My Blog Move

Hi everyone! I just made the move from my blogspot site to this site ( A little more freedom of design! You’ll find several new improvements on this site including image previews of my digital scrapbooking products coming out at 2Peas a week before they premier there (special sneak peeks for you!) and recent cards from Card Nirvana. I’ll hopefully get a lovely list of my favorite things going too (not just for your benefit but really for MINE…love to keep track of those pretty things). I’m also hoping to add some fun content for scrapbookers and designers alike. Some design 101,design book reviews,  interviews with innovative designers…other fun things like that. Josh has taken over the family blogging (, but you’ll probably get posts from me every now and then about my family as well. I just know that Josh tends to have a more comical view of things:). Who can compete against that?

Anyway, I’ll keep you updated! Hopefully, many things on this site will be up and running within the week and I’ll be able to post on my Monterey trip soon!

Silhouette Design Store JOANN StoresSilhouette Design Store JOANN Stores