want to really get things in order. I then made these labels (perfectly neutral, of course, if you'd like to download and use them).

I'm sure the organizing bug has hit me because spring is nearing (although you wouldn't know it from the little snow storm we had just minutes ago). I've been digging through my girls' clothing (and my own), putting away the winter wear and breaking out the shorts (not to actually wear...just to ogle over and force spring's hand). I even broke out the Madsen yesterday and huffed and puffed my way to Siri's school (and back again). I'm clearly not in shape for spring.

Here's the canister free download for those of you with the spring cleaning bug too.


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A Quick Hello

IMG_0148Just dropping in for a quick hello! Sorry blog, just been so busy! The very best kind of busy. I've been working on Pinfeathers for Design House Digital (expect to see elements to the collection this week!). I've got a lovely new line coming out in paper with My Mind's Eye coming out for Spring Release (think chic:)). I've also been working on a fabulous collaborative collection with Crystal Wilkerson which is bound to hit Design House Digital and Jessical Sprague this week. I've also made time for the FABULOUS weather we have been having here in Utah (bring on spring!). My neighbors may not say it is fabulous, but since we moved from Minnesota 2 years ago this is, well, pretty amazing! The girls and I have spent a bit of time outdoors and I'm hoping to break out my light blue Madsen Cycle this week to pick Siri up from school. I might have also stayed up extra late last night watching The Bachelor with friends (which always means staying up late!). Ahhh, some guilty pleasures simply cannot be given up!

Hope you are all doing well and that spring is coming to you too!

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How to Create a Layout From A Quick Page or Album in Digital Scrapbooking


Here's a easy 7 minute tutorial if you want to see how to use any of the quick albums. My quick pages and albums can be found at Design House Digital. This tutorial shows you how to drag and drop photos on pre-made quickpages, how to size and crop photos, and shows you some general use instructions for using albums. The video is 7 minutes long and is demonstrated in Photoshop CS3. If you are interested in the products used in this tutorial, the links are here:

The Ultimate Album-Mocha

Distressed Collection-Pastels

I hope this tutorial helps you so that you can make pages quickly when you are in a pinch! Want to watch it bigger? Go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3VGn8Jlxow

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Quilting Class


I went to Quilting Class Day 2 yesterday.  I'm finishing my quilting homework today. I am impressed with the simple tricks I've learned. Most importantly is I'm figuring out I don't know ANYTHING about my old college sewing machine. Don't you hate it when you think you've just been zipping along jut fine, to suddenly find out you've been doing it wrong all along?

Seeing the seamless sewing of my classmates has also inflamed my desire for a Benina. My most favorite easy trick I've learned? To sew a bit of junk fabric before starting in on my actual sewing. I've loved how well this has worked (less start-up screw ups). I'm also really loving the teacher at Elaine's Quilting Block. She is a quilting purest. I'm into that! I love people who are passionate about what they do! Especially when it comes to creativity.

Friday's my last day of quilting class and I'll let you know how many seams I've picked out...

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New Beginnings


I took the first day of a quilting class today at Elaine's Quilting Block here in Salt Lake. Yes, a new beginning for me to really learn the techniques of quilting correctly. I quilted with my mother as a girl, but wasn't feeling very confident on making one on my own. So I bought new supplies and with my old college sewing machine am cutting, pressing, and sewing away. I figure if I am going to design quilting fabric, I might as well learn how to quilt correctly!

Speaking of, Coquette is currently on sale  from Northcott, and I just found out that Love Nest will be on sale in August and hit quilting stores January 2011. I hope to be posting samples of that line soon enough.

dhd_carinagardner_birdbrushesPREVI also wanted to let you know that tomorrow's $1 item at Design House Digital is going to be from me:). Check out these birdie brushes:

Can I also report that it is the loveliest thing to be home with my kids? Siri and I went on her field trip to the Clark Planetarium on Friday with her kindergarten class. The girls and I have made a lot of craft projects and I'm just feeling a lot less stressed out about things in general. And I've been able to work on several designs that were only half way finished! That has been a real joy.

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New Releases at DHD

IMG_9953_smIf you haven't checked out the $1 Sale going at DHD, you are missing out! There are some fabulous things that are only $1 for the month of February. They will all go off sale to their original prices on March 1st. My very cool, super neutral Grungy Grid Papers are over there for $1 (normally $3.99). I'll also have several things coming out a couple times a week so check it out (here's the link to all the $1 items).

It's also release day and I've got a new goodie to make my life easier: The Ultimate Album. It's currently sold in two colors (blue and mocha) and have matching mask sets. I'm a mom who knows something about crazy busy and I made for myself some super simple layouts to reach for to scrap with when things are just too busy. For me, I'd rather get those photos into books (I can see myself doing a lot of back tracking with these albums...like all of 2008 and 2009!) so I have them then continue to leave them on the computer where no one can see them.

Today, I'm going to be finishing up decluttering my house and making cards for my upcoming Annual Chinese New Year Party. Oh, and hopefully get that red chandelier hung in my studio (the photo is of my office desk that I painted to turquoise and distressed over the weekend). The studio also got a rearrangement so that my kids can now easily scooter into the studio without hitting anything from the hall.

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Coolest Sale!

If you haven't heard about it yet, I thought I'd better tell you about it! Design House Digital is having $1 Days for the entire month of February. That means new products everyday that premier for $1. All of the products will go back to regular price on March 1st. So go check it out!


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Bear With Me...


Bear with me as I take a moment to get a little personal. Today something wonderful happened to me. Something I have been waiting to happen for a long time. Today, I went into my day job as an Communications and Event Director and walked out as a freelance designer. I have been transitioning for the last several months in the job so I could design full-time from home.

And now, I can concentrate on other work: being a mommy, being a wife, and being a designer. I have managed to stretch myself too far these last few months, and now I have a chance to concentrate on the people and work I love the most.

What does this mean? More designs and projects from me, of course! I've been loving my new digital home with Jen Allyson at Design House Digital. Things are rocking along for my two new fabric lines, Coquette and Love Nest. I've got a lot of fun sewing projects waiting for me to get going on. We'll also be opening a Carina Gardner™ Shop sometime this summer with limited supplies of the new fabric lines. I'm also planning some new classes for Jessica Sprague's site. It's a new year, and an exciting new time! I hope you join me as things get swinging around here! Check back for more giveaways, more releases, and well, just a whole lot more!

(BTW, the photos are from a modge podge project I did at a church activity with my Love Nest Glitter papers. I picked up the hearts from the Wood Connection in Salt Lake City. )


I'm going to spend my weekend getting my studio cleaned up, hanging that chandelier (I hope...this one's on you, Josh), and painting. A perfect way to get things underway for my new life.

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Giveaway Announced!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Color Kit 2 Giveaway! It was such short notice and I loved seeing what you all liked from the new fabric line and from DHD. I will certainly be giving away more kits in the future and some fabric once I get orders in! So check back for that!

OKay, the winner is:


Donna says:

I found you, and DHD purely by accident and had the Color Kit #1 in by Kaboodle for so long. Everytime I thought I had some spare change, I’d go back to it and contemplate buying it, but then would decide to wait and save a few more pennies. Well, I kept pulling up the page over and over again – the colors and simplicity just drew me in. I have in and purchased it and have not looked back. I’m in love with it! Now, I eagerly await every one of your editions to the Color Kit stuff. I got through 2009 365 about 75% before I ran out of steam. Here’s to 2010 – my 365 is going to rock your stuff!

Congrats Donna! I'll be emailing you a link today for your downloading pleasure!

Thanks again to everyone who participated and I'm going to post pics a little later of my project with my Valentine's Glitter Book Love Nest!

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Project 365 Giveaway! Who Doesn't Like Free?

dhd_carinagardner_365_color2PREVI haven't had a giveaway for a while so here's one that only lasts a day! It starts NOW and ends Thursday morning at 9am Mountain Standard Time. It's from my popular Design 365 Color Kit Series (yum, yum!) and is normally $9.99 in the store (but will be 30% off this Thursday only). I'm giving away Design 365 Color Kit #2 (see to the right) to someone who makes a comment on this post on their favorite fabric from my Coquette fabric line, which is will hit quilting stores this June OR their favorite digital kit of mine from Design House Digital.

I just started making layouts from this kit tonight and I'm pretty happy with how versatile it is. Here's a layout made with only products from this kit I made of my daughter Flissa.

dhd_carinagardner_365_color2_layout_smSo just make a comment in this thread and I'll do a happy random dance to tell you all the winner on Thursday morning.

Happy Scrapping! XOXOXO

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Valentine's Day Card for Kids-Free Download

valentinesdaycard2010_cgI'm a sucker for Valentine's Day. And while we are still three weeks away, I've got some great little projects put together for this very pink holiday. If you haven't picked it up yet, the Love Nest glitter book is available at Hobby Lobby, and I'll be doing a few projects with those papers and my new Affectionate papers at Design House Digital.

First up, getting my daughter's Valentine's Day Cards together. And you can download them too! These sweet little cards ar 3" x 4" and I've even already assembled them onto a 8.5" x 11" sizes paper for you. So all you have to do is print! I've made the boxes "chubby" for my kindergartner's fat letters. We'll cut them out and let her write on them in advanced.

You can also check out my Valentine's Day Kiddie cards from 2009 (also a free download!) if you want lots of different cards (and birdies:). Those cards are also set up on a 8.5" x 11" paper so all you have to do is cut! Easy-peasy!


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"How To" Blog

1-all-doneThe "How to" Blog I'm speaking of it Design House Digital's Blog and Classroom. Everytime I click on one of those links I'm amazed by all the inspiration and cool ideas (like this cool art cut out by Deena Rutter). Articles get uploaded to this blog everyday and there's no shortage of video tutorials, hybrid projects, and digital tricks for all you crafty folks. I like it because all of the Digital Designers, DH Decorators, and the "Experts" Panel are involved in this blog to make it this very spectacular treat!

Peek over there when you have a second! I'm working tirelessly on my new Valentine Collection, which will hit DHD on Thursday (30% off that day!). I'll be sure and post it when I have them ready.

I've also just (finally) have final proofs for the Love Nest line that will hit fabric this coming year, which means more sewing for me!

Happy Crafting!

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Craft Project-How to Make an Easy Octopus Costume

carinagardner_blog1Yes, my daughter wanted me to make her an octopus costume for her birthday. So how could I refuse? I kept it simple by buying a t-shirt (with the gems already on it) and women's long socks. Add some filling, a t-shirt transfer kit and my sewing machine and I was set. The only problem? Once I made one for my oldest daughter, I had to make a second one for my youngest daughter. Thankfully, it's project that can be done in a couple of hours.

Here's the basic idea. Take a t-shirt and iron-on one of my adorable octopus stickers. Or skip this step entirely. Then stuff 6 women's socks with filling and sew them to the ends of the t-shirt. Grab a beanie hat (add a flower for fun) and put on a pair of shorts and a final pair of socks (so there are 8 legs in all). Instant octopus!

Want the full instructions and photos? Just download this pdf with my instructions for creating this easy craft project!


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Easy T-shirt Project-How to go from Digital Product to Iron-On


Creating great projects from digital products is easy! For example, my daughter's birthday party was last week and we did an underwater theme. So my gifts to all the little guests were mermaid shirts with matching hair color for each girl. My daughter wanted to be an octopus, so I simply ironed-on an octopus illustration I made onto the simple costume I created for her (to see how to make the octopus costume, please visit the octopus costume post).


So here's how I created this cute little gift idea.

blog21. I bought a package of Dark T-shirt transfers and a few t-shirts in blue and dark pink. I picked them all up at Target but many places would have these goods.

2. Choose an illustration from your favorite digital kit...stickers work best because they are png (no background). I used my Tiny Mermaid line for this project.

3. Print your illustration onto your Transfer Sheet (follow the instructions from the back of tha package.). I just used my inkjet printer at home and bought inkjet transfers. If you want to maximize space, create a 8.5" x 11" document in Photoshop and place several stickers to cut out.

4. Cut out your printed transfer VERY CAREFULLY. Because it is on a dark T-shirt, you will want to cut out all the white and get as close to the edge of your design. For example, on the octopus sticker, I had to cut out a couple of the legs seperately because they were seperate from the body and I didn't want white to show up between the legs.

4. Follow you transfer paper instructions to iron on the design to the t-shirt. For mine, I laid down a pillow case on a hard surface and laid a sheet of paper (provided by the iron-on packet I bought) down over the t-shirt and ironed for 1-2 minutes.

And that's it! I great project that my children adore and made Siri's party special.

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Project 365-January Album Kit Now on Sale!

365_carina_2-2I finally finished a full week of photos! I'm really liking the Project 365 challenge because I am starting to get a sense of what kind of album I'm going to end up with this year. You can sort of see it in this layout—an album full of details, not just the big events and some real insight into what we do as a family.

The one thing that is going to be tricky is keeping the layouts neutral so that the photos shine. I'm using my Distressed White on White papers here. And just to make my life easier, I went ahead and finished out all my layouts ahead of time for the entire month of January so all I have to do is insert the photos and journaling.

One thing I'm noticing is that along with the 365, I want to do pullouts of events. So I created myself 4 layouts for multiple photos that are just for those events (siri's birthday party, ice skating, and sledding). I wanted them to match my 365 layouts, so I used the Distressed White on White papers for them as well.

preview_JANALBUM_CGAnd if life is crazy, busy (when isn't it?), you can just pick up my new January album (released today at 30% off) and insert your own photos without the hassle of actually making the layout. How easy was that?

I'm just glad that for the rest of January all I'll be doing is snapping photos!

Want to check out my 365 challenge at DHD? Go here.

As for me, I'm working on getting together a new instruction pdf for you on how to make my easy-to-make octopus costume. Sounds silly? My six year old does have some silly demands and sometimes her mama gives in. Keep you posted!

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Project 365-I'm On It!

365_carina_1_smWhen I decided to head the Project 365 at Design House Digital, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. First off, remembering to take a picture every day is a little harder than I thought it would be! Secondly, I am really proud of myself for moving forward with this—more than I thought I would be. I am excited to really have an entire year of photos of my family wrapped up in a sweet little book. It gives me the opportunity to really give my children something that they will love and enjoy and I can reminisce about in years to come.

Want to check out my 365 Challenge? Go straight to the forums here or go to the DHD blog post here.Want to see my first layout blog post? Go here.

So here's my first layout of my first two days (I am choosing to do layouts by week-Sunday through Saturday. So this is Friday and Saturday Jan 1-2.) of 2010. The great thing about me doing the layouts is that I am making all of these great little papers and elements for myself to use (and then, of course sharing with you!). I found myself really wanting subtle neutral backgrounds so that my photos could speak for themselves. I also wanted to do a alot of journaling which resulted in journaling and timeline kits. More layouts of 365 coming soon!

I also wanted you all to know that DHD has decided to have two release dates during January! Now you will see new releases on Thursday AND Monday. All the new releases those two days will be 30% off. How fab is that? DHD released 70 kits today! It's that nuts?It's only been open 6 days and there are 210 products in the shop.

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New Year's Resolutions-A Day Late


I'm just getting around to posting my New Year's Resolutions. Not that they aren't the same as most of yours...get in shape, give more time to myself, my family, document our lives (I'm hosting a 365 at DHD)...yada, yada, yada. Mostly, I just wanted to post because I am so EXCITED for 2010. It's going to be a fun year. I can feel it. And I hope it will be for you too.

Here's what's on the horizon for designwork this year:

* Two fabric lines will hit quilting shops this year. Coquette will arrive in quilting stores in June (call your quilt shops this month to ask if they will be stocking this beautiful line from Northcott!) and Love Nest will come out later in the year. All of the fabric samples are up for your viewing pleasure!

* A brand new Carina Gardner™ Shop will be opening up! We will be offering limited quantites and fat quarters of the new fabric line and will also eventually carry all kinds of goods from my designs in scrapbooking and fabric. The Shop is set to open in June 2010. I'll have more information on it as it gets closer.

* I'm at a new digital shop! This has already happened but it is such an exciting venture for me as I get to participate in Jen Allyson's newest venture! She's a pleasure to know and a fabulous designer! I think you'll see that Design House Digital will be the fastest growing digital shop in 2010. It already has had some astonding traffic! I'm just proud to be apart of such a wonderful group.

* I'm pleased to be teaching again. It's been two years since I stopped teaching at the University of Minnesota. I never thought that teaching would happen to fast for me again. You can find my newest adventure with Jessica Sprague teaching a self paced course—Illustrator 101.

* Keep checking back for my Paper Lines with My Mind's Eye. I'm sure we'll have several in the works this year.

And while there might now be a bullet point on this one, if you know me, there will be plenty of other good things happening in 2010 on this blog. I'm already working on a great craft project for my daughter that I'm excited to share with you (give me a week to finish it up!)! And with all the fabric hitting my studio in May, you know we will be sewing like MAD around here!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and may you be happy in 2010!

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Clipping Mask Tutorial in Photoshop Elements


It's the opening of Design House Digital today. Check out the plethora of new products I have over there. Oh ya, and a couple of tutorials! Check out my clipping mask tutorial (you can also watch it below) and a little bit of design theory (a little lesson on the Golden Mean) to boot!


You might also want to check out the amazing 30% off sale going on at DHD this weekend on the ENTIRE shop. It's a heck of a deal! Nice Grand Opening, eh?

I'm also pretty excited because my class at Jessica Sprague starts today!!!! Hooray for Illustrator 101!

I hope you are having a very happy first day of the year! I'm looking forward to 2010!

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Clipping Mask Tutorial in Photoshop Elements Read More »

Sharing Some Christmas Cheer!

il_430xN.108988567I recieved a couple of gifts that really warmed my heart for Christmas. They both happen to be etsy goodies and I just had to post them because they are the kind of presents that really makes my life a little more beautiful.

My dear friend Jen is the queen of thoughtfulness and very good at checking my Favorite Friday posts. I featured this pin cushion a while ago made by feltmates. Jen brought it into town for my new little studio. It's even cuter in person if that is at all possible! It's especially thoughtful as I have had birds on the brain while putting the finishing touches on my Love Nest line for fabric.

il_430xN.110543752The second gift arrived on Christmas Eve from the ever fabulous Jessica Sprague. A total surprise, I was totally enamered by this darling headband made by the Candy Thief! Mine is all dark blues and grays...totally delicious! And of course, I wore it to the party I went to the night I received it! Man, what did we do before etsy?

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and that all your holiday wishes came true!

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A Merry Christmas To You From Me


I hope you have a wonderful Christmas/Holiday weekend! I just barely (gulp!) got my Christmas Cards mailed (as shown here:)) and have had some time to reflect on what a wonderful and exciting year it has been for my family. I have been talking to my girl Jen today and I am just amazed at how excited I feel everyday for the things happening in my life. There are too many things to name, but certainly one of those things is going to Design House Digital with Jen. She has officially announced herself as a designer and as the brain behind the site today (go check it out!). We have more designer announcements to come and I'm just happy to be a part of such a spectacular crew.

I'm also getting more and more excited for 2010! I have so many things in the works right now for fabric, online classes, and more! Everyday is so exciting for me. Thank you for keeping in touch and I hope that in this holiday season you are also happy, healthy, and of good cheer!

Merry Christmas!

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Neighbor Gift Tags-Free Download

IMG_8789I just finished up my neighbor gifts—easy-to-make chocolate dipped pretzel rods. The girls helped me and we managed to make quite the mess. All you need to do to make this gift is melt carmel candies, dip pretzel rods in the "goop," let them cool, and then dip them in chocolate. We also dipped ours in sprinkles and crushed Oreos for the fun of it. Tonight we will be delivering them.

IMG_8753To make them even more special, I bought cellophane bags that were 4 inch x 9 inch and stapled on this bag topper. I like them because they are generic enough that you could shrink them down as place cards or anything else that had to do with Christmas.


1. Download the 8.5 x 11 jpg (below) of the neighbor gift tag. The size is 4 inches x 4.25 inchs.

2.Personalize by adding your family name (we added the GARDNERS) with a san serif font like Arial or Helvetica (I am using Abell Condensed) OR leave the area blank and move on to step 3. To personalize, you will need to use some kind of editing software like Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.ng_cg

3. Print to fit cellaphane bag or shrink for other use.

4. Add a hand written message to the back or sign your family's name to the front.

5. Fold in half (so the dimensions are 2 inches x 4.25 inchs and staple to the top of your bags.

6. Deliver holiday cheer!

Happy Holidays! Download the NEIGHBOR GIFT TAG here!


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Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody, Everywhere

IMG_8618Which is what we have been singing at our house for the last couple of days. First, because I think a spick-n-span house for Christmas is nice and second because my girl Jen (aka: the project girl) is coming into town tomorrow! I even bought some fantastic green boxes from IKEA and got my studio organized (quite a task since I have had a dozen projects all over the floor and desk). We have a tradition of going to the Cheesecake factory when she comes into town for some girl time.

I'm doing the happy dance right now because I'm so excited to see her!

The cleaning hasn't stopped at our house...you should check out my studio site as it is completely updated with all my new ventures coming in 2010. I will be getting up the fabric samples for the line Coquette in a couple of weeks and you'll see all my secret digital stashes coming out at Design House Digital in just 2 weeks!

Today the girls and I will be putting together our neighbor gifts and will have the download and photos of our project up tomorrow (yes, I'm sharing my download with you!:)). It's all about easy elegance this year.

Hope you are enjoying your holiday season! Can you believe Christmas is around the bend?

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Sweet Update

IMG_8707Thank you to everyone for the positive response to the Illustrator class! I'm excited for you guys to all get your hands on it!

I've had a design marathon this week trying to get together some Christmas lines. I also found out that two new fabric lines are in the the works (yes, and I know you haven't even seen Coquette yet). A line called Soiree and another called Love Nest. The artwork from Love Nest will all come from the Glitter Book currently sold at Hobby Lobby. So you have a mini preview by just flipping open one of those books.

In the midst of of all this , the girls and I made gingerbread houses today. Nothing like the good-ole-store-bought gingerbread kits for me....what, you expect me to make it by hand? Hey, I'm not superwoman! So, we had a wonderful time messing up the kitchen and leaving most of it for Josh to clean up.

Okay, done with the blog break and getting back to it!

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There Are Going to Be Some Changes Around Here! Illustrator Class & New Digital Scrapbooking Site!

illustrator101_iconIt's a season of change around my house. Josh started work with a new law firm, Siri has lost tooth number 2, Felicity has been trying out her new potty, and I've got some great new projects in the works. The first is this brand new online class for Illustrator, which goes on sale TODAY at Jessica Sprague.com! After teaching Illustrator at DSE, this last September, I was overwhelmed by the number of people asking for an online course. So here it is folks! A four week long Illustrator course that is completely self-paced and easy to use. The videos are broken into smaller tasks so it's easy to go back to a tutorial. I've also included 3 Bonus lessons, digital scrapbooking kits, and vectors in the course.

While I created this course initially for digital scrapbookers, I would recommend it to anyone who is even thinking about getting into design. I've incorporated everything I would teach on Illustrator in a university-level introductory graphic design course.

So want to see what the class is going to be all about? Go straight to the Jessica Sprague site to see the introduction video, purchasing information, and the Lesson break downs. You can also go to YouTube to see the video. I recommend watching the video because it will show you a short tutorial of a class lesson along with everything you will need (aka technology requirements) to take the course.

With all change, there is also some sad news. I have decided to move my digital scrapbooking store from Two Peas. You will still be able to find all of my 2008-2009 digital designs there, but I will be moving to a new store come January 1st, 2010.

Picture 168

I'm pretty excited to have been asked to come to the new store (which isn't even open yet) because it will be site with designers that are so amazing! The name of the site is Design House Digital (http://www.designhousedigital.com/) and the list of designers going there is UNBELIEVABLE! I can't spill anything yet, but you ought to check out the place holder blog to grab the newsletter freebie (it's FABULOUS!). And while you are at it, sign up for twitter https://twitter.com/designhousedigi since I was told that people will get updated with the new freebies and store updates there.

Well, that's it for now. I'm working away at a christmas line for fabric and paper and enjoying my little ones during this holiday season. Hope you are having a happy December too!

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Christmas Calendar Cones—Free Download

IMG_8459I promised a Christmas goodie and here it is! An advent calendar that you simply clip to a line. Add treats to the cones so your little ones can take one out everyday. This is a LARGE download because all of the 8.5 inch x 11 inch files are PRINT READY (300 dpi).

All you need to do is print (I printed from my home printer) and cut out. Tape each piece into a cone shape and hang on a line by clipping with a laundry clip. I hung 4 strings in one of our front room windows and clipped 6 cones (and seven on the last one) across the string.

I've also included a Santa that you can stick in the cones to show your kids what day it is.

We're getting in the Christmas spirit at our house: We've got our tree up and we are heading for the Heber Creeper (AKA The Polar Express) tomorrow for my birthday. I think the kids will love it (which means I will love it...there is nothing quite like the excitement of children at Christmas). Go ahead and download this goodie and it's okay if you get it up a few days late...your kids will still love it!



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Happy Turkey Day!

IMG_8342We've had a very Happy Turkey Day! With so much to be thankful for, I think it was one of the best Thanksgivings yet. We had our turkey feast at my mother-in-law's. Two of my sisters joined us, which was wonderful! And with two healthy little girls and a loving husband, my cup runneth over. Siri also managed to (finally) pull out her extremely loose tooth. This means our first visit from the tooth fairy.

I hope your Thanksgiving was equally as wonderful. Holidays are always a hard but happy time for me. I can't wait to get up the tree (as Thanksgiving is the acknowledgment of the official start of Christmas music and letter writing at  my house). I can't wait to make my neighbors' gifts (I'm excited to really officially make gifts this year now that we have permanent neighbors). I'm excited for the ornaments, the decorating, and all of the fun events the season brings (bring it on Holiday Parties!). Anyway, hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!


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25% Off Sale

I can't believe it is the week of Thanksgiving! My, how time flys! I have two events to report. The first is that my 2 year old and 5 year old officially started fighting over who got what cereal box to look at as they ate breakfast this morning. Do you remember doing that as a kid? I mean, what was so GREAT that we all had to stare at the back of the cereal box at 7:00am in the morning?

The other big event is that Siri has her first loose tooth! I officially feel old (although it may just be the impending 30th birthday that is one week away).

In celebration of just, well, life...my digital scrapbooking store at 2pecarinagardner_25designerspotlightbanneras is having a 25% off sale all this week. Yep, all 213 products. Not a bad deal.

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm planning on lounging in pjs for the parades and then an early family dinner. Oh, and I have a great Christmas project I am working on this week that I will post over the break! Yes, that means some free goodies for you! So stop by between your shopping schedule for a great download.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Paint a Tree In Your Kid's Bedroom-Free Download

paintedtree_pdfinstructionsI've been a busy girl. I've been working on my little girl's bedroom since moving into our new house last month. It has been so satisfying to  finally be able to paint! While I don't feel like it is fully finished, I still thought I'd share what I've done with you. And, if you are interested in making your own tree, I've provided the stencils I made for myself here for you.

The pdf shown here includes simple instructions and patterns for the flowers and leaves. Making your own tree won't be hard as long as you have a little time. The process for making the tree takes about 3 days, not because it really takes that long, but because the parts of the tree have to dry before you can start a new color.

Here's a helpful hint to create stencils: I used my Silhouette to cut these out. You could also cut them out by hand using an x-acto knife and still get the same effect.

Download the pdf stencils.

Want to see the rest of the room? First, I have to show you the BEFORE photo. The budget was tight so we decided to have the floors refinished a dark color, repainted everything, and replace the splinter-inducing pine trim as our "big budget" fixes. 5

And here's the after. My favorite thing is probably the floors. Having them this dark really makes the light pink pop.


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Happy Haunting


Just dropping in for a sec to wish you a Happy Boo Day! It's few days early, but my Halloween starts tomorrow with a Halloween luncheon with my girls, Siri's first Kindergarten Halloween Parade, and of course, trick-or-treating on the 31st. Plus, if you haven't checked out my studio site recently, I've done a couple of updates! If you need a peek at some of the Love Nest papers, go here. I've had people tell me they were able to find the paper pad at Hobby Lobby and a couple of people tell me that it was already sold out! So be sure and drop by there if you want to snag it! Happy Haunting!

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Dress Design for Shabby Apple dresses

I saw this contest and as I've started designing for our first fabric photo shoot, I decided, "What the hey!?" So here's my entry to the Shabby Apple Dress Contest.

Boooonnnuusss (That is me singing it. Unfortunately you can't get the full effect via blog.): I'm using fabrics from my new line CoquetteTM for Northcott. It hasn't hit shops yet so this is a first peek at 3 of the fabrics in the line. This simple-straightforward dress is 50s retro meets modern girl. A little bit of June Cleaver (a flirty flowing skirt). A little bit contemporary (the chic, updated snug "on-the-neck" collar). A whole lot of feminine (an empire waistline and little puffed sleeves with piping)! It's simple, sweet, and oh so preppy to be sure.

I can see myself racing around on errands or picking up the kids at school in this little sweet thing or just hanging around the house. Throw on a cardigan and take it to work! I'm showcasing 3 different color/fabric ideas here and I'd love to see which you like best. I have my favorite but it's a secret! Even if these don't make the contest, there's a good chance you'll see these come Coquette'sTM release. Enjoy!




Have a favorite? Tell me!

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Spider's Web Papers - Batty Wreath


IMG_7715_smHalloween is just a week away and I finally have finished my Spider's Web Bat Wreath. I used my paper version (produced by My Mind's Eye), but you can also pick it up digitally. I picked up this wreath from Michaels. These twig wreaths are relatively inexpensive ($4, I believe). I then had my silhouette machine cut out these bats for me. I few hot glue gun sticks later, and I was in business!

My kids are going to be a witch and a pumpkin this year (if I can convince her). We are in a new neighborhood, and I excited for the kids to trick-or-treat in this super kid-friendly street.

Hope you have a happy halloween!!!!!

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Love Nest at Hobby Lobby - Glitter Happy!

lovenestIt's glittery and oh, so pretty! My darling Love Nest Glitter Pad that you can grab exclusively at Hobby Lobby! This is my first glitter pad and I am so excited about all the projects I have waiting for me! There are 18 patterns and 54 papers in all! You can also grab the digital versions of Love Nest (for all you digital scrapbookers!!!) in the Sweetheart, Love Nest, and Love Nest 2 Paper Sets (although some designs have been changed for print). You like this in paper? I'm going to let you in on a little secret...I'm currently getting love nest ready for FABRIC! Northcott will be producing the line (which takes a year to manufacture so this is very early news indeed), but I wanted you to look forward to this happy little line that I will certainly be making lots of little girl's goodies out of!

lovenest2Oh, and I haven't forgotten about Halloween. In fact, I already finished my batty wreath using Spiders web...just need to get around to taking a picture of it! Spider's Web can be picked up in digital or paper.

Love the Spider's Web line? Be sure and check out the My Mind's Eye Blog! They've added some of the most adorable projects on that site using the line including some scrap-happy layouts and a haunted house fold out album! It's all so very yummy!

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A Happy Find - Lonny Magazine

Picture 11A very happy and accidental stumble as I searched for a few new things for my home...I ran into this FABULOUS magazine that is completely DIGITAL! It's a fantastic mix of Blueprint and Domino (both of which I still sorely miss!). They even do a nice little feature on Deborah Needleman who was the former editor-and-chief of Domino. Lonny has tons of great ideas for your home and (my favorite part) if you like something, you simply click on it and it takes you to the site. Talk about shopping easy! I was clicking away because I've been looking for....well, too many things to list here.

Happy shopping for me!

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I am...

IMG_7425...getting settled in my new house.

...loving my new dark wood floors.

...finishing up love nest for fabric (BTW, you can now find love nest in a glitter pad at Hobby Lobby!).

...admiring the awesome new Halloween projects on My Mind's Eye blog.

...finally ordering myself the Cirrus flatware set that I supposedly got for Mother's Day.

...loving that the holiday season has commenced (new digi stuff for the holidays from me here).

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I am... Read More »

Dropping In

IMG_7435I'm taking a quick second to drop a line. Hello! I do still exist! And I'm back from my business trip in Monterey (it was lovely), and should be finished up with a lot of wonderful things this weekend.

So what's next? Going to get together my great Halloween wreath using my Spider's Web collection (finally!) and get my lovely new house in order. I have some great new things in the works for both designing and teaching:). I'm still in the process of getting things sorted out, but I'm pretty excited! I've also been looking at the first samples of Coquette come through!

Busy, busy, busy! And with the holidays coming along...well, it certainly isn't going to stop! Let the holidays begin!

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It's Just The Beginning...

IMG_7416Just because Project Mania ends today doesn't really mean I'M ending my project rampage. In fact, although I prehaps didn't accomplish as much as I wanted to this month, my project days are just beginning. With a new house, you know I'll have plenty of things to work on (I'll give you a tour when we get settled) and I"ll want to share them here.

I just got back from my new, very first, empty house (I just got heart flutters!) to meet the guys who will be doing the floor and trim. I'm so excited to see the results!

And after we move in? Well, we are one day away from October so that means the holiday projects will begin, and I have some great ideas using my Spider's Web line and my new Love Nest glitter pad (hits Hobby Lobby exclusively in January). On the fabric front, I'm just finishing up a couple of new collections. Coquette's first round of strike-offs are currently en route! The moment those fabrics hit my door I'll be a busy little bee getting projects sewn and photographed!

And in the midst of all this, I have told myself that this holiday season is going to be slower than any other we have had. I'm going to rededicate myself to having a little more fun and a little more down time. Sometimes, I just need an evening in front of a campfire (the photo is of Josh and Flissa at a bonfire with family on Monday night) instead of pushing out the next line. So here's to having some downtime (lol...well, I'll start that in two more weeks).

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The Digital Scrapbooking Experience


DSC_0030Finally! After a crazy two days I have a chance to write about DSE! Thursday afternoon I taught an Illustrator class  at the Digital Scrapbooking Experience in Provo, Utah. Jen Allyson flew in from San Francisco to help me out.

I had a WONDERFUL time with the students! After teaching 5 years of college, I had completely forgotten how wonderful it was teach students who are eager to learn (and everyone in my class was!). Thank you ladies + Gary for participating in my class! I'm glad I did it because it opened my eyes to what people can do with a little bit of education on the programs. I'm constantly asked about becoming a designers and I may have just had my eyes opened to some new possibilities for these people. I'll let you know on the developments.

I also hosted a table with a cute little flower make-and-take, candy, and my papers from My Minds Eye (and if you haven't figured it out yet, papers that get printed can also be bought DIGITALLY from me). Jennifer Allyson and Garden DSC_0056Girl Gennifer Bursett both helped me. In fact, I probably owe Ms. Gennifer since I managed to forget my camera and I all these photos are hers! I showed off my digital book that was printed from My Pic Tales and Silhouette Machine, which made all my make-and-takes (and I couldn't live without at this point!).

You can make our make and takes too! All you need to do is go to the Paper Flower Wreath post and download the pdf. The flower shape we used can be used as a pattern and hand cut out, or I also provide .gsd files for you to use on your own silhouette. Here's DSC_0031photos of Jen and Gen sporting the barrette version you could make. We also had laundry clips and pipe cleaner for attaching to badges or making wristlets. The papers we used for the table all came from my Paris and Co. and Bella Bella Paper Pads that can be bought exclusively at ACMoore.

Some of my favorite moments at DSE? I loved meeting the other instructors (I was so happy to see Crystal Wilkerson there!), I throughly enjoyed Jessica Sprague's Keynote address, and (my most favorite moment of all) when one of my students (of whom I will refer to as the "Atlanta Gelato Queen") slipped a chocolate gelato onto a box I was carrying out.

DSC_0055Thanks for all the fun everyone! I could only go to one day of DSE (sorry everyone! I just couldn't get up there yesterday and today is packed!) because we closed on our house yesterday! Yippeee!!!!!! And now, the work begins...or might I say, the true Project Mania begins! September might end (and I have a few projects yet to finish up!) but in October I'll be posting all my house fix ups.

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Printing a Digital Book



I finally did it! I printed my very first digital scrapbook. I remember when I use to explain digital scrapbooking to people, they'd say, "Digital?...does that mean you just look at them on the computer?" And I'd have to tell them you could but the point is to have it printed and have a BOOK. I mean, it is called scrapBOOKing even if there is the word "digital" in front of it.

IMG_7240So after not quite 2 years as a digital designer, here I am with my very first book. I kept it really cohesive by only using certain colors and elements. I stuck to the Sproutlets papers & accessories, the Imprints collection,  and the PhotoCuts collection. I was COMPLETELY impressed with the quality of the book (even the hard bound outside looked AMAZING). I had it printed at My Pic Tales. I'll be sure to be doing a lot of printing with them in the future. I need to do a few books for Christmas and senidng out for books through these guys was a snap!

IMG_7256I got the book just in time for DSE, Digital Scrapbooking Experience! If you haven't registered for Tips and Tricks in Illustrator, but are attending the event, you can register at the door. I'm also gearing up for Digit Alley on Thursday night. We'll be doing a fun make-and-take at my table. I've been busily having my lovely silhouette cut out little flowers for me.  Another surprise? Jen Allyson will be showing up to help me with the class and the make-and-take table!

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If Things Couldn't Be Busier

IMG_7091_smYou'll notice a little update on the blog and studio site. Specifically, check out the background pattern which will be printed in fabric (Coquette)in two color schemes (plum and moss) in 4 fabrics total (unfortuately not in the background color I have here). Pull the Internet browser out for a good look at this pretty paisley pattern. I also tried to update my nav system on this blog, but unfortuately, my php skills are terrible, and I'm going to need a bit of help on this one.

This week we are closing on our house. No, we haven't really packed, and yes, I'm swamped with other things. Thankfully, the house isn't far away and there will be some work done on the house during the first two weeks. So it will be a slow move where we spend as much time as possible messing up TWO houses.

The best part about the new house for me? Finally, a decent studio space! I just found a fabulous conference table at an antique store just waiting to be painted white. And the project pile keeps growing...

For now, I'm dusting off my old syllabi in honor of the Digital Scrapbooking Experience class that I am teaching on Thursday.  Also putting together some fabulous make-and-takes for that evening's Digit Alley. I'm pretty excited to see all you digi scrappers! Updates on this event soon!

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