Running with the Leopards—5K Race

No designerly posts today. Just a quick post to say that Josh and I ran a 5k today with his East High alma mater (the high school recognizable for being the place High School Musical was filmed). About 700 people showed for the race. It was cold. This is a terrible picture of us, but I thought the snow on the mountains nicely demonstrates the cold.


A final note…my husband beat me. I’m guessing by about 3 minutes. We ‘ll see when the race results come out. I also had a momentary scare when I was sprinting in and managed to fling my iPod. Don’t ask me how…it just happened! Thankfully it was sort of a frisbee fling and it landed in the grass. A race chaperone (is there such a thing? You know, that guy who stands on the side and watches races and gives times) picked it up (thankfully!)


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