Finding Design in Everything: Form and Function

I was thinking about form vs. function…the time old question of which comes first (think the chicken and the egg) and how they inform each other. Form, the shape or medium that an object or service is in, and function (how it acts or works—the purpose of the object). Designers often say “form follows function.” So for example, a chair isn’t really  functional if there is no seat. The form of the chair is dictated by what it’s purpose is (to sit in). 

 I was thinking about this question in particular as it happens last Saturday. I was trying to figure out a fun afternoon activity for my kids. I came up with the age old “cheerio necklace” since we had everything for it. I was thinking about how a cheerio wouldn’t work for this fabulous activity if it wasn’t for the hole in the middle, therefore making it’s form “functional” for this activity. I mean, you’ve never heard of a Life necklace or a Captain Crunch necklace?

img_1315I have no idea why they chose the “o” shape for the cereal, but I found this if you want to know anything about the cooking process of these little cereals. Anyway, this is my very little tidbit on how form and function influences even the tiniest parts (and perhaps insignificant) of our lives. I sure do love those Cheerio necklaces! If you have a form vs. function story, please share! 






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