A Few Photos

img_47461I just thought I would post these photos of my daughters and one of our friends' daughter's. We took take out to their property and I snapped these photos of the girls. We also went to the Movies in the Park, but managed to get rained out from Mama Mia.


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A Few Photos Read More »

Introducing the New Collections Team!

I had an outpouring of applications for the Collections Team call I posted a couple of weeks ago. It was such a hard decision but I knew I could only take on 5 more people. I think you'll agree that the talent here is outstanding! I was blown away by these ladies! To introduce them, they each submitted a cg layout  (if you want to know about the products they used here, ask in the comments below! These products can all be found in my digi scrap shop at 2peas.). And here they are:


This layout has been removed for publication! You will just have to see it when it is publish:)









gardebvignettes_logoBeautiful work, ladies! You can see why I'm so excited to have them on the team! They will be doing layouts for their first collection, Garden Vignettes in a week. I'm excited for you to see the collection and their beautiful layouts! There will be a give away starting on Thursday for this collection, so be sure and check back for a sneak peek and a chance to win!

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Bright Eyes

Yesterday during lunch, Josh had his computer on the kitchen table and Siri was singing, "I Need a Hero." She only knows the song because of Shrek so that got us wondering who sang the original (which I love). Turns out it is Bonnie Tyler. We were both surprised and Josh brought up the YouTube Video. So, of course, I decided we needed to check out the Total Eclipse of the Heart Music Video too. It's one of my favorite songs and has now led to this post which is now a "Where's Waldo" of the Total Eclipse Music Video.

Read my list to get a very important and completely RELEVANT visual list. I think I said "WHAT?!!???!!!" every five seconds while we watched this video. My favorite moment? When several swimmers get splashed with water from the side. Very relevant to the song, of course.

Warning: The is not an all inclusive list of the horror flick you are about to watch!

Here's the play by play: Cue the music candles, romantic wind blowing sheer curtain, moon, and then...possessed man with the "bright eyes," school boys (which oddly enough are shown when she says "dream of something wild), swimmers with water splashing on them, dancing ninjas, fencing, dancing rockers, football players, flipping gymnast, a porn moment, possessed satanic choir, ballet cavemen, a winged cherub molesting Bonnie Tyler, and last but not least, an EXTREMELY creepy guy (also possessed) that shakes hands with Bonnie Tyler.

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Caterpillar Project

buttoncaterpillar Siri and I made a caterpillar from our button jar yesterday and I thought I'd share it. It's a fairly easy project although it tends to break in little hands (we had a "re-glue" situation a couple of times). Basically, you just need to make 5 sections of 7 buttons each. THe 5 buttons need to be 1 big, 2 semi-big, 2 medium, and 2 small. We used hot glue to put the buttons together. We also alternated colors (3 pink sections and 2 blue sections). We added a pearl button for the nose and 2 pink pins for antenna. All and all an easy project! Siri loved putting it together. Warning: you WILL have buttons all over the floor once you are done!

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Siri's Dance Recital

Siri's first dance recital was on Saturday and I couldn't resist posting some pictures. And yes, I did cry (but just a little!). One thing I couldn't believe was how tall Siri was compared to the other kids. I knew she is going to be a tall girl (due to her daddy's height), but seeing her with other kids made it real. So induldge me with a little family photo opt:). I'm using my PhotoCuts filmstrips here.


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My New ACMoore Paper Pads! Bella Bella and Paris and Co.

img_4663My new AC Moore paper pads have arrived! They are exclusively at ACMoore (I don't think they have hit the stores yet). There are two pads: Bella Bella (which includes many of the original Bella Bella line papers) and Paris and Co. (also found digitally at 2peas). Here's a card I made this afternoon using the papers (alpha rubons from the Laundry Line and Crochet flower from Bohemia).

I'm always amazed at the mess one grown woman can make to create a simple card like this (granted, both of my girls helped with the mess, but most of it was mine). It's positively amazing!

img_4650 img_46401

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My New ACMoore Paper Pads! Bella Bella and Paris and Co. Read More »

Join me at DSE for Tips and Tricks in Illustrator

tipsandtricksinillustrator_1Finally! I can post one of my news bits that I haven't been able to post until now: I'm teaching a Tips and Tricks in Illustrator Class at DSE, Digital Scrapbooking Experience on September 24th in Provo, UT. Come join me for this very cool course! It's an Al La Carte Course on Thursday from 2pm-3pm. See the course description here. Course Description

If you've had an urge to learn more or refine your digital scrapbooking (or even product building for digital designers) skills, Illustrator is a tool that can really help you build better product. I'm excited to teach this little course and get people started on my favorite Adobe program! I'll be going through the ins and outs of the program, drawing tools, building templates, and so much more. I'll have tools and handouts to help you get started. I'm really excited about the course and I hope you'll join me!

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Join me at DSE for Tips and Tricks in Illustrator Read More »

It is Favorite Friday, but...

Usually I would be posting my favorite things that I have seen this week, but it's been such a busy week that I haven't had a chance to blog or, well, just about do anything! The Collection Team calls have been streaming in (I've been so flattered by the entries!). Thank you to everyone has been applying! I'll be announcing the team early next week! It's blessed Friday, because also managed to get my digi kits in to 2peas this week this morning....no late Saturday night craziness for me this week, thank you. I'm hoping for a family filled weekend of biking (my new Madsen bike is coming any day now!), dance recitals, and swimming. A bonfire too (my favorite) if I can work it in! lol. Check back for peeks of my new collection that will hit in a couple more weeks. It's super grungy and in yummy, yummy colors! It's called Garden Vignettes. Hope you all have a happy Friday!

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It is Favorite Friday, but... Read More »

Giveaway Winner for PhotoCuts and Collections Team Call

Hooray! It's Tuesday morning and as promised I have the giveaway winner along with some other news. I do this the old fashion way so I was up this morning cutting out the paper and writing out names. lol. And the winner of the blog giveaway for photocuts is:


siriandherflower1Just email me at carina@diginirvana.com and I will try to get a hold of you as well and we'll arrange for you getting your free product! You can find all the new PhotoCuts Collection digi kits at twopeas here. Here's a layout I did using a mask from the new collection and a paper from a collection that hasn't been released yet called Garden Vignettes! Look for it in a few weeks. Here's a peek:

More business to attend to! I am finally opening up a new creative team call for a collections team! Yes, this is big news as I haven't done a call for a long time. My wonderful publications team has been amazing (you guys rock!) and I've decided that I need a second team to take care more of the layouts for this blog and for new collections. You'll love my darling CT Manager Theresa and you'll get a collections team blinkie to boot:). What does it involve? Read this:


So how does it work? You will receive 1-2 kits per collection along with some started kits to give you some "goods" to get going. The collection team will know about collections that will be released and will have a week or so to put together a layout to be posted at 2peas, etc. It will be no more than 4 layouts a month with the average being about 2-3 layouts a month. We are a friendly group at the studio:).

Oh, and speaking of blinkies, grab this one for your everyday wear:

and keep an eye out for the publications team and the collections team wear:

Here's the html for the fan blinkie for you to copy:

<a href="http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/shop/digital-kits/carina-gardner/" target="_blank"><img class="alignleft" style="margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px;" src="http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee297/diginirvana/fan_carinagardner.gif" alt="" width="150" height="50" /></a>

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Hair Clips

Siri, Flissa, and I got in a craft mood this afternoon and made a bucnh of new hairclips. It's easy and makes the girls look so cute. We are espeically into silk flower clips right now because we ALL end up wearing them:). We also made a bunch of button clips. Here is Siri posing with them:

carinagardner_hairclips You'll also notice Siri's little bird that we decorated. We were at the craft store and I found a couple of little birds for 69 cents. The girls each got one and with the glue gun out, Siri HAD to decorate hers. I love the glue gun!

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Hair Clips Read More »

We Believe in Art

Saturday afternoon, I was working on my digikits and Siri decided to do an art project. Josh was suppose to be watching her, but managed to fall asleep on the couch. When I went to check on her (and realized that Josh was asleep), I found her in COMPLETE artistic mode:

img_4405The entire white table was painted red, blue, and green. Not on purpose, of course. She's just, ummm, able to make that paint go far.  (Honestly, this picture does NOT do it justice!) My favorite part was that she had taken several of her paintings and made them into this ball of paper (think PeeWee Herman tin foil ball). It was actually very inventive, and I see sculpture in her future:).

In other news, there is one more day of the giveaway (see the post below!) so add your comment to be entered in!

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We Believe in Art Read More »

PhotoCuts Giveaway!

My new line Photocuts hits 2peas on Tuesday, but I thought to introduce the line, I would do a giveaway! So here's a peek at the first four digi kits of the line:

firstfourrelease_carinagardner So what do you need to do in order to win one of these great photo-enhancing kits? All you need to do is comment on this thread which one of these kits you would REALLY like to have. Easy-peasy!

Top-Left : Filmstrip Frames

Top-Right : Taped Off Frames

Bottom-Left : Masks

Bottom-Right : Overlays

I'll announce the winner of this blog giveaway on Tuesday morning!

And, if you want another try at winning one of these, I'm doing a seperate drawing on the 2peas blog. So go over there and enter too! Good luck!

Also be sure to check out the new PhotoCuts digi kits during the next several weeks of 2peas releases as there will be plenty more!

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Memorial Day and Madsen Cycles

tinlizzieWe had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. The highlight for the kids was the Memorial Day breakfast we attend in the neighborhood at the church. There's a 5K (we didn't participate), pancake breakfast, and one of the neighbors drove the kids around in this...


The best part for me; however, was that I got a chance to try out Jared's Madsen Cycle. I am SO in love this this thing and will be buying one in the next couple of weeks because it is so fantastic! I was sort of worried that it was going to be too heavy or hard to ride, but I was completely surprised at how light it is and easy to balance. There's also a cool feature were the kick stand is UNDER the bucket to hold the bike up when you aren't riding it. Then, when you kick off to go, it rotates up. Love the design!! One of the best parts is that the kids LOVE it. I mean, really, really love it. For us, we live near the library, both grandma's houses, the grocery store, etc and having a bike like this would save us on gas and help me and Josh get in a little exercise. So I was SO happy to test ride this one. 

I also found out that there is a giveaway going on over at MadsenCycles. They are giving one of these away for FREE! I'm not sure how you enter, but you should visit here to check it out: http://www.madsencycles.com/contest/. Jared (the owner and inventor of the Madsen Bike) img_4267lives in our neighborhood, and he told me about it. If you have little kids, you should seriously think about entering this giveaway! Wait, did I already mention I love this bike? lol


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Crocheting and Preschool Graduations

img_4248I've picked up the crochet needle this week. I usually start to crochet again out of sheer necessity: I can't live without a crocheted wash cloth. Seriously, they are the BEST for washing dishes and our other one is seeing it's final days (something that happens often since we don't own a dishwasher). I've never even tried crocheting anything else. One of my graphic design students a couple of years ago made Siri a crochet octopus (known at our house as "Purpie" because of his lovely purple hue). It  really is one of the most adorable stuffed animals (is that what you call a crocheted animal?).  Maybe one day I'll get away from the crochet washcloth and move on to grander and nobler projects. lol.

img_4055In other news, this week Siri graduated from preschool and even had a class program in lovely red gowns and hats.

This is it. The beginning of the end for me. My baby is going to kindergarten next year. It's cliche but I know I'm going to cry that day. She looked so old at her little preschool graduation. The great part is that summer has officially begun, which means...vacation! And I've already begun calendaring the camping trips and vacations I hope we have time to go on. Last summer was vacationless with Felicity being so young and Josh taking the bar. Not that vacations won't be hard this year: Josh is taking another state's bar this summer (we're marathon bar taking) so that he can be licensed in two states. Good stuff.

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Creative Juice Photography

img_4383_smThere is always a little bit of discomfort when I post pictures of myself on this blog or on the website. For the most part, it's been hard because as the principle photographer in my home, there really aren't many pictures of me (moms, you know what I am talking about!). So I had Creative Juice Photography come over to do a few headshots with me and my products so I could put them up on the about page, etc. They did a FANTASTIC job! I was really happy with their work! Jess was so professional, we took the photos at my house (this one was taken on my front porch).  Go over and check them out when you get a chance and also take a look at my new pics on the about page.

The paper shown here is from my Bella Bella line from My Minds Eye. You can also see the entire line here.

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PhotoCuts Collection—Photographer's Tools

photocutsadI just wanted to give you a preview of the line coming in two weeks! I'm so excited about it because it will be a photographers tool set! These digital kits will be SO much more useful than for just scrapbooking...it will include overlays, masks, filmstrips, and frames of all kinds. It's the kind of set that will really be useful for any type of photography! So the countdown is just 2 weeks away....

BTW, you'll be able to pick them up at TwoPeasinaBucket.


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New Baby Grace

img_3795_smOur family had a new addition this week and I haven't had a chance to blog about it! My sister-in-law Liz had her third little angel, Grace Judy, this week. She is such a sweet little thing. I always forget how small newborns are! I took pictures of the new little one the day after she was born.img_3745_smHere she is with her big sister Caroline and cousin Siri. Siri was VERY fascinated by the whole thing. The nurse put the BIGGEST dob of Elmer's glue on Gracie's head to keep the bow on. I mean ridiculous. I did take a picture of it...but it also looked ridiculous so I refrained from posting it. I would also like a big thank you from Liz from refraining from posting pictures of her the day after she had a baby (which by the way would just make you angry anyway because she looks so good).  

Well, welcome baby Grace! We are so happy to have you in our family!

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Jen's Wedding & Kelly Nicole Photography


As promised, I am posting Jen's wedding photographer's info, Kelly Nicole. Her work is SO beautiful, and I was really impressed with the variety of photos she had for this wedding. One of the things that Jen and I both agree on is that you can NEVER scrimp on your wedding photos. I mean, if you pay a mint for dresses, flowers, and reception hall to make everything beautiful, but scrimp on the photographer then how can you remember any of it? I think I've already posted a little bit on the bachelorette party and wedding, but here's a bit more on the day.

First of all, I think one of the most fabulous things you can do is be the matron of honor for a designer bride and designer groom! These two had it all together...the colors were amazing, the reception was amazing, the dresses were amazing....

 Okay, down to the dirty details. Jen's wedding was at the Salt Lake Temple and reception was held at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building's Empire Room. One of the things I loved was that they had an entire program. It was a flexible program, but it provided 

jsstructure to the whole event which was REALLY nice. When I wasn't chasing the flower girls (my Siri and Felicity and Jen's niece Emma), I was chowing down on the filet mignon, giving the nerve-racking toast, and dancing with my girls. Jen's didn't have specific "colors," I guess you could name them: plum, pink, ivory, green. What she REALLY had was a theme, which was antique. So everything went together without being matchy-matchy. The tablecloths and linens were an antique pink/champaign in silk and the flowers were plum and pink peonies, antique pink and ivory roses, and ivory hydrangea, and baby ranunculus. And by the way, how fantastic are those shoes with the plum dresses (and the yummy salmon peony silk flower?)? The dresses were a great find from Shabby Apple (one of my favorite places to shop for modest dresses)picture-44. The 5-year old flower girl dresses were pink and Flissa's was ivory. Oh, and I'm sending you to Kelly Nicoles blog to see her most recent photographs. I just hopped over there for a second to grab this link  for you to view more pictures of Jen's wedding. 

One last comment...the picture of Felicity and me in the top photo really strikes me. Sometimes I am completely amazed that this is my child because our coloring is so different! Some seriously strong recessive genes...

All of the photos in this post are copyright of Kelly Nicole Photography.

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Another Parfait Day...

Last night we had parfaits again...a new tradition as of a week ago at the Gardner house. Siri was watching a Pee Wee Herman episode where he makes parfaits. She told me that SHE wanted to make a parfait, which sparked an outing to the grocery store. Our parfaits are made of vanilla pudding, bananas, cookies, and whipped cream. A whole lot of healthy.

img_3491 And last night when we had parfaits again, Siri declared the parfaits inedible due to the bananas. So, I guess my attempts to get some fruit in this dessert are now thwarted. Besides, Felicity really only eats the "cream" part anyway. Like daughter, like father. Well, maybe next time we'll just make ice cream parfait and call it good! Then everyone will eat the cream! 


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New Studio Website!

blogimage1You'll notice a couple of changes around here:). While not all of the blog is finished (the links to my free downloads, tutorials, and  new flickr groups are not up yet), the studio site is! I'm so excited to introduce this great new resource for those of you looking for my designwork. The Studio is place to find my newest paper crafting releases from My Minds Eye, digital scrapbooking collections at Two Peas in a Bucket, where to buy my designs, and the latest design news! There's also a fantastic new project gallery that will be updated with design projects regularly! Probably my favorite new thing that will be coming to the blog in the next couple of days is an open group on flickr for you to upload photos of your projects using my paper craft supplies and digital scrapbooking kits! The group is called Your CG Creations and you can go ahead and start uploading stuff...it just hasn't hit my sidebar yet. I'm excited to see what you create! 

So go ahead and take a gander at the new site!

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New Studio Website! Read More »

New Website

If you've noticed an absence of blogging it is because I have been trying to get together a new website that hopefully will be up and running at the end of this week! It will be a great resource for my design news, projects with products, new paper crafting products, digital scrapbooking products, and where to buy them. The blog will get a new makeover as a result as well! There will be new flickr groups and more:). So excuse my absence a bit for this coming week and I'll have this new website up and running! I'm pretty excited about it! You'll even get sneak peeks of my new products coming out WAY before they actually hit CHA and stores! 

Happy Sunday!


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New Website Read More »

In Place of Favorite 5 Friday...

In place of Favorite 5 Friday, I am going to show you what's coming up at 2peas next week! This is my new Paradise Line...it's so very bright and happy!:) 






And of course the party pack:


I'm not finished with the line and you'll see these two come out the following Tuesday with a few others:



My creative team has been putting together some great layouts that I will post next Monday!


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Crate and Barrel Placecard Holders

The UPS truck showed up at our door today and dropped off a Crate and Barrel package. I asked Josh (jokingly) what he bought from Crate and Barrel (he laughed...I don't think he's ever ordered anything from there...me on the other hand, well, that's a different story). So I open the little box and on the top is a card from my darling friend Jen and her new husband Spencer! The card was SO sweet (the gift was a thank you for helping with her wedding), and I couldn't believe it when I saw THESE:

cbplacecards1If you've been reading my blog, you know I've been searching for these little darlings since this Favorite Friday post! They are even MORE beautiful in person! What a FANTASTIC bride!!!! Thank you, thank you Jen and Spencer!!!! I can't wait to use them!!! What a great surprise!

If you are looking for these same place card holders, you can pick them at Crate and Barrel here.



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Felicity's Birthday and Paradise Collection Party Kit

Felicity's birthday was on Thursday, but we celebrated yesterday with Josh's family. It was a really fun time with an easy dinner of soup, salad, and breadsticks, chocolate cupcakes with pink icing and sprinkles for the kids, and coconut cake for the adults. My extra treat was the white chocolate suckers (see the post before this one). Everything looked beautiful! I used my new Paradise Collection to make all the accessories for this party. The new collection is happy and bright with vibrant colors. It hits two peas on May 5th! I will be sure to give you a few sneak peeks in the coming days. You can also buy all the party stuff I put together in a new digikit that is also part of the collection (also coming May 5th).  Here's a peak at the printable digikit:


Here are some photos of the fun night celebrating Flissa's second birthday! Here's the birthday girl wearing her pink party dress and wrapped in her blanky.


These are my cute sisters-in-law:


Party food always makes everything better!



I cheated on the cake—just white box cake (Duncan Hines), but I didn't skimp on the frosting. I used the Barefoot Contessa's coconut cream cheese frosting


I love these four little cousins!


The hats looked so adorable on the kids!




Living Room decorations


and party-goers (it's girly enough at our house that even grandpa is holding a wand).



More on the new collection soon!




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White Chocolate Lollipops

My friend Carolyn sent me a picture of white chocolate lollipops she made from molds and I had to try it myself for Flissa's family birthday party. (Carolyn says that she has a blog but hasn't updated it for a while. I'm trying to convince her to put her gorgeous little girl bows up...if she does I will be sure to post it here!) So I borrowed Carolyn's daisy molds and made the suckers. They were SO fast and easy to make. All you do is get white chocolate chips, melt them, add a little food coloring (I used two drops of red in one package of white chocolate chips to get this light pink), and let them cool in the fridge. I was sort of surprised at how fast the entire process was. 



That's my short post for the day! I have to get together the rest of Flissa's b-day party and I am working on a new line for  Two Peas which should hit in two weeks! Not only that but I found out this week that My Minds's Eye has picked up a Halloween line from me for the July release (CHA). Lots of exciting things happening and so little time! Will post on the party and new line soon!



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Bachelorette Party and Wedding

This weekend was filled with parties and events for Jen's wedding. But don't plan on her posting about it anytime soon since she is on her honeymoon. I just thought I would post a couple of tidbits although I don't know that this will be a very exciting post as I promised to not show any of the riske photos from the bachelorette party. I tried to make the food for the party as easy as possible. One of the ladies offered her house so we nixed going to a restaurant for a more comfortable atmosphere. I ordered sushi (from Happy Sumo) and soup (the Zuppa is my favorite from the Olive Garden). I'll be using the Olive Garden for easy parties in the future...the soup was only $20 for a gallon and $4 for 12 breadsticks. 



This is my favorite picture of Aimee and Cynthia (sisters) laughing at  one of the stories being told.


As I said, I wasn't allowed to post any of the ridiculous pictures, so that basically eliminated everything else:).

Okay, a little about the wedding. As the matron of honor (wow, that sounds old, huh?) and with two little flower girls to boot, there wasn't much time for pictures. I will just say that it was a BEAUTIFUL day—the bride looked beautiful and the groom handsome, and well, it was all a fantastic success. When Jen posts pictures, I will DEFIANTLY send you over to her site because they will be fabulous. I will also get the link to her photographer, Kelly Nicole. Here are a few of my candid pics:

The bride and groom


I think this little flower girl is pretty adorable.


This next little flower girl ripped the hem of her dress,refused to wear her wreath, and managed to have a blow out in her dress during my toast (Josh missed the toast and a few other things). She looks so innocent...


Our fabulous cupcakes from cupcakechicutah were AMAZING! I would highly recommend her! We had the red velvet for the wedding favors and we had the chocolate coconut and chocolate mint at our bachelorette party.



This cake wasn't just beautiful, it was YUMMY! Raspberry filled and swirled on the bottom, carrot cake for the middle, and lemon with lemon curd for the top...



Felicity and me...I loved our bridesmaids dresses and those huge peony's we wore in side buns in our hair. We also had fabulous green shoes! That's the fantastic combo you get when two designers get married!



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Work, work, work...& something funny.

So I'm sure you also feel this way many times: too many things, so little time! There are SO many things I want to do creatively, with my family, for myself...but I need just one more hour in my day (you know you can relate with me on this one)! There is the daily grind of regular life, there are things that must be done, and there's, well, work. And all of it is necessary. So carving out a piece of time in your life that is complete devoted to some kind of creative effort or ME time is difficult. I see this especially for moms (when's the last time you got some ME time, mommies?). Last night, I had a bit of ME time by going out with my girlfriend, Jen (aka: the projectgirl). Did I mention that she is getting married? Yep. She is. And I'm guessing she has been too busy to even mention it on her blog. Currently, she is staying at my house as we make final preparations this week for the big day. Last night we went out for pedicures and a little late night dinner. VERY indulgent and something I can be okay with as Ms. Jen lives in San Francisco and I'm always so happy when she is in town! So with a week's worth of wedding stuff in front me (I am currently fancied-up for our bridal luncheon today at the Lion House) and Two Peas products to make, My Minds Eye submissions barking at me, my daytime job (yes, I still have one of these), and well, I have been sketching out new designs for this website (lol...good timing, I know!), things start to get a tiny-bit busy. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! I think this is what life is all about! And most of it is SO fun (I love everything I do!)! I guess this post is sort of a reminder for me to enjoy the process—something I am terrible at doing. I'm sort of an end result person (a prognosis attained from the doctorate I'm sure). So I hope if things are crazy for you, you take a moment to smell the roses and enjoy your process!

And, because I love you so much, here's something for you all to enjoy. Josh was sent this little goodie from a friend on facebook and I CANNOT resist posting it here! I mean, it IS design related. Please, please, I urge you to watch to the VERY END! Business card anyone?

Your Business Card is Crap!

Wait, wait....This is THE most impressive business card I have ever seen. It's MINE...hahaha! That is such a great line! And where in the world can I get this guy's business card?

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Bella Bella Layout

Last week, something possessed me to take a second away from digital scrapbooking and to actually scrapbook the traditional way. I used my Bella Bella line from My Minds Eye.




It's nice to get off the computer sometimes and really get down and dirty! I think there is something about really feeling the paper in your hands ( I love paper...sheets and sheets of it all over my home just because I like the stuff!). I do think traditional scrapbooking is harder for me because I'm always wishing for a control-Z (I actually wish there was a control-z for a lot of regular things in life!). But once I got use to the idea of planning the layout ahead and being okay with the home spun nature of it all (aka, my glops of glue!), I was good! 


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Slow roasted Salmon with Spring Herb Sauce

I got this lovely recipe book from the library a couple of weeks ago and finally got around to using it last night for dinner! I think the recipes are relatively easy and the photos are inspiring. There are probably 10 recipes I have marked in this book.


I really think this is a very easy recipe as it requires very little work and ingredients I generally have in my kitchen.


There are basically two parts: Cook the Salmon (and I did Chicken too because I knew my ids would prefer that) and Make the Lemon sauce. Let me see if I can decipher these ingredients from the picture...


SLOW-ROASTED Salmon with spring herb sauce

1 ½ pouds fresh wild king or sockeye salmon fillet

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

Kosher salt

1 cup dry white wine

3 tablespoons finely chopped shallots

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

6 tablespoons unsalted butter

½ cup mixed coarsely chopped soft-leafed herbs such as basil, chervil, chives, dill, fennel, lovage, mint, sorrel, or tarragon, plus additional small tender herb springs for garnish

Coarse sea salt for finishing

(and remember that if you have my kitchen recipe digital kit that you put this one on a recipe card for your kitchen! It's a keeper! I've been pretty good about documenting all my recipes as I have had many new ones recently and my little recipe box is getting nicely filled!)

So I'm sure you don't have ALL those ingredients in your kitchen. I just bastardized it a bit, heehee. I only had flat leaf pasley and I used dried thyme to help. I did have the lemons and butter, but no shallots. I substituted a finely chopped red onion instead. I also threw in pasta as our carb...I know, not traditional with Salmon, but I knew that's what my kids would eat.

For the salmon and chicken, you just let the meats sit in olive oil for about 30 minutes and then stick them in the oven until done. Salt them before they go in the oven. I then put the pasta on and made the lemon sauce. All you need to do is mix the wine, lemon, shallots, and a teaspoon of salt in a pan and let it boil until it reduces to half. Then whisk in the butter. Easy peasy!


And that's it! Combine the pasta with some of the sauce, throw on the fresh herbs at the end (for the dry ones, I think I threw them into the sauce...once again bastardized).



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Beautiful Bedrooms

I've been dreaming of a beautiful bedroom these days. With my office in the bedroom and with my girls using it as their hang out room, it is currently stuffed to capacity. However, I found these 4 bedrooms on HouseBeautiful's website to inspire me to help make my room a little prettier...

Florescent pink pillows...who knew they could be so stunning?



This one is probably my favorite. Soft, sweet, and bright. And SO comfy. Don't you just want to climb into that bed, snuggle in, and read a book?



The chandelier on this one is TO DIE FOR. Yum, yum!


I'm attracted to the colors on this one! I think that blue is in my living room...



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Easter Inspiration

I'm back from a bit of a hiatus from my blog. I've had a number of things barking at me these last couple of weeks and I've devoted myself to being a little more careful about what I choose to spend my time doing. I actually was sitting in on a seminar a few weeks ago that asked us to rate the top 5 things in our lives (things we like to do, wanted to spend more of our time on, etc.). We were then asked to take that list and compare it to what we ACTUALLY do with our day. This simple task is an eye opener. I found myself acknowledging that I didn't want to spend my life living the way I was now (so busy and stressed out) and not doing the things that I LOVE. Life's too short right? My number one thing I wanted to do more of was spend a little more quality time with my little family—especially my girls. They've always been my number one priority, but I decided to MAKE sure that if I am doing something other than being with them, that it is completely worth it (that's one way to justify not getting around to the laundry, heehee). Other top things for me? Designing, of course. I am COMPLETELY passionate about it. Surprisingly enough, cooking came up high on my list too. I completely forget how much I enjoy cooking as I spend more nights quickly try to get dinner together at night without a thought to how fun the process is. So you may see a bit more cooking on this site as I flex my creative muscles and make myself spend more time on things I love doing!

What are your top 5 things? What do you care about the most? I really believe that we have the ability to DESIGN our lives...which is a task in and of itself. How would you design your life if you could? I have some ideas about how I am changing my life to be a little less busy and more dynamic and engaging! I am always seeking after beauty in my life and that is one of the things I hope to bring to anyone who reads this blog. I hope that creativity is an integral part of your life too.

Which brings me to what I originally planned on posting about today: Easter inspiration. This is such a wonderful holiday—for decorations, family, and reflection. Hopefully, you get a chance this week to think about your life and what you need and don't need in it! And while you are pondering these very big questions, lol, here is some eye candy to make you happy and feel inspired for this holiday!

This is Bossy Feltworks  etsy shop. What a little darling chicky, huh?


This one's from SoMommySew. These birdies and colors are divine?



 This one is from madepersonal and is so charming.


If you want something to tandalize your eyes and your tummy, you should read this post over from the kitchn. It'a an assortment of very pretty little cookies you can find at different locations. These are too sweet and are true eye candy:


Those ladybugs are KILLING me...and little umbrellas? So sweet! Hope this all makes you as happy as it does me! More holiday stuff all this week...because, well, how can I help it? Happy Easter, Passover, or whatever you choose to celebrate this season. The main thing is that you celebrate!


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Giveaway! Peony Place Extras!

Hello everyone! It's a giveaway week! The new line of Peony Place extras hits this week with these first three digital kits at Two Peas in a Bucket tomorrow. 





Then more EXTRAS come out next week...here's the sneak peek!





So here's the giveaway! For every 30 comments on this post, I will giveaway 1 of these Peony Place Extras! Just comment on this thread and say which of the digi kit EXTRAS you wish you could have and you will be placed in the drawing. Easy peasy! 


This giveaway will end on this Friday! And the more comments (1 comment per individual for this giveaway) the more I will giveaway! It's a win-win!

>>Go back to the home page for the most up-to-date posts!



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The Joy of Cooking's Carrot Cake and The Cure

I recently signed up to do The 8 week Cure with many others at Apartment Therapy. I am currently reading Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan's Book—Apartment Therapy: The eight-step home cure. "The Cure," to boil it down, is an eight week program meant to help organize and make healthy our living spaces. There are several things you do including declutters, room remedies, and more. My favorite thing is to bring home flowers once a week for my home. I always put my flowers on our table because then I'll actually clean it up! Dirty dishes and flowers don't really match, you know?



And, to top it off this week, the cure is all about deep cleaning the kitchen. INTO it! My kitchen really needed it! One of the things you do is a new recipe. While I bought ingredients for a couple of new recipes, today I felt like I wanted to revisit a recipe I haven't had a chance to make for awhile! I thought I'd share because it's one of my favorites! It's The Joy of Cooking's Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing. I made sure and got it onto one of my recipe cards today so that I wouldn't have to drag the book out again for it! 


Serving: 12
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes


1 ⅓ cup all-purpose flour 
⅔ cup vegetable oil 
3 large egg 
1 ½ peeled and finely grated cup carrot 
1 cup walnuts, finely chopped 
1 cup sugar 
1 ½ teaspoons baking soda 
1 teaspoon baking powder 
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 
½ teaspoon ground cloves 
½ freshly grated or ground teaspoon nutmeg 
½ teaspoon ground allspice 
½ teaspoon salt    

1 cup golden raisins
½ cup crushed pineapple, lightly drained 




1. Have all ingredients at room temperature, 68°F to 70°F.   

2. Preheat the oven to 350°F. 

3. Grease and flour two 9x2-inch round pans or two 8x8-inch pans or one 13x9-inch pan, or line the bottom with wax paper.

4. In a large bowl, throroughly whisk together the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, all-spice, and salt.

5. Add the vegetable oil and eggs, and stir together well with a rubber spatula or beat on low speed.

6. Stir in the carrots, walnuts, raisins and pineapple (if using).

7. Scrape the batter into the pans(s) and spread evenly.

8. Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes.



For me, I always do the pineapple, but never the raisins or walnuts. I also added coconut and vanilla for my own special twist! 
Beat 8 oz. cold cream cheese (not rock solid, but it means you can use it straight out of the refrigerator) with 5 Tbsp. softened butter and 2 tsp. vanilla until combined. Gradually add 2 c. powdered sugar that has been sifted after measuring. Continue to add more sifted powdered sugar until you reach a consistency and sweetness that fits your taste.

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Running with the Leopards—5K Race

No designerly posts today. Just a quick post to say that Josh and I ran a 5k today with his East High alma mater (the high school recognizable for being the place High School Musical was filmed). About 700 people showed for the race. It was cold. This is a terrible picture of us, but I thought the snow on the mountains nicely demonstrates the cold.


A final note...my husband beat me. I'm guessing by about 3 minutes. We 'll see when the race results come out. I also had a momentary scare when I was sprinting in and managed to fling my iPod. Don't ask me how...it just happened! Thankfully it was sort of a frisbee fling and it landed in the grass. A race chaperone (is there such a thing? You know, that guy who stands on the side and watches races and gives times) picked it up (thankfully!)


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Easter Birdie Nests—Kid Edible Project

We made these edible easter nests that Siri is obsessed with it. I guarantee they'll be a hit with your kids too! Plus they are easy!


Add a peep birdie for extra sweetness!


All you need is:

Chow Mein Crunch Noodles

Chocolate Chips (We like milk—it's naughtier)

Shredded Sweetened Coconut (optional...I like it, the kids don't)

jelly bean eggs or whopper eggs

Peeps chicks

Heat up a pan and melt the chocolate chips. Add the chow mein noodles and mix gently. I usually heap half into spoonfuls on a plate or tray and then mix the coconut in for the rest. Let your kids add the eggs and peeps. Easy Peasy! 



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Nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, glue gun skills...

Last night before the girls went to sleep, I pulled out some of my extra "bits and ends" and decided to make the girls a couple of clips. Siri just got a haircut (which has been FANTASTIC!), but means I need more clips for her to pull her hair from her face. 


I bought alligator clips and just made a couple because I decided that Siri's hair is too thick for these tiny ones I bought. I'll be off to the store today to buy bigger ones so we can make more! (Siri was REALLY into it). First thing this morning, she asked to wear the clip we made.


All I did was lay down some thin ribbon on the clip and hot glue the two crochet flowers to the clip. We also glued two tiny pink gems in the centers of the flowers. Easy! And Siri is happy to boot! Glue gun skills...gotta love them!



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