We had Chinese on Friday. Siri opened her fortune cookie and this is what it said:

It made me laugh since, of course, we are moving in a month. Because of the move, I interviewed for a job in Utah earlier Friday morning that was in a field I've never worked in before. I opened my fortune cookie and this is what it said:

Funny, huh? Maybe I should buy a few more fortune cookies to find out where to buy a house. lol.
Siri gave her first talk in church today. Of course, her mother forgot about it. I wrote her the talk as we walked to Primary. She said everything SO clearly and put her mouth right up to the mic. She even knew the name of the new prophet and said it when I whispered, "The name of the new prophet is..." (she was suppose to repeat after me)but instead she said, "President S. Monson." (to answer my question). She held up a picture over the mic and wasn't afraid at all! I was so proud of her!
Her are some pics of the girls.

Flissy was so happy to just walk through the tennis court with all those other kids zippying in and out on their bikes.

Josh brought these cupcakes to me and Siri from the Vice Pres. Mondale birthday bash at the law school. Siri said that one of the chocolate toppings looked like 'fur' and one looked like a 'dragonfly." She insisted on eating the dragonfly one. Can you tell which one is the 'fur' one and which is the 'draonfly' one? If you figure it out, let me know.

This is a week ago when Siri and I went to the circus. She declared that she wanted to take a class when she grows up to learn how to 'go so high' like the acrobats.
Here's my most recently layout with my Yes Kit at digi nirvana.
The journaling says, "when I explained to Siri that when we move we wouldn’t see the people that lived here (Minnesota) anymore, she buried her head in a pillow and broke into tears, “You mean I won’t see Lucia anymore?” It broke my heart! "