Red Blanky
I've been working in an amazing mess, but finally the shelving is up so I am no longer walking on fabric. And yes, that sewing machine is sitting in it's new spot, but no, I cannot show you anything else because the mess around that one spot is in-cred-i-ble. Seriously.
Plus we're only in phase one of the studio makeover so everything else now gets to come down (one mess at a time!).
So the picture at the top of this post it really to highlight the project I have been working on. I have a new favorite website— Spoonflower. It's a site that lets you uploaded your own custom designs to be turned into fabric. It has saved my life since Siri wanted me to "recreate" her red blanky.
I've mentioned Siri's red blanky before here. Last year, red blanky was so ragged and beaten (partially because it was my red blanky first before it got passed on to Siri) that my mom cut it up and placed it into a quilt so Siri would still be able to snuggle it.
Apparently, good intentions have turned against me. Siri has been pretty weepy since we "preserved" red blanky.
She can't understand why I won't just have one of my manufacturers make me some new red blanky fabric, but as you can see, this is not the, um, prettiest fabric in the world. Okay, I'll say it—it's downright hideous. But I love it and she loves it, so forget pretty.
I scanned in the old fabric (now in quilt blocks) and reworked the pattern in Photoshop to make it repeat. I sent it off to Spoonflower and whola! New red blanky! The top photo is the new blanky and you can check it against the "before" photo there with Siri five years ago.
Not a bad match—even if I do say so myself.