Pregnancy Photos

I can’t believe that these photos were taken only 5 short weeks ago. I’m so happy I pushed us up into the mountains two days before I had Charlie to capture that large belly.

I’m putting this out into the universe because I’m curious about recovery time for other mommys who have had C-Sections. How long before you feel like you have recovered? This time around I have a continuing pain on one side of the incision, and I’m wondering if this is normal. Any of you had this experience?

As we are all in babyland, I still have no real routine. Blogging is sporadic, working occurs in the middle of the night (the only time there is a quiet moment), the house is a wreak, and I feel pretty successful if I have managed to make dinner…so basically, things are pretty normal around here!

Here are some of the good stuff happening in the studio theses days:

+ I got strike-offs for my line Remember (coming January 2013) for Riley Blake. You are going to love! (Check the instagram feed in the sidebar to see a sneak peek!)

+ We are finalizing our Winter CHA line up at Carta Bella. We also will be showing our Valentine’s line soon!

+ There is a video that has yet to be edited on the High Tea Soirée Dress for CGTV. Hoping I will be able to get it up soon! If you need some Halloween inspiration, click on the link and watch Lindsay and I in costume!

+ I am gearing up to start teaching Art of Digital Design 2 again. I plan on starting the class mid-January 2013 with it going on sale in November. I haven’t taught it since 2011 so I’m excited to run it again!

+ We are continuing our $1 Sale at on Wednesdays! New releases are on Mondays!


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4 thoughts on “Pregnancy Photos

  1. hi there

    I’m a new fan to your blog! congrats on your baby! I’ve had 4 c/sections and 5 babies. it’s ok to have a bit of soreness at the edges of your wound and sometimes you get that if you’ve over done it. but if it’s really hurting and not going away just see your dr. I take pain relief for about 7 days after my c/sections and then I’m good

    well done on getting these lovely photos! i wish I’d had some nice one takens with my last pregnancy as it really was my last

    enjoy! my baby is now 12 weeks this wedneday and it’s flying by


  2. You are the most gorgeous pregnant lady I’ve ever seen! Take some time to rest, recover & enjoy that sweet baby…and take care of YOU! A call to the doc might put a lot of fears to rest. Hugs to you!

  3. I would think at this point, actual pain might not be a great sign. Granted I am 4 years post-partem, so I don’t remember everything, but it seems like most of my serious pain was gone by this time. I probably had some slight tingling and soreness, but not pain. It took me 4-6 weeks to feel fully recovered though. Recovery took longer with my first, I was a lot more cautious then. With my second, I knew what to expect, so I was up and walking around the same day as my c-section. I also made a conscious effort to walk upright more, and knew that the movement was good for me. If you don’t want to drag everyone to the doctor, at least call the office and talk to a nurse. That 1-10 pain scale is a good indicator for them. Also, as nasty as the incisions are, you should check for redness and oozing, or have Josh do it. I couldn’t stand looking at my incisions for the longest time. If there is redness and oozing, go see the doctor. Hope this helps.

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