Eek Boo Shriek eBook Now Available!

I'm thrilled, chilled, and hauntingly happy to announce my newest eBook Eek Boo Shriek™ is now available in PDF forma in my shop! It should be available on Amazon in the future but for now, enjoy 60% off the release in the next week!

This book features my recent fabric collection for Riley Blake Designs™ also named Eek Boo Shriek! You are going to love the 8 quilt blocks, stand quilts, triangle quilt, table runners, and mini quilt instructions in this book!

I LOVE all the projects in this book and I wanted to make sure and make it available for those of you who want to make in September and decorate in October! I know my house is going to get a spooky makeover in the coming months!

You can grab this fabulous book (normally $9.99) in my shop here.

(Psst, for this release I decided to also put Sweetly Stitched Quilts on sales so be sure to check that out as well!)

Happy Haunting!

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Eek Boo Shriek eBook Now Available! Read More »

Eek Boo Shriek Blog Tour THIS WEEK!

I'm thrilled to announce the Eek Boo Shriek Blog Tour going on this week! Drop by each of these blogs to see all the fabulous things they are doing with my latest fabric line! What's more is that on FRIDAY, you should drop back here for fun new announcement! 


Check out these blogs this week:

Monday,  July 31

Tuesday, August 1

Wednesday, August 2

Thursday, August 3 

Friday, August 4 Back here at AND

(photo from That's Sew Kari! It's her big girl dress so gorgeous?!)



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Eek Boo Shriek Blog Tour THIS WEEK! Read More »

How to Put Together a Big Paper Flower with Your Silhouette Cameo

I have a new tutorial up on my youtube channel for putting together my new favor bags for Silhouette! You can find all of these styles in my store at:

You can automatically subscribe to the channel here for the latest tutorials!

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How to Put Together a Big Paper Flower with Your Silhouette Cameo Read More »

How to Put Together Carina Gardner's 4 Tiered Wedding Cake for Silhouette Cameo

I have a new tutorial up on my youtube channel for putting together my new favor bags for Silhouette! You can find all of these styles in my store at:

You can automatically subscribe to the channel here for the latest tutorials!

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How to Put Together Carina Gardner's 4 Tiered Wedding Cake for Silhouette Cameo Read More »

June Block of the Month 2017 Now Available!

This is the last Block of the Month video this year so make sure and grab the download and finish up your quilt! The download for June measurements are available here:

Sad that Block of the Month is ending? Make sure and check back on the youtube channel EVERY THURSDAY for a fabric video!

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June Block of the Month 2017 Now Available! Read More »

Introduction to Eek Boo Shriek - Video with Carina!

Hey you! Did you know that starting last week, I'm uploading a fabric related video EVERY week on Thursdays to my Youtube Channel. You can subscribe by just clicking on THIS LINK.

Last week, I showed you guys how to put together my Eek Boo Shriek 18 inch doll panel. This week I'm introducing you to the rest of the line. Take a look!

XOXO- Carina

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Introduction to Eek Boo Shriek - Video with Carina! Read More »

4.25 in. x 5.5 in. Card Tutorial for the Silhouette Cameo

4.25 in. x 5.5 in. Card Tutorial for the Silhouette Cameo Read More »

Eek Boo Shriek's 18 inch Doll Panel Instructions for Riley Blake Designs

My new fabric line has started shipping, and I've gotten requests for the downloadable instructions (with illustrations) for the new 18 inch doll panel. So here it is!


I also decided to make a video of this one because I wanted to walk you through how I make this panel. I hope you enjoy! Make sure and subscribe to my youtube channel for more great sewing projects!

Happy sewing!

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Eek Boo Shriek's 18 inch Doll Panel Instructions for Riley Blake Designs Read More »

Round up of 5 Springtime Silhouette Cameo Cuttables!

Sometimes I forget to tell you about projects I'm doing or have loved that are amazing! So here's a ROUND UP of some favorite SPRINGTIME projects that you can get from my Silhouette Shop.

1. ​​Accordion Number Album Design ID #75919

2. 3 Stacked Skinny Square Boxes Design ID #76544

3. Butterfly Perched on a Flower Pillowbox Design ID #76289

4. Layered tulip gift card Tag Design ID #77394

5. 4 x6 Window Photo Pocket Album Design ID #77713

​Hope you have some fun with these! I also have a fun bonus for you! Use coupon code SPRINGTIME30 for 30% off diecuts from my shop through May 1st!

XOXO- Carina




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Round up of 5 Springtime Silhouette Cameo Cuttables! Read More »

Embroidery Folded Card for Silhouette

I'm so excited to show you these amazing Embroidery Folded Cards I'm releasing with MiniLou this week! Links will be added to this post once the cards are up on Silhouette (You can find the Carina Gardner Store here and the MiniLou store here).

I have a great video showing you how I straight stitch, knot my thread, end the floss, and make a french knot! Check it out below!

I hope you have a chance to check out all of these designs! There are so many cool ways to work with these designs and they are AMAZING for kid projects!

Happy Crafting!

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Embroidery Folded Card for Silhouette Read More »

Flat Folding 3D Boxes Tutorial

I'm loving anything that folds down flat (so I can actually keep it!) these days. These foldable boxes are easy to put together. You can find them in my Silhouette SHop here:

1. Cut out all pieces in your file.
2. If you have layered accent pieces, glue these together first ( for example, a bunny overlay on a white background).
3. Then fold up all the edges of the box. Glue together the inside flap to create the main body of the box.
4. Glue on the accent pieces.
5. Fold the box top and bottom up and slide into place. You do NOT have to glue the top and bottom on.

Happy Crafting!

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Flat Folding 3D Boxes Tutorial Read More »

2.25 in. x 3.25 in. Layered Cards and Envelopes on Silhouette

This week my Silhouette release continues with 2.25 in. x 3.25 in. cards. I'm really loving this size! This week the cards are "layered." I cover a lot of different themes—wedding, baby, spring to name a few.  These Layered Cards are the same size as my Accordion Shadow Box Cards that were released last week. Because of this, I also have envelopes that match up to these cards.

I also have two videos below that will help you make these cards and envelopes. Please subscribe to the youtube channel if you are interested in these tutorials. Many times I am putting up these videos the week before the products are released so you can see what is coming out (your very own sneak peek!)


If you get one of each (layered card or accordion card + an envelope), you will find that it's a very nice tight fit. Don't use pop dots because the card will not fit. I may have an envelope come out that allows for a thicker card (tell me on instagram @carinagardnerpapercrafts if you want something like that!).

Happy Crafting!





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2.25 in. x 3.25 in. Layered Cards and Envelopes on Silhouette Read More »

Sweetie Pie Quilt Along Blog Tour - Blueberry

It's a double blogpost kind of day because I have both sewing and paper on the mind (see new tutorial for SVGS in the post below). Today I get to show you my quilt block from Lori Holt's Sweetie Pie Quilt!

Riley Blake has teamed up with fellow designer Lori Holt to give you two free video tutorials on this quilt along with all the instructions for free. I had a blast putting together the blueberry block in my Posy Garden™ fabrics.

Because I had a little extra time at church (yes, I was doing the embroidery at church), I filled in the branches in a thick brown thread. I also had to pull the green from my very first line for Riley Blake Dainty Blossoms™.

Have you been making this quilt? What kinds of fabrics are you using?

Happy Sewing!

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Sweetie Pie Quilt Along Blog Tour - Blueberry Read More »

Accordion Shadow Box Card Tutorial for Silhouette

This week I am releasing these cool Accordion Shadow Box Cards! They fold flat and are so sweet. Cards are sized to 2.25 in. x 3.25 in. and can be cut on a portrait or cameo. There are 4 folds with layers of goodness! See how I put it together in the video below OR check out my quick instructions below. These are in my Silhouette Shop:

***EDIT: Some of the Design IDS for this line is Design ID #187756, Design ID #187753,  Design ID #187750, Design ID #187747, Design ID #187744, Design ID #187741, Design ID #187735, Design ID #187729, Design ID #187726, and Design ID #187717.

Happy Crafting!
PS Make sure and subscribe to my youtube channel because this it the first of many videos that I am doing in this new format! I'm hopeful that you will be able to see clearly what I am doing!


  1. Cut out all the pieces in the file.
  2. Fold the main card piece into an accordion shape.

3. Glue all the extra pieces into place using the preview photo as your guide. For items like flowers or butterflies, finger press to give dimension. Be sure to use the folded accordion card to decided where pieces should go so you do not mistakenly add pieces to the wrong side of the card.

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Accordion Shadow Box Card Tutorial for Silhouette Read More »

5 Reasons Spring is the Best Time to Create

IMG_0022_1webThere are lots of reasons that spring is a favorite time of year for most of us. Whether it’s the sunshine, bulbs in bloom, or the chirping of birds back from their winter hideouts; spring is a time of renewal. For me, I feel re-energized to make again. Here are some of the reasons spring is the best time to get your Silhouette machine out to CREATE!

1. Holiday crafts

Sure, you love making stuff for Christmas, but what about St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, and Graduation? These are some of my favorite holidays to make cards and projects for! (Animal Explosion Basket – Easter Bunny Design ID 122681)

2. Flowers

I don’t have to tell you that there are SO many good flower projects in the Silhouette Shop…because there always are! Party it up with some great floral projects! (3D Gold Fringed Petal Flower Design ID 109882)

goldcrimpededgeflower3. Spring Cleaning

You would think this would be a reason NOT to be making stuff, but the truth is once your spring-cleaning is done, there is nothing like sitting down to your craft table to make. That’s right, creating in a clean space is pure happiness. And once you have cleaned, declutters, and dejunked your house, isn’t it the perfect time to make something to fill it back up again (wink)!

4. Butterflies

There’s never a time I like to pull out all the butterfly projects more than in the spring. Who’s with me? (Vellum Top Butterfly Box Design ID 79311)

vellumtopbutterflybox5. Organization

Spring is officially the best time to get organized. There are so many great FUNCTIONAL (not just pretty) projects to get your photos, knick-knacks, and office supplies organized.

Hope you are enjoying spring as much as I am!


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5 Reasons Spring is the Best Time to Create Read More »

February & March Posy Garden Block of the Month


I think I managed to forget to do a post on Block of the Month for February so I'm doing double duty today!

I'm a bit late, but March block of the month is finally up! We had some technically difficulties over the last few days with the website so I'm so happy everything seems to be resolved with our hosting company.

March's video is a bit long but hopefully helps all of you beginners put together this video. If you can't tell, I had fun making it (wink, wink). The downloads are all available in the shop for free (as per usual). I use Posy Garden fabric (with minky on the back for Felicity), but you can make it in any fabric you want. Felicity and I also tested a portion of the inside of this quilt with Primrose Garden (I'll make sure to post a pic soon on Facebook).

Hope you have fun making it!!!!

XOXO- Carina

February 2017 BLOCK VIDEO


March 2017 BLOCK VIDEO

Grab the MARCH DOWNLOAD here.

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Carina Gardner & Where Women Cook Magazine Article Spring 2017

IMG_9256 2Last July, I prepared several recipes and met up with photographer Justin Hackworth and editor-in-chief of Where Women Cook Magazine Jo Packham to take photos in my 1968 Jet Airway.

It's now March. When I received the copy of the magazine I was completely surprised to see my family on the front cover! Well, surprised is an understatement. Delighted and giddy describes it better! My mom was in town helping me sew my most recent book (Sweetly Stitched Quilts available in Kindle and PDF format), and she saw how excited I was. Actually, she might have seen me jump right out of my chair in my office, lol.

There are so many wonderful recipes in this issue! I'm excited to try them out. There are also some gorgeous photos. Because so many photos I loved from the shoot didn't make it into the issue I thought I would share a few here. Also be sure to check out the hastag #carinaglamps on instagram for more glamper goodness.

If you want to see more of my glamper renovation, check it out here.

Utah wedding and portrait photography

Utah wedding and portrait photography
Strawberry Basil Pie...available in Where Women Cook Spring 2017 as well as my new book Sweetly Stitched Quilts. 


Utah wedding and portrait photography

Utah wedding and portrait photography

Utah wedding and portrait photography


This Peach Fizzy Drink didn't make it into the magazine but is in my book.

Utah wedding and portrait photography
This is for my wonton blackberry salad.

Utah wedding and portrait photography

Get your issue of this magazine here or at your local craft or grocery store.


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Carina Gardner & Where Women Cook Magazine Article Spring 2017 Read More »

Carina Gardner's Best Little Album for Silhouette and

IMG_7085_instagramwebThis week I'm leaving for long anticipated trip. It's been a tough week with a lot of sickness and big news so the timing of this trip couldn't be better. If you want to see what I am doing, I'll be posting to all three of my feeds depending on where I am: @carinagardner @carinagardnerpapercrafts @miniloukids.

I always make myself a travel book for a trip like this ( think my Hong Kong trip for MiniLou) and this time wasn't any different. This time, I wanted everything to be tabbed and easy to get to, so I used my Silhouette machine to cut out this book. I did however, get this SPIRAL BOUND instead of using the holes I made for my cutting files. Why? Because I like pre-made holes for regular album making. But for a trip, I think you need a sturdy spiral bound so you can really use the book. Printables are available on Silhouette OR you can also wait until I release them the first week in March for Digital Scrapbooking.


I call this the "Best Little Album" because I've gone out of my way to make it SO simple that it would work for your trip to Florida as well as a trip to Europe. You can pick and choose from the 12 printables that correlate with the 6 tab system (so you cut out 12 tabs in all). You can also pick from printable or cut-able covers I've provided as well as pockets and accessories. The point is that every piece should work seamlessly so you can mix and match to your hearts content. I know I did.


For the tabs, the printable is in a separate "tab" file so you can cut tabs out on mutli-colored paper. I'm sure I'll do that in future travel books but for this one, I decided to go all kraft paper.


I also "laminated" the tabs with moving tape. Sturdiness is important! There's nothing worse than having a tab break off midway through a trip or even later when your kids are handling them to look at it photos.


My travel albums are always dual purpose. They contain everything we are going to do, addresses, directions, places to eat, flight information, as well as a journal and a place for photos. That way I don't have to come home from a trip and "scrapbook it." It's done. I staple in tickets to events, museums, and instax photos. I'll come home and print a few and glue them into the remaining pages. Done and done.



Maybe you can guess where I'm going from the activities I wrote here (wink, wink).



Search "BEST LITTLE ALBUM" under my Silhouette Artist name to find the entire collection of these! I promise you'll use this one again and again!

XOXO, Carina




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Kids Pencil Valentine Cards

IMG_8715_webThis week is the last one I'll be releasing Valentine's so I'm going out with a bang!  I also decided to double dip. These pencil cards are not only my final Valentine's release but are also Felicity's class gifts. She's going to write on each of them, and I'm sure we'll add a few quotes like "I'm write for you."

You can find them in my Silhouette shop here.

TIP 1: When you are putting these together, I recommend putting your pencil through the slits FIRST and then gluing your pieces into place (see photo below).

There are several designs were two or more papers have slits that match up. Use the slits as your guides. Place the pencil through the slits first and then pull open the edges of the top paper to glue it into place.

TIP 2: I LOVE pop dots with these designs! And glitter. And stamping ink on the edges. I kept them all simple on purpose. So you can jazz them up or use them as a kid activity.

TIP 3: Add a printable. Simply use whatever word processing software you use and write up a cute phrase in a cute font. Print, cut and attach to these Valentine's cards!


And in case you missed it (haha), I've been releasing Valentine's for the last month. In fact, we have been releasing Valentine's for both CGInc. and MiniLou for the past several weeks. You can check both shops here:

Carina Gardner Silhouette Shop

MiniLou Silhouette Shop


Happy crafting!


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Carina Gardner's 2017 Block of the Month

I'm so excited to introduce the 2017 Block of the Month Quilt! I've posted the introduction to this year's block of the month below along with the January video! As always, you will be able to access everything on my 2017 BLOCK OF THE MONTH PAGE. That page is updated monthly with all the videos and download links you need! Check out the quilt we will be making!


This is a scrappy quilt and you can make it from scraps OR purchase a fat quarter pack to cut your blocks. You can start with me in January or anywhere along the way. I am using my line Posy Garden for Riley Blake in this quilt. Download all the cutting and fabric requirements here:
Want to become part of my instagram (@carinagardner) community? Sew with me every month and hashtag #carinagardner the photo of your monthly block so I can see what you are making!
January 2017 BLOCK VIDEO


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Six Carina Gardner Free Fabric Projects You Might Have Missed

I posted on instagram the other day a picture of Felicity watching my cut out fabric for my 2017 Block of the Month.  It reminded me that I wanted to put together a list of the SIX FREE FABRIC PROJECTS you might have missed.


  1. Double Ringed Pincushion Pattern (also known as the Donut Pattern!)
  2. Partridge Bird Pattern
  3. Pinfeathers Rosetta Wreath Pattern
  4. Dainty Blossoms Camera Strap Pattern
  5. Reversible Blouse & Dress Pattern
  6. Primrose Garden 18 inch Doll Quilt Pattern


Hope you get a chance to download all of these!

Happy Sewing!

XOXO- Carina

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Six Carina Gardner Free Fabric Projects You Might Have Missed Read More »

2017 Tutorial Tuesdays for 99 cents!

2017tutorialtuesday_jan3_carinagardner_iconI'm so excited to announce that this year I'm introducing a Tutorial Tuesday! Every Tuesday you will see a new 5-10 minute tutorial on one of my favorite programs (illustrator, indesign, photoshop, silhouette software), a sewing technique or some other crafty goodness.

Each tutorial will go up on Tuesdays for the introductory price of 99 cents! Isn't that a steal of a deal? Wednesday they will go to their normal price of $2.99. So get it while it's hot!

I'm excited for the very first tutorial, which is an Illustrator Tutorial (you know me, I can't help teaching a little Illustrator!). I show you how to make a scalloped tag and I highlight the following things:

• The Ellipse Tool
• The Pattern Brush Tool
• Using the Fill and Stroke
• Changing colors
• Expanding Objects
• Trimming and Uniting Objects
• Arranging Objects (Front, Back, ect)
• Ungroup Objects

What you will need for this lesson:
• Illustrator CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, or Cloud (A free month trial is available at Adobe)
• Internet access (video is streaming)

Every week will be a little different so make sure and check them all out as I release them! If you have never taken Illustrator before (or any of the other programs), it's ALL GOOD! The tutorials are meant for every level to give you tips and tricks, get you comfortable with the software or technique, and help you in your own business, blog, or personal design endeavors.

This week only, the first tutorial will be 99 cents ALL WEEK. That's right! Up until next week's tutorial.

Happy learning!



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Interview on American Patchwork & Quilting Radio - Episode #320

american-patchwork-quilting-pocast-episode-320-carina-gardnerYesterday I was thrilled (aka nervous!) to be on American Patchwork & Quilting Radio with Pat Sloan. I didn't get to hear the episode until late last night, but if you are the least bit interested in what I have to say about Barbie doll sewing, Posy Garden, how I got into fabric, and my glamper, go check it out here:

Choose Episode 320:).



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Santa's Glitter Village SVG Tutorial for Silhouette


I'm SO excited about the new village I designed this year for Christmas! It's called Santa's Glitter Village and you can download all of it from my Silhouette shop! You can add it to any pieces you have from my original Christmas Village or build these separately! There is even a cool download showing you how I made the snowy centerpiece the either village is made on. You can use that for this village too!

img_5710_1webThis year it is all about GLITTER! I have a great tutorial for you on how you can put together below. I do NOT have individual tutorials on these houses because many of them are made THE SAME. The tutorial I have below is for the Sugar Plum Fairy's House and most of the buildings are built in this way. There are also extra instructions below for pieces I thought you might like a little extra help with. So scroll on down to see if there is something there that will help you!

This year, the Santa Glitter Village includes: Santa's Cottage, Candy Cane Place, a Chapel, Elf Dwelling, Reindeer Stables, Santa's Tower, Snow Bird House, Sugar Plum Fairy's House, Tiny Mistletoe House, and the Winter House. Many of these come with openings at the bottom for an electric tea light (or two). The smaller houses do not because a tea light would not fit:).

You can find ALL my tutorials on my main Silhouette landing page here: I noticed that when I went back to look at previous projects in the Silhouette store, that some of the links are broken. That landing page is your end all for ALL of my tutorials. You can also watch many tutorials I have filmed on my YOUTUBE channel.

I hope you have a wonderful time building Santa's Glitter Village! Every piece is unique and sweet! I think I'm placing mine on my piano this year.

Happy crafting!





-Glitter (we used fine glitter, but you could use more course glitter)

-Mod Podge (we used gloss, but you could use any kind)

-foam brush

-1 piece of copy paper

-SVG card cutouts


Note:  These instructions work for all of the houses in Santa's Glitter Village.  At the end of the tutorial there are instructions on how to put a few of the more intricate pieces together.

1.  Cut out all SVGs provided in the file.

2.  Before putting the house together, decide which pieces you want to glitter.  I did mine on the green scallop pieces of roof, peppermint swirls, and snow.

3.  Once you have all of the glitter pieces and supplies, take a piece of copy paper and fold it in half (this makes it easier to put the extra glitter back in the jar later).  This paper will be your working surface to catch the extra glitter and Mod Podge.

4.  Next, take your foam brush and dip it in Mod Podge.  Cover any area you want glittered with a thin layer of Mod Podge.  Put the copy paper underneath to contain any Mod Podge and glitter that goes over the edge.


5. After the whole piece is covered in Mod Podge, take the glitter and sprinkle it over the area the Mod Podge covers.  Be very generous with the glitter so it covers everything.  Remember, you will be able to put the extra back in the container so make sure everything is covered well.


6. To make sure the glitter to stays in place better, use your finger to tap the glitter lightly.  This make sure more glitter adheres to the Mod Podge.img_5569_web

7.  Wait for the Mod Podge to dry a few minutes, and tap off the excess glitter.

Tip:  If you are worried about the glitter transferring too much, you can put another layer of Mod Podge on top.  If you use gloss Mod Podge, the glitter wont lose it's sparkle.

8.  Once you're done with the glitter, fold the copy paper with the glitter on the inside and pour the excess back into the container.img_5573_web

9.  You're done with the glitter, now onto how to put together the rest of the house!

10.  To put the house together, first, take the facades and glue all of the embellishments to them.

11.  Next, glue the facades to the side and front pieces.

12.  Then, glue the tabs of the back and side pieces to the tabs of the bottom.  It should form a "T" shape.


13.  To make the house 3D, hot glue the tab on the side of the front piece to the side piece.  Do this for all of the tabs until you have a house shape.

img_5578_web img_5580_web

14.  After the house is done, gather your roof pieces.  Hot glue the scallop pieces to the roof piece.  Make sure you overlap each scallop piece and switch off between colors as you glue.  It's best to estimate your spacing before your start glueing so the scallop pieces cover the roof evenly.img_5586_web

14.  Next, add the long scallop piece to the side of the roof by glueing it on the underside of the roof.

img_5590_web img_5591_web

15.  Then add the roof by glueing one side, making sure it's centered and the top creased is lined up.

16.  The last thing to add is the chimney!  Take the chimney piece and fold it into a box shape.  Then, glue the tabs on the angled side to the roof.img_5596_web img_5597_web

Now you have the most adorable Fairy House for your Glitter Christmas Village!


Here's a few more instructions on some of the parts that are specific to each piece.


Chimney on Santa's Cottage:

  1.  Start by folding all of the score lines.
  2.  Next, glue the tab on the long side and glue it so it makes a box.
  3.  Then, Glue the tabs on the open part to the house.


Front Door piece on Chapel:

  1. Start by adding all of the embellishments to the facade.
  2. Then, glue the facade to the front/back piece.
  3. Next, take the long bottom piece and glue the tabs to the front/back piece.
  4. Add the roof/snow like you would for the other houses.
  5. To finish, glue the front door piece to the front of the chapel.


Reindeer Stables:

  1. Start by assembling the house.
  2. Then, take the green piece and glue it to the bottom of the house.  The green piece will cover the entire bottom of the house and then extends into a yard.
  3. Next, glue the reindeer and tree tabs to the yard area.
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