John Denver

I’m allowing myself a personal moment. I can do that on my blog, right? Yesterday at the library I happened across a John Denver CD. I haven’t listened to John Denver in an age, but it always reminds me of the huge music book we had sitting on our old player piano growing up.

So today, while cutting vegetables for stirfry, I popped in the CD and turned it to Annie’s Song. It’s like all the memories from my childhood came to the forefront—the memories that I had somehow stifled in the past years. The happy memories of childhood. Running in from school and getting a snack at the kitchen island from my mom. Learning how to cook with my mom (and hating all the cutting). My mom in the kitchen making bread while I practiced the piano in the dining room.

Before I knew it was crying over the chopped carrots. The irony that I was making stirfry wasn’t lost on me (my mother is Chinese). Turns out… Annie’s Song reminds me of my mom.

And it’s a bit unfortunate, but I don’t have the kind of relationship with my mother that allows me to just call her up and tell her I love her. Let’s just say, it’s complicated. Which probably had me crying even harder.

I hope to goodness that my daughters will be able to call me whenever they want to tell me how much they love me. (Ya. That probably made the sobbing even worse).

Well, if you ever read this, Mom, I love you.

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Essentials Plus

I was browsing through my creative team’s layouts that feature my new digital scrapbooking line Essentials Plus. I’m amazed at the way they are using the line! Even though I did intend it to be a paper-meets-elements line, it is way more versatile than I thought it would be. Most of these layouts use ONLY the essential papers (thank you fabulous creative team!).

Layout by Carey Bridges

Layout by Laurel Flechtner

Layout by Susan Haglund

Layout by Stephanie Andre

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Baby Bib and More Tutorial from Pink Chalk Fabrics

I spotted this darling tutorial over at the fabulous Pink Chalk Studios using my Baby Safari line. It includes a bib, baby booties, baggie, and taggie. For the full set of instructions and pattern check it out here:

As for me, I’m finishing up Art of Digital Design 2’s critiques today. I might be losing my voice. Thankfully next week’s critique is written!

Oh, check out this blog post over at Riley Blake if you get a chance!

Happy Sewing!


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Flannel and Oilcloth

I went to check my strike-offs yesterday at Riley Blake for Dainty Blossoms™ and found out some exciting news! Not only will cottons be available for the line, but oilcloth and flannels! The oilcloth and flannels will be in the large floral (the left-hand corner fabric in the digital magazine) and all the dots. I was practically jumping for joy!

In other news, my little Flissa started preschool this week. With Siri in school and Flissa in morning preschool, it’s the first time I’ve had the opportunity to work during the day. It’s pretty exciting as I’ve been hoping to get rid of my late-night design binges! heehee! Fliss has been SO ready to go to school (with big sister out of house and the entire neighborhood in kindergarten, there is only me to entertain her—not the coolest prospect).

So I’m going to happily (and hopefully) finish our new sewing pattern line this coming month (look for all the sneak peeks in the October newsletter) and finish teaching the Art of Digital Design 2 (It’s been a blast!).

We’re also finishing up the final touches of our new workshop this winter! Be sure and check it out! We’ve been so excited about the interest and would love to see you there for this design marathon! Bring your husband along to ski while you hang out with the girls!

Please note that this workshop has a cap of 20 students. Make sure and reserve your spot to attend this event.


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Exciting New Upcoming Events!

There are two spectacular events that I plan on attending in the coming months. The first is Spraguefest!
This is an annual event hosted by Jessica Sprague to further build (the already awesome) community. I know there are going to be a lot of awesome people at this event, and I’m pretty excited to attend! I’m teaching a class on color (it’s going to be messy!).

Spraguefest is October 7-10, 2011 and there is a registration fee of $80 for classes and materials. I know there are going to be goodie bags (yum) and some fantastic teachers! This year we are in Las Vegas and  I’m sure that whatever happens in Vegas will stay in Vegas. That means a lot of late night craziness.  Oh alright, maybe some daytime craziness as well (I might have done a little dance in the street last year).

The second event is my brand new Paper and Digital Designer Workshop! Think elegant girls-trip-meets-intense-design-school. Yep, it’s going to be that kind of weekend!

We’ll be in Salt Lake City working on your paper and digital designer skills (and possibly your shopping skills, manicure skills, nunchuck skills…).  It’s going to be a super intense experience that will help you explore your creativity! We are staying at the Little America Hotel , who will also be catering nearly the entire event. The Little America is well known for being a luxurious Four Diamond Hotel and their menus and decor are impressive! Get ready for a glammed-up girls weekend that will also define your design career!

Registration for this event is capped at 20 people and is first-come, first serve.

Check out our workshops page to learn more and register!

I hope to be able to hang out with you at one or both of these events!

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Bike Basket Tutorial

Check out my bike basket tutorial on Celebrations blog! I made these for our bikes for the Gardner family reunion/triathlon. A triathlon, you say? Yes, I feel like I should explain that it is not a REAL triathlon. It kind of goes something like this:

Run, Eat, Bike, Eat, Swim (it seems like we should eat after that too)

Really, it’s an amazing extended family event to help us all get in shape. And we do eat between all the event (Run at 10am, Lunch, Bike at 2pm, Dinner, and Swim at 7pm).

Anyway, back to the bike basket. In order to have Siri and Felicity participate, I ordered them bike connectors. Felicity and I did 8 miles. Josh and Siri made it the entire 12 miles. I was pretty proud we made it as far as we did because it was a horribly, hot day and I managed to get sunburned (go figure!).

Thank goodness for the baskets holding our water and goodies!

Fabrics shown here are from my Pinfeathers collection.

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Here are some of my favorites taken from the photoshoot with Susan that didn’t make it into the newsletter. I hope you enjoy too!

Getting ready—I was pleased when Susan walked into my house and said it wasn’t as bad as she expected it to be! (We fixed that only moments later).

Years of girls’ camp practice and having three younger sisters finally pays off!

This one just warms my heart.

Secrets, secrets…

Hmmm, could Felicity have jumped into this photo at the last minute to give us a cheesy smile? Yes. Yes, she did.

Someone thinks she is SO funny.

Obviously, bribery is in order. (You can’t see it, but I’m wearing a ring pop to stick in her mouth between photos).


Bribery is apparently not working.

Okay, it’s obvious we are going to need to focus on someone else willing model. Meet Sophie. One of next door neighbor’s daughters. She was a perfect angel on this shoot. I MIGHT have started making her dress two hours before the shoot. Ya, it was that kind of day.

This is Paige, Susan’s daughter. I don’t think we got a bad shot out of her.

Speaking of the devil—here’s Susan herself.

My other child (much more willing, but not by much) to let us take pictures.

There’s that ring pop!

I adore this one!

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Dainty Blossoms for Riley Blake Designs

If you missed it, the fourth issue of the newsletter announced my move to Riley Blake Designs for all my new fabric lines starting with the release of Dainty Blossoms™ in January 2012. I am so excited for you to see the work I have been doing with them! All of it is so beautiful and will make the most amazing sewing patterns!

I don’t think Dainty Blossoms™ is up yet at the Riley Blake website, but it shouldn’t be too long before you see it up for presale (for quilt shops only). So my digital maggie on this is even more of a sneeky, sneeky peek. Check it out!

Today I also started my new Art of Digital Design 2 class. It’s going to be a blast, and I’m so excited about the group of students taking it!

Going to take a break from my computer now to get things going around my house. We just got back from a little family get together at Bear Lake and my house is in need of some TLC.

Happy Monday!


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Carina Gardner Quarterly Newsletter (Issue No. 4)

FINALLY! We’ve finished our fourth issue of our newsletter! Better late than never, right?

I think this is our best issue so far. First of all, there are a LOT of photos. And tutorials. And photos. And an announcement (which links to ANOTHER digital magazine). And did I mention photos?

It’s seriously delicious!

Susan has already posted a bit on getting ready for this crazy photoshoot (see it here). I can tell you right now that we had so many amazing photos that I’m not going to be able to resist posting them.

But first, click on the newsletter to the left here and take a peek at all the fun we were up to in the studio.

More photos to come!

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Hair Accessories

These darling flowers were made out my Baby Safari, Dress Up, and Pinfeathers lines by Poppies Pretties. I was completely smitten with them (as I am sure you are too)! You can check out her etsy shop at I’m sure she’ll have accessories using the fabrics shown here for sale in the near future.

We used a couple of these accessories in our photo shoot yesterday (I’m jumping up and down with anticipation to show you all the results!). I’m almost finished with are newsletter and my new fabric line coming out in January. Oh yes, it’s going to be good!

Now that I am finished writing and taping Art of Digital Design 2, I’ve got a little more time to play with all this great fabric. More to come…

(Baby Safari fabric shown here)


(Pinfeathers fabric shown above)

(Dress Up fabric shown above)

(Pinfeathers fabric shown above)

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Pinfeathers Birdie Lace Up Tutorial

Get ready for a whole lot of fabric fabulous-ness! It’s been a lot of midnight sew-a-thons around here to show off this fabulous fabric. Susan and I have been hard at work! Here’s the first tutorial from the studio!

This is a really cute skill-building toy for preschoolers as little fingers will work on gaining their fine motor skills by lacing the strings through the holes! It also makes a darling decorative display item in the home or is a great project for a child’s birthday party.


  • Carina’s Partridge Bird Pattern-Free Download
  • 1/3 yard heavyweight fast2fuse, thin piece of cardboard, or heavyweight Wonder Under.
  • 1 fat quarter for a single-sided bird or 2 fat quarters (for an alternate fabric) for a double sided bird
  • Colorful shoelace or cording 1/8′ to 1/4″ diameter. Length will be vary depending on the size of your bird.
  • Fabric glue
  • Paper punch


1.     Your first step is to download the PDF of the partridge from Carina’s Partridge Bird Pattern. At this point you can decide how large you want your lace up project to be. The smaller the child the larger you may want to make the bird so that they will have something substantial to hold in their hand and lace up!

2.    Adjust the percent for the size you need and print your bird.

3.    If you are using the Fast2Fuse, you will fuse your fabric onto the Fast2Fuse according to the manufacturer’s instructions on the Fast2Fuse packaging.

4.    Trace the bird patterns onto the fused fabric and cut them out.

5.    Use a good hole punch to punch the holes for the lacing.

6.    Knot one end of the the shoelace and lace it through the first hole pulling it to the knot.

Alternate method

You can also make a Pinfeather’s Birdie Lace Up using a very thin piece of cardboard. Tracing the bird onto the cardboard, you cut out the bird’s shape. Then trace the bird pattern onto the fabric. Use spray fabric glue to glue the fabric to the thin cardboard bird. Use a hole punch to punch holes. Finally finish the project with step #6.

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I’ve managed to put myself under a number of deadlines in the next couple of weeks, so what do I decide to do? Oh ya, write a blog post. It’s an attempt at procrastination that will only end in a night filled with editing class videos.

Part of my problem is that when I plop myself into my chair, I have a gorgeous view of all my new fabrics—just sitting there, begging to be sewn, cut, cuddled on, worn, quilted, and any other number of things you can do with such glorious amounts of fabric.

It’s killing me.

It would kill you too right?

I’m not just being dramatic am I?

All right, well, enough of the whining and back to business. I get to spend the entire weekend working with that wall o’ wonderfulness.

Hope to be back with some eye candy soon!


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