Meet the New Team

Jamie_300This summer I had an epiphany. This said epiphany happened in the shower. Do all great ideas happen in the shower? I conclude yes—an emphatic “yes.”

The epiphany went like this (yes, I was talking to myself), “Carina, you are tired, your quality of life is bad, and it’s time to make a change.” I knew there was only two options: scale back or get help.

I chose to get help. It came in the form of a new Marketing Director and Studio Assistant. I’ve been anxious to introduce you and now I am finally getting around to it!

Welcome Jamie Whittier, my new Marketing Diva. Mother of a darling little two-year old and organizer extraordinaire. Jamie’s background in public relations and get-to-it attitude has been amazing! I’m so happy to have her here (especially when we have sewing projects galore!).

Lindsey_300I also want to welcome Lindsey Morris. She’s my right-hand-lady aka the Studio Assistant. Lindsey’s time spent as a graphic designer for several companies has already been invaluable to me. Her technical skills has already taken a huge burden off me!

Even today, as I look around my office, the accumulating piles, and the half finished projects, all I can think is, “How did I ever do this by myself?” Sometimes, a time comes when you realize that you just can’t do it by yourself anymore. I’m just glad I was in tune enough to realize it.

Lindsey and Jamie are making so much more possible for me these days. You are going to notice it too. I have more time to craft (I spent an entire day playing with Haunted™ and making some awesome projects that will be up soon). I will have no less than 5 (maybe 6) fabric lines coming out in 2011). I have some great new classes coming out at Jessica Sprague (You will all see Jamie and Lindsey around TAing!). On top of that, we have some surprises as to where you will see my designs next year. Holdin’ my breath in anticipation!

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