Airport Conversations

Have you ever sat next to a conversation you NEVER wanted to listen to, but alas, there you were completely stuck. Tonight at the Long Beach airport (on my way to Salt Lake), I got stuck listening to a 20-something year-old conversation. It was like watching The Hills but in real life, and I hate The Hills. “Sarah from the airport” (as she referred to herself) managed to convince some guy that “Erica” had played him. It worked too. I slowly saw her convince him that he saw how “Erica” wasn’t a real person and had been a fake with him. “Sarah from the airport” could have written the book The scheming of womanhood. Her manipulation was so subtle and sly from the inside, while completely obvious from the outside(like watching a TV show). My analysis: “Sarah from the airport” liked the poor-manipulated boy and was jealous of “Erica.” Among “Erica’s” terrible traits: a drinker, a liar, and a player.

I’d like to meet this infamous Erica.

So there it is…the one thing I am FORCED to write about because I am STILL stuck listening to this ridiculous conversation about how “Sarah from the airport” hates drama, while she manages to create it. Classic.

Just be happy you are not currently stuck listening to this.

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My first trip to San Francisco

Day 1: San Francisco with Jen

I have been on a part-business and part-pleasure trip to California now for 3 days. So I'm here to report on all the fun and fabulous things we have been up to. My girlfriend Jen lives in San Francisco (I am in Salt Lake City) and you can grab her perspective on this trip at theprojectgirl.

So Jen took me to her favorite cupcake place Sprinkles. I am a fan!
My favorite is white coconut frosting over chocolate, fluffy goodness! Who knew that happiness was so easily attained? I also had the red velvet (not at the same time...although I wanted to eat every cupcake they had there!). If you have a favorite, post it!

We spent the first day I was in town shopping the cool boutiques of San Francisco. Check out some of the shops we went to!


Why do I love pretty things so much? These shops were filled with the most adorable things! Ahh, you will like this one...


Hehee. Might be helpful, huh? Had to buy the book just in case...I'd hate to lose my soul! For some reason I am having trouble loading the photos of my very cute buys at the antique store, so I will have them up in the next post!

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Initial Review of The Artist's Way

 So today I got on an airplane to visit my friend Jen in San Francisco. While on the plane, I started reading the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, which is my book of the week. I first heard about this book three or four years ago in a graduate class taught by Marilyn DeLong, which was about untended consequences in design. So I knew the concepts that this book proposed before I sat down and read it...and I have even tried some of these concepts based on my knowledge. Unfortunately, none of them stuck. Now, having read the first 33 pages of the book, I know why. Julia Cameron lays out two things that you have to do to help unleash your inner creativity...morning pages and the artist date. I have tried both without much is why: I was uncommitted. I did them because I knew about them, had them explained to me, but I was praying for a miracle. That these two concepts would simply fix my creativity. Now that I am actually reading the book, I am realizing that the only way to do these, is to read the book and be committed. 

Some of the concepts she has thrown out, definitely hit home. I think that you will find that it does too if you read it. So I am proposing the following: I am going to finish reading the book and try the experiment of doing morning pages and the artist date and report of what happens with me on the blog! How does that sound? I hope being the guinea pig will convince me (and you) that there are new avenues of creativity to be found. 

So what are morning pages and the artist date? I am a little hesitant to tell you because I'm afraid you'll do what I them and not really be committed. But here they are so I can talk about some of the things she says in the book. Morning pages are three pages of stream-of-conscious writing when you first wake up in the morning. This is NOT a journal. It is a forum for getting all the "gunk" out of your head to leave you open for the rest of the day. Julia Cameron has a number of other caveats about how to do the morning pages, but for the purpose of my review, I think this definition works (again, you should read the book to get everything Julia Cameron says). The second tool she proposes are artist dates. You are suppose to dedicate a block of time (1 or 2 hours) to take your self on a date and do something that you really want to do or that would nurture you. Now, I don't know about you, but this is VERY hard for me. Sure, 1 or 2 hours should be easy to come by during the week...but somehow those hours are never there.  When there are kids, jobs, and cleaning to do, when is there time to ever take time for yourself? The sad part is, we with everything going crazy in our lives, probably need to take ourselves on a date the most. Agreed? Julia Cameron makes the argument that if you where in a relationship that you wanted to save, you would go to therapy, find a mediator, and try to save it. Why wouldn't you do the same for yourself (and your creativity)?

So, I will start morning pages (I'll find a beautifully designed book to make it more motivating) and I'll set a time next week to do the artist date. Julia Cameron suggests 12 weeks of this. She says she's been doing it for a decade. It helped her be more creative, perhaps I just need to give it a go if I want the same result? Man, I am so commit-a-phobic! I'll report on the rest of the book ASAP and let you know what happens. If anyone wants to do this with me (always more motivating), please feel free to comment on this post and I'll keep updates on this project going so you can post as well.

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All about RED

I was in a very serious RED mood yesterday. The girls and I went into DownEast home and look at the two goodies I got!


I am in LOVE with these candlesticks which are currently on my mantle...they accent the Anthopology planters which are blue, gold, and green and match the print which is blue and red. The best part? they were clearanced at $7.99 a piece! Hooray!!!

I also picked up this...not my usual choice...I don't like photos in "wear" but I thought I would maybe do a cool project with this. Plus, it is a super-roomy tote. Discount: $14.99 at DownEast Home. It's made by RedEnvelope.


For a bag that will fit my laptop and all my "junk," can't beat the price!!! In fact, I need to figure out what I'm going to do to it soon because I'm going to take it with me to San Fransico tomorrow! It's the perfect airplane bag!

I actually ended up buying a red shirt last night too...LOVING red!

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Foreground and Background: Learning to see

I think you'll like this first's quick, but has lots of examples, which is always fun! The best part is once you understand background and foreground and how it works in design relationships, you will be able to see it in your scrapbook layouts, designs, or projects. It will give you a new sense of how space works FOR and AGAINST you.

Foreground (also called figure-ground) is essentially the focal point, the area in the front of a space. The background is the area that surrounds that focal point. This can be easily shown with a letter.
Many times it is easier to see the background if the color is reversed out. As a designer, you have the be very aware of what the background is doing (also called negative space) because that may help you rearrange elements so that the foreground or figure is remembered BEST and the background is just that...background. 

Take a look at this example.
This is a paper from my Bella BellaTM Collection at My Minds Eye. I've blocked out the background and foreground for you so you can see what I did. Even though there are several elements in this page, the two focal points both help create a dynamic background. The diagonal works both ways...from the bird to the tree as well as the blank space at the top moving between the two objects. It sort of makes an x. Do you see it? It's what keeps this balanced. It's not PERFECTLY balanced, which is what would have happened if the tree element had gone in the right-hand corner. Instead, it is moved away from the corner to give it a little more interest and to create that funky background-arrow (the negative space).

Many designers like to play with this idea of foreground-background. Check out this clip of 300. I am not promoting the violence (because wow, this is a bit violent for me!), but it does a great job of showing off (and extenuating) the foreground-background relationship. Be sure to pay attention when objects appear as one thing and then are transformed into another... Just watch the first 30 second to a minute of this and you will get the idea.

Did you notice the horse hair into grass (take a second look!) or the landscape into a face and helmet. There is such a high contract between the background and foreground in this that it makes the relationship prominent. 

Here's another one I love (notice how I am showing a lot of black and white? The relatioship is easy to see when there is such a strong contrast). Here's Lemony Snicket's end credits:

Designers really push the limits when they create illusions with the foreground and background. Check this out:

These is a classic examples of foreground and background used to create optical illusions. Do you see the young lady and old lady in the second one? I had to squint and squint to see the old lady and I even had to flip it in photoshop so I could stop looking at the young lady. Hopefully, you had better luck than me! (to see more images like this, go to and take their test.

Okay, hopefully you get the gist of foreground-background. Just keep the background in mind as you build your images, patterns, and more.

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How to Become a Designer

Becoming ANYTHING takes work, dedication, and passion. I know many people who really are interested in becoming designers. They want to know what they can do to become one. Many times formal training at a university is not an option, so I have a few words of advice of people who are interested in becoming designers or at least learning how to "see" like a designer. Before I get to the advice, however, I feel like you will find my words more valuable (or at least where I am coming from) if you know how I became a designer.

I didn't go the traditional route to become a designer. I got my bachelor's degree in Marketing Communications. It was safe for someone like me...I never felt "creative" enough to really be a designer. My senior year in my BA, I took a "creative advertising class." The only problem was that I began to feel LIMITED because I couldn't execute anything (all those good ideas going to waste!). You see, I didn't know Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark, or InDesign. Not only that, but I really couldn't tell if something was designed well. I could tell if the advertisement was executed properly but that doesn't matter if the design completely detracts from the goal (and my sad skills always did).

In my frustration, I met a design intern, Jen Allyson at Continuing Education while I was the marketing intern there. There was obviously magic as she taught me my first ways of "seeing" the world a little differently. She taught me to pull out the ugly and inconsistent while pushing me to find the beautiful. My eyes hurt (literally hurt!) for 2 months as she helped me get together a design portfolio for the University of Minnesota so I could go to grad school. Grad School had always been the plan...but not design grad school. Somehow, I made it into the Design Communications program and went on to get a Masters and Ph.D. in design. I taught foundations classes, theory, typography, graphic design history, and packaging learning more and more as I taught. I made plenty of mistakes and had a few successes too. However, after 5 years of teaching, I found that I missed being a designer and needed to get back to my own creativity. I now have many outlets for my creativity (you can see my shops to the side) along with freelance work and in event planning. I had forgotten how much I LOVE being a designer and the passion I feel about it. (BTW, Jen is STILL my best friend, eight years later...)

Which comes to this blog and the information I plan to divulge on it:). I have to say first that I am not an expert, but I will bring to this blog all the design theory, tips, tricks, and information that will help you to learn to "see" as I did. If you are really, and I mean REALLY interested in becoming a designer, here are my first (and very broad) tips for you as you begin this journey. If you don't want to be a designer, you just want to better decorate your home, energize your own creative spirit, or create a better scrapbook page than this is still the blog for you! I'll have interviews with designers of LOTS of different things (graphic designers, industrial designers, interior designers) as well as posts on beautiful things, price comparisons for things I find absolutely delightful, design book reviews, and of course, previews of products coming to 2Peas, Card Nirvana, My Minds Eye, and more!

OKay, I've put it off enough....My Advice to get started designing!

1. Choose your medium

Are you completely passionate about your home? Do you move around furniture every chance you get? Do you doodle designs on napkins at the restaurant? Do you like the lines on a piece of clothing and want to imitate it? Finding your first medium is an important step. I say your first because design is like ivy: it creeps into every part of your life! I am primarily a graphic designer, but I love interiors too. I admire clothing designers, but I don't feel the same passion for it as interiors and graphics (although believe me I will be glued to the TV for Project Runway like the rest of you!). So much of the design theory I add to this site comes from a graphic design background, but you'll find it applicable to many other areas of your life you design.

2. Find ways to learn | Educate yourself

For most of you, formal training is out of the question. However, some tools are necessary and completely FRUSTRATING in this technology age. So if you want to learn how to digital scrapbook or design professionally, you may need to take a class on Photoshop or Illustrator. Believe me, it is way better than doing it the way I learned to do it: on my own. You can check listings at your local community college or rec center for classes or there are a myriad of online opportunities. I will try to scrounge up a list for you guys soon for those of you who want to go this route. I'd recommend for any designer to get your hands on magazines in your chosen Communication Arts and PRINT for graphic designers. I don't know what the official interior designer's magazine, but for just pure eye candy I like domino magazine, dwell, and architectural digest. I will be adding several book reviews and recommendations over the coming blog entries so keep your eyes open, which brings me to my next point, which is

3. Surround yourself with Beauty

What I really mean is to become a designer, you have to re-learn how to see. Those of you who are designers, know what I am talking about. The only way to know the difference between good and bad design (a topic much too extensive to explore here: look for it in future post!) is to surround yourself with GOOD design. Now, I know you are thinking, how do I know if something is "good" design. For now, just try to spend time looking for things in your life that are beautiful to you...we'll get into the "theory" of it soon enough. Is there a card you think is exceptionally beautiful? A couch that just makes you happy? What is it about these things that make you like them? Is it the way they look? How they function? Really think about the objects you have surrounding you and decided why you like or dislike those things. Check out websites for function (was it easy to navigate?) Did you like the colors? Did you like the shape? Read beautiful and inspiring magazines and books, buy pretty things to place in your home, essence, LIVE BEAUTIFULLY! This is a tall order (I know, with two little ones and work, I feel lucky if I can get to the dishes), but what I am asking is SMALL steps. I plan on trying to take small steps to make my life more meaningful too...and I'll share what I do with you and I can't wait to hear what you share with me!

4. Practice. practice. practice.

Brillant design doesn't come the first day of trying, nor the second. Even now, when I am working on a design, many times it is the 50th thumbnail that sticks, not the 10th. It sometimes takes getting through a lot of BAD design to get to something really good. Or I should say that sometimes it even takes a lot of good design to get to something great. So you are going to push your self. As Champ Bear would say, "Practice, Practice, Practice." My designwork is certainly better now than it was 8 years ago when I first started out. Practicing your design work, whether in a scrapbook page layout, a furniture rearrangement, or wall-color choice are all ways to PRACTICE what your creative spirit needs. I say your creative spirit because WE ALL have creativity waiting to be released. Hopefully, with projects to come you will be able to do this! I certainly want to as I am ALWAYS needing new ways to develop as a designer.

Okay, so I gave you some tips, but the meat is to come. Welcome to design! Learning to "see" will give you more meaning in your life...don't believe me? Continue to read and we'll see. Perhaps all you need is a quick lesson on 1920s design, an inspiring interview with a designer turned successful business owner, or a post on the golden mean and how to use it. These are the little lessons that helped me learn how to be a designer and I hope they will make your life more meaningful.

Ready, set, design!

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My Blog Move

Hi everyone! I just made the move from my blogspot site to this site ( A little more freedom of design! You'll find several new improvements on this site including image previews of my digital scrapbooking products coming out at 2Peas a week before they premier there (special sneak peeks for you!) and recent cards from Card Nirvana. I'll hopefully get a lovely list of my favorite things going too (not just for your benefit but really for to keep track of those pretty things). I'm also hoping to add some fun content for scrapbookers and designers alike. Some design 101,design book reviews,  interviews with innovative designers...other fun things like that. Josh has taken over the family blogging (, but you'll probably get posts from me every now and then about my family as well. I just know that Josh tends to have a more comical view of things:). Who can compete against that?

Anyway, I'll keep you updated! Hopefully, many things on this site will be up and running within the week and I'll be able to post on my Monterey trip soon!

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Heather Bailey and Madsen Bikes

Well, Jen is in town for business and she's over tonight (yes, it is 12:25 in the morning) and, of course, we start talking about design (what else? we're a couple of obsessed neurotics!). She introduced me to a fabric designer's blog that I MUST tell you about because it is so FABULOUS! Her name is Heather Bailey and it is such a great blog! She has a real way with color:

here's her blog:

My second obsession that i keep meaning to post about is Madsen Bikes. I MUST have one of these bikes in the spring (I am totally going to get one come march). The buckets in the back can hold kids or groceries. I love them! Take a look!

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RUN 100

I just started a new group called Run 100 in Facebook and to get people to join the Challenge on Nike Plus!
Go check it out! If you want to be part of the Nike Plus challenge you can leave your email to be invited in the comment section or email me at with your email and I will invite you!

And seriously, if you don't feel like you can run 100 miles, but just want to walk or run a little and be motivated by everyone else doing it , join the facebook group and give us your miles or join the Nike Plus challenge anyway!

Facebook Group—Run 100

Nike Plus Website

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Siri's Princess Party

My life is crazy right now and I have to design several things over the weekend for My Minds Eye....of course, Siri's birthday is on Wednesday, and I couldn't figure out when I was going to get around to designing an invite. So I decided to grab Jen's card from Card Nirvana. I mean, I designed the darn site to be easy, right? I just didn't realize it was going to be THAT easy. I had every intention and redesigning some of the elements. but I just opened up the pdf and insert and words and printed it at home (I just needed 5 so I printed 3 pages on some heavy white paper). Holy cow, I had this done in 2 minutes! I know it sounds like propaganda, because afterall, it is MY site, but I was so happy with getting the invitation done so quick that I had to post (because it's the first time I've used one of the cards on the site for my personal use).

Jen's Princess Card from Card Nirvana

Anyway, it's great in a tight spot! (Siri's b-day is on Wednesday and we have to drop off cards today).

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Happy 2009!

Well, I feel as if I have already start the year off quite badly. I can't find my Nike Plus so although I've spent the day in my work out clothes, I probably won't go running! Great, huh? I'll keep looking for it and report back!

I thought I would do a year in review and things to look forward to in 2009. This will probably be the most open about my personal life that I have ever been on my blog. I usually only report on business or what my kids are doing, so this may prove an interesting blog post for those that don't know me that well. I must admit, 2008 was not a fun year for me. Lots of hard decisions and events happened this year including a move to a new state, the closing of Digi Nirvana, my husband took the bar, website troubles, family unemployment, disappointment in my own personal life with my parents & family, a decision to go back to work, and well, just finding balance with everything going on. Lots of good things happened in 2008 too—I opened Card Nirvana, moved to 2Peas, and signed a deal with My Minds Eye to start making paper lines. Siri has learned to write and draw and Felicity learned to walk and talk this year. And Josh passed the bar—another blessing (not sure if we could go through that again!)!

In 2009, I really hope that things are a little less stressful and that I can find my place in our new hometown. I am really excited for my new Bella Bella line coming out at the January CHA (I can't wait for you all the see it! The moment is comes out I will post it) with My Minds Eye and will hit paper stores soon thereafter! I love being at 2Peas and you'll continue to see new stuff every week from me including old stuff coming from Digi Nirvana (improved) and new lines including my up and coming Paris & Co. Collection (3 more weeks!). Card Nirvana has been exciting and fun. I love my day job as a Communications Director and am excited about our conventions, events, and site checks coming up! In 2009, Siri will go to KINDERGARTEN!!!! I'm so excited for her! I'll be a little sad, but she is such a bright and social child, I know she will love it. Felicity will continue to be my baby this year (what a cuddlebug!). I know that 2009 will be better than 2008 and that excites me!

If you can't tell, designing scrapbooking materials has become an essential part of my life. If you had asked my two years ago if this is what I'd be doing, I'd have said , NO! I had no idea how much I would love it, how giving the community is, and what a challenge it would be! Designing for scrapbookers has become more than a hobby for me, it's become an obsession! I look forward to everything I get to design and scrap in 2009! Hope you all have a Happy New Year!

Here's a few pictures from the last few days!
Christmas Eve Siri got a Hungry Hippo Game

Christmas Day: Siri got a My Little Ponyvilel Amusement Park, but guess who else was obsessed with it?

On her new trike.

Siri's new game: Dr. Seuss something or other. Josh plays it very well.

The many art supplies we got for Chritmas is getting put to good use...everyday, on every wall, on every leg and arm in the house.

East High School Alumni Basketball Tournament—It brings families together.

Showing off their candy bracelets!

Happy New Year everyone!

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2Peas, Card Nirvana, and New Year's Resolutions

Have I mentioned how much I look forward to Tuesdays now? I love going over to 2Ps in the morning and seeing my new products up. It's so fun! I never really had the anticipation when I owned Digi Nirvana because I'd just put products up when I wanted. 

This week I put up the Cupcake kit and Flora kit at 2Peas. Next week the Playtime Kits (Boy and Girl) comes out. Also, if you have a chance, I changed a few subcategories at cardnirvana. Check these subcategories designs.

I have also been thinking about New Year's Resolutions for a while and one of my resolutions is to get more in shape. I've been going running for a few months now but I am COMPLETELY inconsistent. I'd run for 3 miles one day and then not get around to it for two more weeks. So one of my new year's resolutions is to go running at least 4 times a week...hopefully more than that. So I thought I'd start a Challenge at NikePlus and see if any of you want to join me. The goal is to run 100 miles by March 28th. If anyone wants to join in this challenge, it's called the Card Nirvana Challenge and is by invite only. If you want to be part of this challenge (PLEASE DO!), you need to have a Nike Plus account. Just comment on this post with your NikePlus email so I can invite you. I'll even throw in a $12 gift certificate (2 cards) to card nirvana to everyone who actually runs the 100 miles within the 90 days!

Okay, so hopefully this motivates me to run more and get a little thinner for the wedding I have to be in April 3rd (that should be motivation enough!), but it would be fun if we all did it together. If you don't have a NikePlus, I would totally recommend buying one. They are about $30 and you don't have to buy Nike shoes. I have a small pouch that my sensor is in that attaches to one of my shoes. I bought it for about $12 at a running store. Before the NikePlus, I hated running. Now I love running. It's so nice to know how far I've gone and how much I have left. 
Anyway, hopefully some of you will join me!!! Click here to see the challenge. 
Here is my new mini-running me:). Okay notice that I've only had 10 workouts? That is since August. Ya, that's how bad I've been. So join this challenge with me and lets get running!

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Sneak Peak at Tomorrow's Releases

Hi everyone! I feel like I have been ousted as the family blogger since Josh started blogging last week. His posts are way more interesting than mine, so how can I compete? While I am getting my self-esteem back together, I will only post my releases for 2Peas (back to business as usual:)). So here's what's coming out tomorrow!

This is the last of the swatches line.

The girl and boy albums

These are awesome! IOU Cards! Perfect to go with any gift!

Alright! There's your sneak peek. And Merry Christmas! I hope you are getting to do a little more relaxing and that you don't have too much Christmas shopping left!

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So if you decide you want to read something funny, my husband started a blog called MormonMisterMom ( I can't tell if it's just because I know everyone he blogs about that makes it funny, but I just spent the last five minutes bursting out in laughter. Go ahead. Give it a try. You'll have a nice laugh at a stay-at-home dad.

(BTW, I'd highly recommend taking a closer look at the snowman profile picture he has up for himself.)

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Eating Snow

A few recent pics...

Felicity and I are watching the snow play at the window.
Clemintine nose, vanilla wafers, pomogrante seed mouth...creative, eh?
Yes, I love you snowman!
Mmmmm, yummy snow.

Donuts with the cousin Caroline.

Yes, I'm stuffing my face too.

Delicious! Maybe I'll have a second...
This is my flat, um, I mean destroyed tire while driving to work the other day. Excellent work, huh? Oh ya, and the ticket I got when I parked the car on the wrong side of the street and left the car there for three hours.

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Layouts of Holiday Magic 1

I'm a day late, but I needed to post anyway! The new goodies went up at 2Peas for the week. Here are some layouts my creative and I have done for the new Holiday Magic 1 Kit (see Holiday Magic 2 and Holiday Magic Album come out next Tuesday!):

This a project from Maria:

This is a layout from Tiffany:

Here's an ornament from Melissa:

Here's mine:

Here's one from Michelle:

See the kit (Holiday Magic 1) Below!

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Sneak Peak

So, at 2Peas we always submit a week in advance and I put in mine yesterday. I feel like I can't wait to show you guys what's coming out next Tuesday because I'm really excited about it. The first is my new Holiday Magic Kit. I'm dying over the alpha...I can't wait to make the album.

I've also beefed up the SWATCHES line. Three kits from this collection will come out next week along with Calendar Cards and Journaling Stamps. The other 3 kits from Swatches will come out in two weeks.

Hope you liked the sneak peek!

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So I started a post...

I actually wrote two paragraphs yesterday with the complete intent of posting, but somehow I got interrupted and my whole day was crazy to begin with. I turned 29 yesterday. I also had my work Holiday Party (In which I was the Event Director I working not GOING to a work party). It was really fun because it was a fabulous event—It was at the Grand America and the food, my oh my, was SPECTACULAR! So my day was filled with getting ready for that. Josh gave me a nice card that was a Happy Birthday from Obama (just what every girl needs, hehee) and a gift card (also a VERY smart gift for this girl of his!).

I wanted to post on Thanksgiving, but of course, didn't get around to it. Josh and I ran /walked in the Cold Turky race on Thanksgiving morning. After a glorious 6K run (Josh hadn't trained, I run a bit), Josh and I walked back to our car to find that it was out of gas. Brilliant! Uncle John came and saved us, but I was feeling a bit frantic about the turkey that was sitting in my oven at home. It all turned out okay though as my turkey was still in beautiful shape (and was perfectly delicious as I brined it for the first time this year...I completely recommend it!) when we got home after picking the kids up from Liz and Tim.  Anyway, Thanksgiving was good, but what was REALLY good was the long weekend of hanging out. This is our first year of not being in school during the holidays and it is NICE! No studying although Josh did have to work a bit. Somehow I can deal with that SO much better than all the studying.
As it is Tuesday, my digital kits are up and rocking out at Two Peas. Some of it you have seen before: Simply Solid Collection, Element-ary Collection, Autumn Sparkles, and Worn Stamps. I added a new Winter Wonderland kit though.

Be sure to check out everything else in my shop there! Hope you are all having a happy December!

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Decor8 Giveaway & Christmas Photoshoot

I was just over at Decor8 and you should check out the giveaway Holly has going on! It's for people who may have aspirations to open a creative business. Go check it out!

It's Tuesday, so my lazy days collection is premiering at 2Peas in a Bucket! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being at 2Peas! The community is VERY cool and the designers are awesome!

If you get a chance, you should check out Sande Krieger's blog...I'm always sneaking a peek at her stuff! It's very fun and creative.

Amazingly enough, I am ahead of the game this year and I have already printed my Christmas cards. Remember my Costco post? So I ran 75 cards at Costco. I'll give you the pros and cons. Pros: Wow! The turnaround time is AMAZING! I was expecting a couple of days...try an hour. Yes, I know it is called one hour photo, but at Christmas time I have seen it take them a LONG time to get cards to people. Another pro is that the size and photo itself are SO cool! And cheap ($15 for 50 plus the envelopes!). The cons...I was disapointed in the quality of the stock they print it's pretty flimsy as most Christmas greeting cards out there are. I love really nice thick stock for my cards. The flimsiness is probably made worse by how large the card is. Because many of you will be getting my Christmas card, I will just post some photographs from the shoot that my sister SuiKim took. I'll post the actually Christmas card maybe a bit later.

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A word about Karaoke

Did I mention that we have a Karaoke machine? We have managed to have only one party even though when I bought it I thought it would be a regular Friday night bonanza. I guess we've just been too busy! Anyway, it looks like the kids have caught the bug! Siri and Fliss LOVE holding the mics and pretending to sing. Here they are with their cousin Caroline. Catch them on American IDol in 15 years.

ummm, did I mention this was taken at 2 in the afternoon. And what are my kids wearing? Yep, that's right—pajamas. We're starting a new fashion trend for singers.

I think flissa's "puffball hair" is ABSOLUTELY fantastic enough for American

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Hooray, I'm officially on 2Peas!

It's Tuesday, and it means that my premier on 2Peas has happened! Go check out the Digi kits or my name here! Enjoy!

A couple of days ago, we watched Dan in Real Life. It was fantastic! I was afraid I was getting a glimpse into what my darling little girls might be turning into though...Ahhh!!!

I'd totally recommend renting it. I thought it was good flick ESPECIALLY if you like Steve Carrell (which I do!).

In other news, I have been looking for a black dress for a formal I have for work. It was AWEFUL! I just could find anything age appropriate, sophisticated, and modest. It's like those things aren't allowed to go together. I tried everything online (Nordstroms, Dillards, Macys, specialty boutiques, and more!) and the malls (Banana R, JCrew, etc). After much searching and being completely annoyed at the selections, I saw a girl in a shop wearing EXACTLY what I wanted. She said her neighbor owned the shop she bought it from and it was online (music to my ears!!!). Anyway, I'm sharing with you because it is a FABULOUS store! It's call the Shabby Apple.

I love their's modest, but fashionable. i got the Antiquated with the red sash (the perfect christmas dress!).

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Hooray, I'm officially on 2Peas! Read More »

If you are looking for digi nirvana...& FINALLY, the halloween pictures!

Digi Nirvana has now been re-routed to Card Nirvana. If you have questions related to Digi Nirvana's closing or product information, please email me at

You'll find the premiere of my products as 2Peas in A Bucket is this Tuesday with the Bella Collection!

Check it out on Tuesday!

So, I have put it off long enough, but here it is (only 2 weeks later) my halloween photos of my girls. And for your viewing pleasure, I have eliminated the MILLIONS of photos I took to give you a small storyboard of exactly how taking photos of my girls went (I am sure many of you have experienced this very same thing). Here we go:

You'll give us candy? Sure mom, we'll sit for a couple of photos.

candy, candy, candy...candy makes so happy. We have no idea that we'll get plenty of candy from complete strangers in just a few minutes and won't have to do all this smiling and posing for mom.

Oh, look! If we decide to run out of house and sit on the front porch, mom will chase us and continue to take pictures of us and bribe us with candy. I wonder where else we can get her to chase us...

No really, mom. I'm sick of the picture taking and I'm going to cry.

And cry.

While my sister looks bored.

Please tell me you all did the exact same thing with your kids on halloween night? lol!

Here are some other photos from before and later that night:

A look of distress-is it because the top won't fit just right or because there is a pumpkin with a big hole in it? One cannot say...

Master carver creating his awe-inspiring pirate pumpkin. No pictures of it, sorry. You'll have to be awe-inspired by somebody elses pumpkin pirate.

We met up later that night with a family in our ward and this is Siri with her friend Katie.

Flissy looking very angelic as Tinker Bell. (If you couldn't tell from the Photos, Siri was Ariel although by the end of the night the entire ruffle at the bottom had torn off).

All and all a fun evening (my kids forget about the halloween candy after only one day)! Sorry it took me so long to post!

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If you are looking for digi nirvana...& FINALLY, the halloween pictures! Read More »

Big News! I'm Moving to 2Peas!

Hi everyone! I know, I know, I haven't updated for a while and I SERIOUSLY have so many photos, etc. etc that I have been meaning to blog. This one is going to have to be a short one though because I have a lot of preview-making to do tonight. Why you ask? Because, the good news, is that I am moving my entire store into Two Peas In A Bucket!!!! I am so excited for the move and I hope you guys will check me out there! I'm the newest digital designer and I think it's going to be a great group to work with!!!!

The sad news is that because I am moving to 2Peas, I will closing Digi Nirvana. Digi Nirvana will be redirected to Card Nirvana (which will still be up and running as usual—in fact you should see all the cute new baby announcements and holiday cards!).

Digi Nirvana's closing date is this Sunday (yes! I know it is fast!), November 16th and a few of my products will be premiering at 2Peas on Tuesday November 18th! Thank you all for your support of Digi Nirvana!

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Christmas Cards

If you are like me, you are probably starting to think about getting your Christmas cards together—the card type, the photos, and the most dreaded thing of all—getting together the addresses on my list! So today when I went to Costco, I found this AWESOME new size that I think is FANTASTIC! And what a great deal: 

6x7½ photo greeting cards
Creating a photo greeting card is fun and easy. Choose from many designs and add your own personalized message. Each order includes envelopes. Available for pickup at Costco warehouse only.
$14.99 set of 50
$5.99 additional sets of 25

I think that turns out to be 29 cents a they throw in the envelopes! What a great deal! I'm tempted to print this size because it is so cute! I also got an brochure from snapfish today. They have a deal for 20 free prints (sounds good to me!) and after that they are only 9 cents each. Not bad, huh? What really caught my eye in the brochure where the coasters (this pic isn't as cute), but I am certainly tempted by them:

So what am I doing for my pics this year. Last year we took photos of the girls on the antique white piano and the girls wore brown velvet dresses. his year, my little sister SuiKim is coming down to take photos of the girls. I have dresses for them, but I'm sort of thinking of taking more whimsical photos of them in their tutus. We'll have to see. I'll let you all know how they turned out! Of course, whatever card I design for myself will also probably get sold on cardnirvana so you can be watching for it:) (You can see last year's card here.

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Christmas Cards Read More »

Halloween Blitz

I will post the last part of the Art Convention soon! Also for anyone who picks up the minikit freebies: tomorrow is the last day of the October minikit freebie and you will be able to pick up the November minikit freebie on Saturday! Be sure to check it out!

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Halloween Blitz Read More »

Art Convention Part 2—Channeling My Inner Artist

Okay, if you haven't read Part 1, scroll down and read that first, because much of this will be out of context if you don't! So most of the time spent at this convention was, of course, doing art. I mentioned that this year's theme was Spanish TinWork. Amy had us make a book using metal tape (seriously, I loved the stuff!) as a first project.

While most of you know that I am a designer, art, well, art has never really been something I am drawn to (I mean, other than buying other people's). I do believe in creativity...I think we all have that in us, but art, well, let's just say it's never been a strong point for me. So I completely surprised myself by using techniques I use in Photoshop as a designer to become a collage artist! I had the best time with the layering. I liked making this first book so much that I made two more (all coptic bound):

We also went on a dumpster dive, which gave me some material for this next piece.

My last two pieces where my biggest: 18 inches by 18 inches. I'm actually framing them for my living room, take a look:

This last one is my favorite. I used metal for both pieces that were etched and distressed. Obviously, there is a bird theme running through three of the pieces...loving birds!!! Here's a few of the ladies hard at work:

The first is Linda at work and the second if Pat. I managed to only get the two of them from our group on film. Check out these pieces that Linda made:

I love these little metal birds...they are so cute! One of Pat's pieces was a retablo (probably spelled incorrectly)...Here's the only photo I got of it (it's in the left hand corner of the photo:

So anyway, I loved creating the art in a very non-judgemental environment and the freedom of it all.

OKay, I am going to make a quick diversion from the Art Convention for one second, and then I'm off to bed...We borrowed the TinkerBell movie tonight for the girls (It came out today)...and we all loved it (Siri was in heaven!). Wondering if anybody else borrowed/bought it and what did you think? Love or hate?

Here's the link to one of the trailers:

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Art Convention Part 1—Here We Go!

So I feel as if I don't know where to start, so as Maria says, "Let's start at the very beginning..." I know I posted rather quickly about Albquerque (because we were at a hotel that night with Internet access). So why don't I tell you what the heck I was doing to begin with? Amy Flowers of Shrewd Arts (
does these art trips called New Mexico Art Adventures. She has one spring session (which is usually full) and two fall sessions (third week of October and first week of November). Anyway, we go to museums, get inspired, and create art at the Casa Del Gavilan. We take up the entire inn and eat fabulously (via Isabell's fantastic breakfasts and Amy's cooking and taking us out). Amy usually has a theme for each year. This year was Spanish Tinwork. So we worked with metal. We created patina's via chemicals, etched, and a number of other things (I'll show you all the art work in another post!). Okay, so I think I gave you enough background...Check out her website if you want to find out more about Amy and what she does! I know that she gives classes in the midwest, has a studio set up in Ohio, and does these art adventures in New Mexico (She's all over the place!)

Okay, back to the storyline. We spent the following day (Sunday) in Santa Fe. I LOVED Santa Fe. We first went to the Spanish Colonial Museum and on to the gift shops at Museum Hill. Here's a glance at what we did there.

Yes, this is me dressing up in the kids section (incorrectly according to the instructions).

This beautiful little historic house was next to the Spanish Colonial Museum and apparently was part of a series of houses that was once on the property (This was the parlor room).

This piece made me really miss my little girls! (This one was taken also on Museum Hill.) It's a sweet piece.

There was a Native American ceremony on the hill. It was really cool. Check out the shadows (It must have been so hot for the dancers! I was certainly sweating!)

This was in the place we had lunch in Santa Fe (in the plaza). Now that we all know President Bush's phone number, we should all make a little call, don't you think, hehee! Seriously, I wonder who's phone number they put up there and how many times the guy gets calls.

Here's Pat and Linda. Pat is a gourd artist (She makes these really cool masks, maybe I can get her to send me some pics so I can show you guys). Linda was Amy Flowers Assistant for the trip. You'll see some of her artwork later.

Also known as the "Road Warrior" and "Big Blue." I like Big Blue myself (except when I was cramped on the back seat, lol). Seriously, this trip wouldn't have even felt AUTHENTIC without this little baby!

Okay, this was the counter of a GAS STATION...Isn't it SOOOO awesome? Most of you know my obsession for typography and old labels so you why I'm in HEAVEN. The guy at the counter suggested I get a picture of him too. Umm, decided not to take that one.

As any good, shopper-on-vacation would do, I got a lot of goodies along the way. Amy took us to some fantastic paper shops and I felt really inspired. Check out the upside down Wassliy chair (I love the way it is illustrated) and glittery Papaya Calendar (OBSESSED!). Seriously, don't be surprised when I revisit this little company. Please go check out their website, it's fantastic!

My favorite purchase of the little straw cowgirl hat! I wore it the whole time. Take a look at those fantastic clouds in the back! This was taken bright and early in Cimarron, New Mexico. We stayed at the Casa del Gavilan for most of the trip. Did a lot of studio work. I didn't take any pictures that do this place justice so you'll just have to go look at their site. Talk about quiet BEAUTIFUL get aways. It is near the Boyscout Ranch (Philmont). Beautiful country.

So I'm worn out just writing this tiny little bit about my trip, but I have to stop there for the night. I'll be back to post more soon! I think you'd be interested in the artwork and the locals in Cimarron and anything else I can think of to tell you about.

Also, in digital scrapbooking news, I should have a new line up at the end of this week, beginning of next! I think you guys are going to like it. It's completely different then anything else I've had up on the site and I think you'll like it! Goodnight!

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It's Coming!

So, I am finally back from my Art Convention (well, rested, but now freaking out at the mountain of stuff in front of me!) and I have SO much to tell you guys about!!! Because there is so much to tell, I've broken it into three parts (mostly so I can organize my pics for you and make sure I have all the website links that you need:)). I'll put Part 1 up tonight!

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It's Coming! Read More »

First Day in Albuquerque

So, I know that I said I woudl not be writing on my blog, but as it turns out we were in Albuquerque all day today (and spending the night in town) and we'll be in Santa Fe all day tomorrow. So here I am, with a friendly update on life. 

Today, after my very short plane ride and talking to a gentleman who had SERIOUS New Mexico pirde (Texas pride—yes, California pride—yes, but New Mexico—This was new!), I met up with my little group at convention. Amy Flowers is the coordinator of this event and we spent the day at the Albuquerque Museum of History and Art, shopping at a stamp store, and then a FABULOUS paper store (Will post photos of those soon), dinner at a cool little diner (can we say Greek Goddess Salad—Deep fried FETA cheese—yum!).
Here are some pics of the day (sorry there are not many):

The outside of the museum...yes, yes, I see your interested peaked, even rising.

What do you THINK of this sculpture, how do you FEEL when you look at it, what do you...(Okay, done pretending to be an art critic).

Josh, I took a photo of this one in honor of you.

This my still-life that I put together. I may become a painter after-all with such awesome skills. Or make a career of it...still-life-putter-together-er.

I really do in-fact love this one.

And that's it. No giving away all my creative inventions as of yet! More to come...(don't act so scared!)

I also got an email today from my friend Amy, who just started a new blog that is all about fun things to do with your kids. She has up A TON of things to do for october/halloweenish type stuff on the blog that I would totally recommend checking out. Here's the link:

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How Cute Are These!

Check out the darling new invitations Jen Shaw just put up at CardNirvana:

Alright a bit about me—no blogging for me for a week. I'm off to an art convention for a week in Santa Fe. I'm so excited about it! I'll let you all know how it goes. Apparently, there is barely any Internet service, cell phone service because we are staying at a mission in the middle of no where. Okay, so everyone have a great week!

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How Cute Are These! Read More »

Giveaway at DST

There is a cardnirvana giveaway going on a DigiShopTalk right now! Just click on the link and it will take you right to the thread! We're giving away gift certificates to pick up some of the new digital cards in the store. Go head and submit to the thread! 

Check out the new French Boutique Collection that I just put up last night:

You can see them individually in the designer collection or general party categories.

More invitations being uploaded daily so keep checking back!

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