Sweetie Pie Quilt Along Blog Tour – Blueberry

It’s a double blogpost kind of day because I have both sewing and paper on the mind (see new tutorial for SVGS in the post below). Today I get to show you my quilt block from Lori Holt’s Sweetie Pie Quilt!

Riley Blake has teamed up with fellow designer Lori Holt to give you two free video tutorials on this quilt along with all the instructions for free. I had a blast putting together the blueberry block in my Posy Garden™ fabrics.

Because I had a little extra time at church (yes, I was doing the embroidery at church), I filled in the branches in a thick brown thread. I also had to pull the green from my very first line for Riley Blake Dainty Blossoms™.

Have you been making this quilt? What kinds of fabrics are you using?

Happy Sewing!

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Carina Gardner’s 2017 Block of the Month

I’m so excited to introduce the 2017 Block of the Month Quilt! I’ve posted the introduction to this year’s block of the month below along with the January video! As always, you will be able to access everything on my 2017 BLOCK OF THE MONTH PAGE. That page is updated monthly with all the videos and download links you need! Check out the quilt we will be making!


This is a scrappy quilt and you can make it from scraps OR purchase a fat quarter pack to cut your blocks. You can start with me in January or anywhere along the way. I am using my line Posy Garden for Riley Blake in this quilt. Download all the cutting and fabric requirements here:

Want to become part of my instagram (@carinagardner) community? Sew with me every month and hashtag #carinagardner the photo of your monthly block so I can see what you are making!
January 2017 BLOCK VIDEO


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Interview on American Patchwork & Quilting Radio – Episode #320

american-patchwork-quilting-pocast-episode-320-carina-gardnerYesterday I was thrilled (aka nervous!) to be on American Patchwork & Quilting Radio with Pat Sloan. I didn’t get to hear the episode until late last night, but if you are the least bit interested in what I have to say about Barbie doll sewing, Posy Garden, how I got into fabric, and my glamper, go check it out here:


Choose Episode 320:).



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2016 Quilt Market Recap in Salt Lake City

IMG_3728 I’m still decompressing a bit from market. In fact, when we finished and pulled the entire double booth down, I looked through my photos on my phone and realized that I had been so busy, I hardly took ANY pictures. WHHHAAAT? Whoops.

In the end, you’ll have to visit the hastag #carinaglamps on instagram to see all the going ons that happened in my booth over the course of the three glorious days at Quilt Market 2016 in Salt Lake City.

First off, a story. My glamper was suppose to go in before all the pipe and drape went up in the convention center.

Ya. They forgot about me. When I called the Tuesday before set up, they realized their mistake. So I pulled it in at 8am Wednesday before everyone else came to set up (important since we didn’t want to drive over anyone else and their booths). One of the dock workers pulled it into the Salt Palace for me since exhibitors were technically not allowed in yet. All good.

A bit later, a DIFFERENT dock worker came and asked me if I wanted the door facing out. I’m not sure what the expression on my face was, but I can tell you I was extremely puzzled and confused. I think I mumbled a, “Um, yes? I mean, I want people to actually go INTO it.” Apparently, they had pulled the glamper in BACKWARDS with the door facing the inside of the booth (as in, no one would be able to actually get into it). I believe I heard the dock worker mumble something along the lines of, “I told those idiots that.” as he ran in to the scene of the crime.

Needless to say, they fixed it. I’m not sure how well my booth would have gone over if no one was able to actually go into it to see all the pretty Posy Garden fabric (heehee!).

Because I didn’t leave my booth much, I only have highlights for you. Maybe the biggest highlight (for me) was that the booth won the Creativity Award. I was SO honored! I hadn’t thought about booth awards and I felt grateful to get one. (Photos below: Left—Creativity Booth Award; Right: Baby Coco visits the glamper)


(Photo below: Left—I spent a lot of time on the chalkboards for this booth; Right—First day of the show.)


Most of my double booth was taken up by the glamper (which is about 10′ Wide and 17′ in Length), but we also had a fun section of MiniLou at the front and a section in the back for patterns and block of the month. And that darling sign above (the white one with my logo on it) was made by my sister who has a darling etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SKWoodDesigns. She also made the MiniLou one below. (Photos below: Left—this was taken by @emmalinebags; Right—MiniLou).


I wish I could take credit for all the wonderful sewing in the glamper, but I can’t. I had some fabulous sewers put together many of the projects in the booth. A big thank you to @stitchingrevival Christine Cook, @quiltstorymeg Megan, @mystitchstory Angie Tackett, @amylouwhosews Amy Webb, @farmwifejournal Cherilyn Dunn, @diaryofaquilter Amy Smart 20.2, @jedicraftgirl Amanda Neiderhauser and @happylittlecottage1 Debbie Homick. They made wonderful minis for the glamper.

(Photos below: Left—Amy Smart shows off her mini; Right—Flying Geese Pillow and Garden Patch Quilt I made using my Posy Garden fabric).


(Photos below: Amanda Niederhauser and her mini; Christine Cook and her mini).


Last but not least, my mom came into town and helped with my kids, sewing, and cleaning to get me ready for market. She sewed all the curtains, cushions, and gulp, the piping for all the pillows. Did I mention I HATE doing the piping. Ya, she saved me!

(Photos below: Left—Minilou was all the rage at market!; Right—My mom and me at the Chinese bash we threw after market.—That’s my I-am-happy-it-is-all-over-with smile-wink, wink.).


It was so fun to catch up with new and old friends. The photos below include Heather Spurlock who works at Elaine’s Quilt Shop (BTW the glamper will be there with classes in August! Stay tuned!) and Deanna Hartvigsen who used to be with Mormon Handicraft but has since retired. Deanna is a dear friend and recently has gone through several rounds of chemotherapy. I couldn’t have been more glad to see her!


The photo to the left is of MOST of the Riley Blake designers. A few of the designers were missing in this shot.

The other photo is of Josh and I dressed up for the Riley Blake 80’s party. Anybody want to guess at Josh’s movie reference?


Any that’s the wrap up! It’s always such a treat to be part of the Riley Blake team and I can’t wait for Posy Garden to hit a store near you! Hopefully, I’ll have the swatch book up for it soon!

XOXO, Carina

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Almost there! Quilt Market Starts tomorrow!

IMG_2081_1_1+webTomorrow is the kick off of Quilt Market. Earlier this week, Felicity and I were part of the runway show at Riley Blake’s Retail Fabric Extravaganza. I also did a drop for Riley Blake’s awesome Fabric is Fun 60 days of giveaways that has been going on.

On Wednesday my team and I installed the glamper into the Salt Palace and finished setting up the booth. (We are in Booth #2031 BTW! Come by if you are here). Today I have a Schoolhouse and I’ll be selling MiniLou at Sample Spree.

It’s been a tough few weeks finishing up our mid year launch of products for MiniLou and finishing everything I needed done before Quilt Market. There’s a lot more that goes into Quilt Market than just the sewing (although that takes up a lot of the time!). Organizing other quilters to make projects, ordering catalogs, designing new business cards, ordering flooring/lighting/walls, and getting babysitting are just a few of the things that were on my to-do list.

IMG_2139_instagramwebSpeaking of babysitting, my mom was in for the save. She showed up last Saturday and has helped me sew, watch kids, cook, and clean this whole week. Such a blessing! That kind of help is priceless and I owe you one, Mom!

Quilt Market Summary will be up sometime soon!


(Photo above is my Perfect Hexagon Quilt Sewing Pattern in my Posy Garden fabric line available in quilt stores July 2016. Photo to the left was made by Megan Jimenez of @quiltstorymeg)





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Posy Garden Mini Quilts for the Glamper

2016-04-28 22.38.56_instagram_webThis little thing called Quilt Market has taken over my life. For the next two weeks, I will be cutting, sewing, tucking, and painting (yes, painting!) to get everything ready for Quilt Market.

For those of you who do not know what Quilt Market is, it is a tradeshow for retailers to purchase the new fabric lines coming out. It is twice a year and this spring, it happens to be in Salt Lake. If you are REALLY curious about what Quilt Market is like, you can check out the video I did of several booths in Portland 2013. Skip through to see the different booths (there are a lot!).

Anyway, I have some sneaky peeks of some of the mini quilts that have been arriving for the glamper.  Because this Quilt Market is in Salt Lake, I have the awesome opportunity to feature the glamper in my booth!

(The photo above is a mini made by Debbie of @HappyLittleCottage1).

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This darling little bike one is made by Cherilyn of @FarmWifeJournal. All the little hand stitching is SO sweet!

Most of these mini’s will be placed on the cabinets of the glamper for the show. We’ll also use them in a glamper stop we are doing at Elaine’s Quilt Shop a little later in the summer when my new fabric line Posy Garden is released (Right now we are using digital prints and strike offs!).

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This one was made by Amy of @AmyLouWhoSews….little twinkling stars! Love!

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The beauty above was made by Angie of @MyStitchStory. Love the little hand sewing of the stems of these flowers.


This little flower mini was made by Amanda of @JediCraftGirl. I love how well this one features all of the fabrics in the Posy Garden fabric collection!


How about the sweetness (and awesome machine quilting?) done by Christine of @StitchingRevival.

I have a couple more that we haven’t photographed yet, so you’ll just have to wait on those. But what a fabulous sneak peek, right?

Happy Sewing!






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Perfect Hexagon Quilt

IMG_9844_1_instagram_webThis is one of those quilts that started MONTHS back…actually when I was in Dallas at a tradeshow for MiniLou. I accepted to teach at the Sew Simply Stitched Retreat and needed to come up with a couple of projects to teach. I love hexagon quilts, and I ADORE all of those gorgeous English Paper Pieced Hexis so naturally one of my projects turned into this Perfect Hexagon Quilt.

FINALLY, this April I released the pattern in my shop. Y-seams can be a little daunting so after teaching it at the retreat, I decided to make a video tutorial that went along with the pattern. This is the first pattern I have done this for—a private video that comes with the purchase of the pattern. Cool, huh?

I’m hoping people like it so that I can make more of these types of videos! (The video below I originally did for my instagram feed. It was so fun I decided to add it here! This is the Perfect Hexagon Quilt done in my new Posy Garden fabric that should arrive July 2016!)


I’ve made two versions of this quilt now. I’m really excited about the one I made in my new line Posy Garden that I’ll be showcasing at Spring Quilt Market (that is in the video above).

The other quilt is done in Apricot and Persimmon. It’s been a really versatile fabric line and I’d loved everything I have made with it.

The photo to the left captures a look at what a lot of my afternoons look like. Kids doing homework while mom tries work out how to get the fabric to do what she wants:).

Want to learn more about the Hexi Pattern and video? Check it out below:

Now, I’m off to cello lessons tonight and ready for Friday to kick off the weekend! Lots of Posy Garden sewing for me these next couple of days! I’ll try to sneak in some fun pictures of the progress on the glamper next week!


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A Walk Through the Offices of Carina Gardner and MiniLou

IMG_1390_1_webI’ve been thinking about taking photos of my offices and warehouse for some time now, and am excited to (finally!) give you a walk around the Carina Gardner, Inc. and MiniLou offices!

Here’s some of the backstory: We’ve been in this warehouse/office for a little over a year at this point. Before this, I had two small office spaces near my house, but when I started MiniLou in September 2014, I outgrew the space. Suddenly, I was storing inventory…more than my house or the other little office could handle.

So I moved myself into this 1000 square foot warehouse. When I moved in last February, there was a reception area that I painted and re-floored. Then we built out two more offices in June. Because the space is small (but open!), every bit had to have purpose. Our staff meetings are held in the open warehouse. Videos are made on the back wall while simultaneously storing several of the fabric collections. The sewing table sits next to boxes of coloring books. You get the picture! Every bit of the space is used.

Photo to the left: My office. All the furniture was pulled from my home office to make space in my house for my Charlie-boy. Photo below: Our reception is filled with fabric and diecutting projects. Production Assistant and Fulfillment Manager Holly Christensen mans this area. Flowers on the back wall commissioned from The Lovely Ave.


Photo below: More pictures of our reception. It’s a pretty happy place to walk into everyday!

Our reception area has a play area while storing about half of the fabrics we have in the office (the other half is in our video area and the newest lines are all in my office at my house). The opposite wall (not shown) includes a showcase of some of MiniLou’s coloring book covers.


The first office (below) houses most of the team including our sales director, graphic designer, illustrator, and pattern production assistant.

Photos below: Sales Director Dori Kesler sometimes brings baby Ellie to work. Ellie’s pretty use to the drill since she’s been coming since she was born. Graphic Designer Tom Sturzenegger works on our svgs to prep them for release.



Photo below: Illustrator Jill Johnson works on new artwork for MiniLou. More pictures of baby Ellie! It can’t be helped!


Photos below: The sewing area and conference table are in the warehouse. Here Pattern Production Assistant Arianna Phillips and I develop ideas of patterns and sew up samples. The table is spacious so that we can roll out bolts of fabric and quilts. The conference table sometimes also gets overrun with projects.



Photos below: These are the flowers from one of the CGInc Silhouette releases. It brightens up some of the stuff you have to have in an office (but maybe are not that pretty) including our fridge, microwave, and printer. The calendars were custom printed with my most recent fabric collections.



Photo below: The back of the warehouse includes Holly’s second desk, the video taping area, and my office.


Photo below: Production Assistant and Fulfillment Manager Holly Christensen pulls orders to our MiniLou retailers.


Because we are such a small team, everyone works with everyone else in one way or another. I love the synergy that creates as well as the creativity! It’s a great team and I feel lucky to have them all working for ML and CGInc!


Photo below: We video tape for a class or CGTV episode 2-5 times a month. And all of our photography for our SVG files happens in this area as well! Because what we do is so visual, we spend a lot of time with the cameras.


Photos below: My office is really Charlie’s office. I often get kicked out to the conference table because Charlie is in the office most afternoons with me and all day with me twice a week. He’s my buddy and has his own chair, tv, and consistently eats all the candy out of the candy jars in the front (you know, when Tom hasn’t gotten to them first).



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Hope you had fun taking a peek at where we work! I loved showing you our space and how my little companies have grown. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

XOXO, Carina



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Join Me for the Sew Simply Stitched Quilt Retreat in March 2016

IMG_4862_instagram_webSome day in the near future I’m going to give you guys a tour of my offices and maybe a day in my life. To come out with as many products as we do at CGInc and MiniLou, well, it means we make A LOT of stuff EVERYDAY. Case in point, yesterday I designed a MiniLou fabric line and today I am finishing up a Cartabella Halloween line. Seriously, the best part of my creative life. And it isn’t just me. It’s my entire team of doers. I’ll be sure to introduce them as well.

But because of my design schedule and the number of tradeshows I already attend, I am careful about the number of events I am willing to commit to. But when Sherie from Sew Simply Stitched asked if I would teach at their first annual Quilt Retreat, it was a resounding yes! I love teaching in my home state of Utah and LOVE meeting quilters in a retreat environment. I love getting to know other sewing pattern enthusiasts and just being able to HANG OUT with them! Are you coming? I hope to see you there.

For those of you who haven’t heard about it (registration for it only opened a couple of weeks ago), here’s some more info. The retreat is from March 17-19 at the Gracie Event Center in Roosevelt, Utah. I’m teaching two classes on making hexagon quilts and one on these fun sketchbook covers (photo above).


Here’s the details:

Perfect Hexagons at any Size with a Straight Ruler
Fabric and pattern designer Carina Gardner shows you how to cut out the perfect hexagon from squares and a straight ruler! No need for fancy rulers or templates! She will demonstrate how to sew a Y seam with your hexagons so that you can build a beautiful baby quilt. 

  • 4 packs of 5 inch precut squares (with at least 15 fabrics) 
  • OR cut out fifty-nine 5 inch squares 
  • Pencil
  • Rotary Blade and Mat
  • Straight Ruler


Pieced Notebook Cover Class
Fabric and pattern designer Carina Gardner helps you sew together a beautiful pieced notebook cover for a gift or your own doodle book! She will demonstrate how to put all the pieces together and give you the dimensions for variations on the notebook cover! This cover coordinates with the Kathy’s Zentangle class notebook.
Choose one cover to make in class:
5.5 x 8.5 Sketchbook (aslo used in Zentangle Class)
  • Button
  • Hair tie
  • Rotary Blade and Mat
  • Straight Ruler
For the Eight Pointed Star Cover:
  • Fabric scraps including a 
  • 3 in square for the center of the star
  • 4 in x 9 in scrap for points of the star
  • 1/3 yd white fabric
  • 1/3 yd outside cover fabric (shown in the picture as the black fabric) OR one fat quarter
For Striped Cover:
  • 1 Rolie Poly or several fabric scraps at least 24 inches in length
  • 1/3 yd white fabric


I can promise you, it’s going to be a good time! I have a slew of raffle prizes we will be doing throughout my class, learning great techniques, listening to fun music, and getting to know each other. We are going to try really hard to finish an entire baby hexagon quilt during my 3 hour class.

You can register at the Sew Simply Website here: http://www.sewsimplystitched.com/events. For all you sewing enthusiasts, we also created a fun (private) facebook group if you want to join in here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/558135217677951/. You can share your projects and ask questions. We add tips, exclusive coupons, and sneak peeks of what’s ahead.

Happy Sewing! See you at the retreat!




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February Block of Month 2016

It’s the month of love, and I have a heart block for you for your Home Sweet Home Quilt! This is my second block for our 2016 Block of the Month. Grab the download in the store and watch the video below to join in! Make sure and follow me on instagram (@carinagardner) to post your blocks for our fabric giveaway every month!

Happy Sewing!

(PS Check instagram for our Block of the Month Quilt giveaway….that’s right! I’m giving away the full quilt sometime this week! Be sure to check it out!)

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Launch Party! PDF Sewing Patterns Now Available at CarinaGardnerShop.com


I’m so excited for today! I’ve been planning this launch for a few weeks now! The team and I have some cool things planned. What kind of cool things you ask? Well, since you asked…

First off, we are now releasing PDF Patterns! Yes, that’s right. This is the official launch of you being able to purchase my patterns in PDF format. You can still also purchase most of my patterns in their physical form (from our website or from your local quilt shop). Not all of my physical patterns have been converted to PDF. You will see us release all of them in the coming weeks along with new ones.

This is awesome on so many levels for you and me! Since I started MiniLou, we simply have not had the space to house the number of patterns I was carrying for CGInc. So NOW because we can release pdf patterns, you will see MORE kids clothing, kids projects, beginner projects, and for the first time ever QUILTS!


The timing is right for this launch because not only am I kicking off the PDF Patterns, I am excited to be releasing my newest fabric collection for Riley Blake Designs called Apricot and Persimmon. The colors in this line are so autumn-y and yummy. (I should have the full digi book for this collection out sometime next week).

So what are we doing for this launch? I’ll admit, most of the action will be happening on my instagram feed (@carinagardner). Here’s what’s happening:

  • The PDF shop will be 30% off  october 16-21. Visit the sale>>>
  • We are randomly giving away sewing pattern gift certificates on instagram and facebook all weekend!
  • We are teaming up with Michelle Jensen (my machine quilter) and MiniLou (my kids toy company) to do a DROP on instagram (hints and where it will be can be found on instagram @carinagardner and @miniloukids). This drop will include one of you WINNING a Persimmon Nine Patch Quilt. Yes! The actual quilt!
  • I have consolidated all of our FREE fabric projects into the shop so you can grab them and go!
  • I have two new videos that feature the Persimmon Nine Patch Quilt and the Patchwork Plus Quilt (See below!)! The best part is that I will be doing ALOT more videos featuring difficult parts of the patterns or helpful sewing hints.
  • For this launch I am releasing three brand new PDF Sewing Patterns that have never been released as a physical pattern—Persimmon Nine Patch Quilt, the Patchwork Plus Quilt, and the Apricot MiniQuilt.

Be sure to join us on instagram and facebook for the festivities! Check out the videos below!

Hope you enjoy! Feel free to check out the entire CGTV channel here: https://carinagardner.com/carina-gardner-tv/
Episode 14: Patchwork Plus Quilt

Episode 15: Persimmon Nine Patch Quilt

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