Grand Opening and Wallpaper Giveaway!

It's finally here! After several delays, I am finally opening my online shop! It's been a lot of late nights, stocking inventory, and video taping classes, but I'm so excited to offer some of my products all in one place.

I'm probably most excited for the release of my new Wallpaper Collections! I created a lookbook to make it easy to glance through our offerings of wallpaper. We plan on having a quarterly release of new wallpapers so be sure to check back often to see this home decor candy!

I would love to know what your favorites are and what types of wallpapers you are interested in seeing in the future. No promises...but I am curious!

We also have an awesome color customization service available with our wallpapers. So if you don't see the right color or if you want a color match, we can do a color match to Pantons for $15 per color. Read a little more about it in our FAQ.

Of course, since it is a Grand Opening, we had to make it grand, right? So here is the grand sale going on in the shop for the first month!

* 75% off Illustrator Basics CS6 Course 1
* 20% off my 2012 Fabrics
* 20% off my Sewing Patterns
* 20% off my NEW Digital DieCutting Files **Please note the diecuts will not be available for a few more days so we can fine tune the download process.
*20% off Template Design and Fabric Design Classes
* 20% off my NEW Wallpaper Collections!

The sale goes on until April 30th, 2013! And to top it off, we are doing some AMAZING giveaways over the next month as well.

We are kicking it off by giving away 4 ROLLS OF PRE-PASTED PVC FREE WALLPAPER + 2 SAMPLES + SHIPPING. This giveaway is worth $331.00! This wallpaper will cover an 8' x 8'3" wall.

In order to be entered into this giveaway, you need to create an account/register in our new shop. That's it! We'll draw a name from everyone who has registered and the winner will be announced on facebook on April 2, 2013!

Throughout the month, we have some fabulous giveaways on Instagram, Facebook, the Blog, and on the Shop site. Some from us and some from our favorite folks! You'll have to check back to see what we are doing because it's going to be a good month.

Make sure you enter the wallpaper giveaway!





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Carina Gardner Shop Opening—March 22, 2013!

I'm in the final stages of finishing our new online shop! We are so excited to be able to offer a number of my products all in one location! That includes my fabrics, sewing patterns, classes, and two new things: digital die cutting files and wallpaper! Yippee!

There is going to be an awesome sale during the first month of this shop along with some really great prizes, freebies, and giveaways. Stay tuned! Be sure and check back here on FRIDAY!


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Time Flies

My baby is 6 months old. Where did the time go? He is snuggly, sweet, and oh so happy. Well, except for the night I hosted a Bachelor Finale party. I think he was cutting another tooth.

And as many of you recalled by cry for help here, he started sleeping from 9pm to 5am! Happy mama! Although that whole daylight savings thing sort of messed us up. Ick. Kids are tired for school and parents are grumpy in the morning. How did your kids do with daylight savings? (My fingers are crossed for you that they are fairing better than mine and, um, me).


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Time Flies Read More »

Photoshoot Sneak Peek

It has been a crazy week. I'm still busy getting ready for the online shop opening. Thankfully, we finished all of the photoshoots for the new products (for now). The photo above is one of my favorite wallpapers coming out. You might recognize it from my Carta Bella Beautiful Moments line and my Remember Fabric line coming out this spring for Riley Blake. Felicity decided to try out the lipstick for our model and show her how to pose (photo above).

She also happily posed for her own shoot (left). Believe me, she is not always this willing.

Right now we are on track for opening shop in two weeks. Once it is confirmed, I will make sure and post a tentative course calendar so that you can plan to attend!

Speaking of classes, Art of Digital Design 2 ended today. It's a little bittersweet. It's my last class at, but the start of something so exciting on my own site. I had such a great time with the students in this class. They worked so hard, and it really showed through in their forum critiques yesterday.

Other than the shop, I've started work on new patterns for Spring Quilt Market. Last year, I had so many plans for the sewing patterns that I never got to. Between the opening of Carta Bella Paper and having Mr. Charlie, I didn't have time for much else. This year, I plan on releasing a whole lotta product mostly because I love it so much (dropping the x-acto knife and dusting off the sewing machine NOW). Seriously, I miss sewing, and I'm hopeful I'll get to do a lot more of that in 2013.

(photo above: Can I admit that I hate being the subject of a photoshoot rather than the person putting it together? Silly moments happen.)

Other than the stuff happening in the office, Josh's dad came home from a major heart surgery last week. He's had an LVAD placed in his heart and will need 24/7 care for next 6-8 weeks. Much of the family has received training on how to help take care of him. It means a lot of overnights for Josh and other family members. It also means a lot of playing the single parent for the spouses. It's been hard, but I'll admit there have been some perks. There has been a lot of cousin time and even a couple of nights of straight-through sleep for me (when Josh has taken Charlie with him for an overnight to take care of his dad). Tangent: It's been so long since my two girls were babies that I can't remember when they started sleeping through the night. Charlie will be 6 months old next week, and I keep thinking he's going to skip a nightime feeding...but so far no luck. Any advice on this?

(photo above: This is between photo shoots—A little snuggle with my babies before I get ready for the next set up!)

Happy Friday!



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Shop Opening Postponed

Through the many inquiries and emails I have received about classes and products on the new Carina Gardner shop site, I've let people know that we were due to open this coming weekend. Sadly, we are pushing that back. We have run into some technical difficulties with the site and we want to make sure it is just right before we open.

I already have three classes set up for this new venture and these will all be pushed back as well. The moment we have a firm opening date, I will let you know the dates on these new classes:

+ Illustrator Basics CS61
+ Template Design
+ Fabric Design

I can't tell you how excited I am about these new classes! I've been working hard to make sure you will get a customized syllabus (depending on what session you take), pdf notes, and more! We have a full schedule of classes due for 2013 and I'm rearing to go!

Other than classes, we will be debuting a number of other fantastic things...more sneaks to come!

In the meantime, I'm going to snuggle my honey and my three little bumpkins for Valentine's! Hope you do the same!

XOXO, Carina

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Photoshoot: Take 1

If you have ever wanted to see behind-the-scenes of a CG Photoshoot, look no further than the makeup strewn desk and light cords in the photo above. Things are down to the wire with the new website. We will be spending the coming week trying to finish up photoshoots for all the products. I'm hoping this is the only shoot that involves me and I can be behind the camera for everything else.

I can't tell you how excited I am for the new site! Fingers crossed we can make it happen. When I look at the week and I see every second filled in, I tell myself to breathe and take it one day at a time.

More pictures to follow!


PS. Today's the last day to get entered into the So Noted giveaway on Facebook. Make sure to enter by leaving a comment!


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Instagram Giveaway & Facebook Giveaway

There is so much awesomeness happening at Carta Bella these days. So to kick off the awesomeness, I am giving about 3 kits each of True Friends and Well Traveled on Instagram. To enter, just follow @carinagardner on your Instagram feed and add a comment to the "Instagram Giveaway" photo. Invite a friend and you may both win. How cool is that?

Winners will be announced on Friday, Feb 8th!

For a little added fun, I'm also going to give away 3 So Noted Kits! To enter into this drawing, you need to leave a comment on my facebook page .  Tell me which is your favorite paper from the line! Winners will also be announced on Feb 10th for this giveaway. How fun is that?

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It's been 6 months since my SongBird™ Fabric line hit quilt shops and I can finally show you the new fabric line! Remember™ will be hitting quilt shops in April. Based off my Beautiful Moments™ line I designed for Carta Bella, this line is a whole lot of yummy reds, pinks, citrons, and grays.

You'll also see a few of these patterns come out in wallpaper in another month. But more on that soon...

April doesn't seem that far away right now although the snow here in Salt Lake is suggesting otherwise. The girls and I built a snowman (correction, I built a lame volcano and called it a snowman and the girls ran around in the snow) tonight in celebration of the mass dump of snow that fell on the city. Truthfully, I'm ready for spring to come. It would make the walk to the new office a little less slippery.

Grand Opening of this coming soon.



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Our New Office

Our tiny home had finally forced me to consider other options for all the inventory and tchotchkes in my office. So I started looking for space in October. I finally settled on an "in between" office...something small, affordable, and well, across the street from my house. I don't know how long I can be in this space, but it is perfect for now.

Josh and I have been moving boxes for nearly two months now and trying to settle in. He finally finished building the last shelf today, and I'm hoping to get the CGTV channel set up so we can beginning filming again.

It's been nice to have a quiet space to work (Although as seen in above picture—sometimes much of the family is trompin' around this place. I'm trying to check the Art of Digital Design 2 forums in the picture). Josh and I switch off days in the office.

And, about that... You might be hearing from Josh once-in-a-while on the blog now too. Josh has officially joined my company and is taking over a couple of divisions (namely sewing pattern distribution and this). I sort of reached my breaking point in December after I had pulled 3 all nighters and averaged 2 hours of sleep a night. Between the baby and the growth at CGInc, I knew things needed to change. So we took the scary leap, and Josh left his law firm. My New Year's hope is that we are stronger as a family and get to spend more time with our kids.

Because of this, I hope to be blogging a little more as well as letting you in on our day-to-day happenings. Things are always crazy around here as we juggle the company and the kids, but good. Oh so good. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Want to follow Josh on instagram? He's @joshtgardner and he'll probably catch me scratching my head over the computer or giggling as I try to record a new class (and thereby, having to re-record the segment).

From a very excited mommy designer,


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I braided Felicity's hair today. It's a rare feat because I'm so enamored by her curls that I hate putting it up.

So here it is and you can be amazed (as I am) that this child is ¼th Chinese. Who would have guessed I could get two red heads?

To get this "do", braid a side-french braid and then tuck "up" the remaining hair on the side. Flissa's hair is pretty long so there was a lot to "tuck up."

I'm kind of digging the back bit all braided up these days. You can see I don't get super precise about my braiding—I sort of let it all be loosy-goosey.

I think I may also try to bring back french twists...



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Back from Winter CHA

I'm back from Winter CHA in Anaheim and a sweet family trip to Disneyland. I'm trying to wrap my head around all the things that are about to happen this coming month. You should check out this link for a peek of things to come.

But back to the things that are NOW. You'll want to check out Carta Bella's new releases, namely True Friends, Well Traveled, So Noted, and Cool Summer. I'm so ecstatic about our spring line up. And if you are one of the lucky ones to have Devoted, I'd horde it if I where you. We're nearly out and not reprinting it. I didn't even see it in RL (that would be Real Life) until CHA because I had my head buried in my computer keyboard for 2 months.

Now, I'm home, snuggling my baby, hanging out with my girls, and excited for all the new good, stuff to come. 2013 is going to be wonderful.

More on just how wonderful later.


PS That is Mr. Lindsay Moore himself in the photo above...if you where wondering who I was hanging out with.

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2012 Recap Via Instagram

Finally getting around to my recap of 2012! I decided to do it via Instagram instead of blogposts this year because there are so many things I captured on Instgram that I didn't put on the blog. Follow my Instagram feed by searching for @carinagardner. You can also check out these photos (comments and likes) on the web at

(from left to right, top to my comments at

1. February 2012 | Logged into Instagram for the first time. Captured a newly finished quilt using my Dress Up™ fabric collection.
2. Felicity piecing a little Dainty Blossoms™ quilt.
3. Made a cameo in Where Women Create Magazine
4. Featured as one of Utah's Top 40 Entrepreneurs
5. March 2012 | Pregnant and wielding a drill on my tradeshow booth.
6. April 2012 | New 5D Mark II for all the photoshoots
7. May 2012 | Spring Quilt Market in Kansas City. Starting to look a lot more preggers here.
8. June 2012 | Press checks for Carta Bella's Paris Girl (just our second line!)
9. What's this I see? A few CG sewing patterns in Material Girls Quilt Shop?
10. July 2012 | My tradeshow booth retooled for Summer CHA in Chicago. 5 weeks to go until baby arrives.
11. August 2012 | Songbird™ hits my bed
12. Last minute nesting. Staple gun + fabric = new chair.
13. Baby boy is born!
14. September 2012 | Strike offs of my April 2013 line Remember
15. Happy 12th anniversary to us!
16. Fall has come and we cart ourselves off to Cornbelly's
17. October 2012 | I brew and brew for the little witches
18. Charlie and I pose for a mirror shot
19. I decorate.
20. I force small children to pose.
21. I take many photos of baby boy and force instagram followers to coo.
22. I decorate some more.
23. November 2012 I visit Snow College to talk to their Entrepreneurial Program. So honored!
24. My line Happy Little Moments™ for Carta Bella ships!
25. We eat turkey as big as Siri.
26. Lindsay and I start to make Christmas stuff.
27. I tease everyone with the hint that I am working on secret stuff. Still secret.
28. December 2o12| I sponsor a Smashball.
29.  Family cuddle session
30. Just cause she is so pretty
31. Proof that I do something neat to my hair once in a while.
32. More photos of my new baby. Inevitable, right?
33. Spotted from CG and PY patterns
34. Ya, I know.
35. January 2013 | Starting the year off right by finally going on vacation. Dumbo is happy we came.


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Finally Christmas

We FINALLY put up a tree. With one week to go, we are finally feeling the Christmas spirit here in the Gardner household.

Two exhausted parents sat by as their 5 and 8 year old decorated the tree. However they liked. So that made for bottom-heavy decorations. And a lot of pink. Josh says that it's the most authentic tree we've ever had. I think he's right. Maybe we parents should stay out of the way more often.

We didn't even bother to put the lights on the tree (or turn the lights on outside that have been up all year for that matter). We did, however, plug the lights in so Charlie could see them.

Wishing you a Very Merry Holiday this year! I know I'm going to make the most of this coming week of Christmas!

From Christmas-slakerville,



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Smashball 2012—Utah Edition

Yes, I have been terrible about posting, but, it is because I have been working like a maniac to get ready for Winter CHA. And I can't even show you want I'm working on. Boo. Or the other cool stuff I am working on. Double Boo. Well, all in good time. In the meantime go check out Devoted and True Friends, which have both recently been released by Carta Bella and designed by yours truly.

In the midst of the Carta Bella madness, I took a break and went to (and sponsored) Becki Crosby's Smashball (you know her as the genius behind Whippy Cake). Susan, aka the fab assistant, so graciously came along with me for a night of scrapping and gabbing. I pulled the camera out so rarely throughout the night that I fear that you will be better served by instagram (@carinagardner). Don't have an instagram account? Check out the feed on my sidebar.

Here's what I did catch:

Table disaster or creative chaos?

This just makes me laugh. Susan is to my left and Becki to my right. I shouldn't post it but I.can'

The cute gal who won one of my giveaways (3 sewing patterns and 3 yards of Songbird fabric) and a pictures of Becki's AMAZING swag bags. There might have been a little something in there from me...

This girl has so much energy.

Quite the group

It was fun to meet new smashers and reunite with old acquaintances (I had lunch with Rhonna Farrer four years previously when I started at Two was SO fun to see her again!).

Thanks ladies for the fun night and for pulling me away from my computer!


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Retirement Sale at—50% off Illustrator Classes

That's right! I'm having a Big Ol' Sale! Several of my classes are on sale for 50% off until Dec 31st, 2013. These classes are being retired to make way for a brand new curriculum I've developed for 2013. It's going to include design and Illustrator driven courses. Just like any designer/instructor, I learn things all the time that make my life easier and I want to share them in these new courses. I'll have more on this to come! For now, check out these self-paced classes that are 50% off:
Illustrator 101
Illustrator 102
Illustrator 201
Tips for Rockin' Illustrator
ABC Inspiration

See all 50% off classes>

These classes will be only be available for purchase until Dec 31st, 2012.

I'm also teaching my last session of Art of Digital Design 2. It starts January 21st, 2013. These will not be an individual critique portion of the class taught...instead we will be participating in forum critiques along the way. Syllabi will be available for download on January 1st in preparation for the class. It's 20% off since I will not be doing the individual critiques.

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Christmas Advent Calendar—Free Download and Printable

Happy One-Day-Before-Thanksiving! As I write, I'm brining my monstrous turkey. I'm 12 hours into it and need to go pick up more ice to keep it happy until tomorrow morning.

My Pre-Thanksgiving present to you is another episode with Lindsay and myself showing you how to make an advent calendar using the Christmas Day™ and Merry and Bright™ collections from Carta Bella. There's also a fabulous giveaway (as always). To enter the giveaway, you need to go here.

Ready to make this advent calendar yourself? DOWNLOAD THE ADVENT CALENDAR PRINTABLES.

Here's Episode 5! Enjoy!


UPDATE: Carina also shared this tutorial using the printable for giftcards on Good Day Utah FOX 13 News on December 23, 2012. You can see that video here:

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Snow College's Entrepreneurship Seminar

Yesterday I spoke at Snow College's Entrepreneurship Seminar Series. It seems crazy to me that 4 and half years ago I didn't know much at all about the industries I now design for. If you have ever wondered about my story, you can watch the hour long seminar I gave here:

Hope you enjoy! Today Lindsay and I are getting together to film our Christmas video. Should be fun!


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Witch and Wizard Party—Kids Halloween Party

Saturday I threw a Witch & Wizard Party for my kids. I have to admit that I didn't come up with the idea. My niece Caroline gave Siri a card inviting her to a pretend witch party a couple of months ago(which btw never happened). But the idea got stuck in my girls' heads, and they asked if we could have a witch party. How could I say no?

This party was relatively easy to plan and prepare for. I used a few of my own ideas as well as ideas I found online. I've given you links and recipes here in case you decide you want to have your own witch party.

(WARNING: This is a photo-heavy post and if you show your kids, they WILL want a Halloween party too!)

The main activity for this party was potion-brewing. "Making potions" has been a popular activity in our family ever since Siri read Ivy and Bean. There is something so magical for kids about mixing, pouring, stirring, and imagining up spells! Grandma and cousins all have been into the "potion-making," which has sometimes resulted in the most amazing messes. If you want an activity that your kids will completely adore, you will want to try potion-making at your party!

I basically created two areas for this party: the game area and the potion brewing station. The games were played on a quilt under a tree in our backyard and the potion station was on the patio. Here are some of the highlights:
1. My new favorite idea: Using wrapping paper as a table cloth. I used a black and white polka dot that I found at Home Goods. The great thing about this paper? Also great for other parties that are not halloween themed.
2. I purchased a couple of skulls from my local craft store to place on the tables for added "spookiness."
3. I dislike silk flowers except at Halloween. These black hydrangeas were cute on the food table.
4. I used my Carta Bella All Hallow Eve's Line for place mats. Easiest place mats ever! Add a Swizzle spoon (usually for cocktails...I got mine from the World Market) and a green glass bowl (aka caldron) from Tai Pan Trading and we are ready to mix!
5. I used glass vases I had from around the house and mixed in some little bottles with corks from Michaels and more green bottles from Tai Pan Trading.  I placed them all in the center of the table with the skulls and some flowers.
6. I set up a quilt and decorative crepe paper balls (purchased at Tai Pan Trading) under a tree for all our games and activities. Plus, it felt way more witchy!
7. I used a number of different food colorings to make the potions more inviting. Just pour a single drop of food coloring at the bottom then pour in water.
8. This fancy feathered own is a witch or wizard's best friend. Purchased at Michaels.

(Photo above) Paper from All Hallow's Eve is used as a place mat for potion brewing. (Photo below) The table is set with all the potions in the center of the table and food on a side table. Siri, Felicity, and Eva check out the bottles before the rest of the guests arrive.

There is nothing like kid-friendly food that is as fun to look at as it is to eat. Here's what we had:
1. Bloody worm tonic. Recipe: Sprite + Maraschino cherry syrup + Pick with a gummy worm
2. Mummy hot dogs with baby carrots. The Mummy hot dogs are made from puffed pastry wrapped around hot dogs.
3. Witch Cupcakes. Idea from of Martha Stewart.
4. Candy Corn flower Cupcakes. This is a simple way to decorate your cupcakes with m&ms and candy corn.
5. Microwave Witch Carmel Corn (Recipe below) I used All Hallow's Eve stickers on the bags.
6. Oreo spiders.

4 Microwavable bags of Blast O Butter Popcorn
1 cup brown sugar
½ cup margerine
¼ cup light corn syrup
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
3 tablespoons of black food dye

Pop the popcorn using the instructions on the bag. Place all the popcorn in a large brown paper bag.

Over medium heat, mix all the other ingredients except the M&Ms. Once everything is combined,  cool for a few minutes (2-5 minutes).

Pour syrup over the popcorn in the bag. Roll down the top once or twice to close the bag, and shake to coat the corn. Dump the popcorn out onto waxed paper, and let cool until coating is set. Store in an airtight container.

To make life easy, this party was kept simple by starting with games on the quilt, moving to the potion station on the patio, then having dinner (also at the potions table), and then ending with a movie in the house (we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas).
1-3. BINGO: We played Bingo using the Haunted Digital Bingo Card Printables and Candy Corn. Once you got bingo you could eat the row of candy corn!
4-5. TREASURE HUNTING: Yes, witches like to dig for treasure too! The tubs were purchased from Michaels (for 99 cents!) and sand from Home Depot. Rings, jewels, and other little trinkets were hidden in the buckets.
6-8. BOBBING FOR DONUTS: Hang a donut in a tree and the witches will happily try to eat them. This is a great activity to start with as guests arrive.

(Photo left-above) Felicity works hard as she "bobs" for her donut. (Photo right-above) The best surprise with when Grandma Mary showed up dressed as a witch as well!!! Best grandma!!

(Photo left-below) Gracie is still looking for treasure as the bigger kids play bingo. (Photo right-below) I call out the numbers for bingo as the kids place their candy corn. The simple decorations make this spot in the yard feel festive!

When I asked my kids what their favorite part of the party was, the answer was unanimous—Potions! To set up your own potions table, here's what you will need:
Glass bottles (I used clear and green ones in different sizes)
Bowls or cauldrons (the green bowls were nice because they were festive but the kids could still see what colors they were pouring in).
Spoons for mixing
Food coloring (red, black, green, blue, yellow)
Other mix ins (At this party I bought Halloween sprinkles and candy like candy bones, orange & black sprinkles, gummy skulls, candy bats, and leaf sprinkles. We have also in the past used flour and sugar for making potions.)
A pitcher (to refill empty bottles)

As the kids mix the potions, the adults refilled the bottles (so keep the food coloring and pitcher nearby). I just let the kids dump their potions into the grass next to patio when they were ready to start a new potion (yes, it makes a mess but that's why I chose things the kids would either eat, would wash away, or I could throw into the trash).

(Photo above) Siri is excited to start potion making. While "brewing" the kids were saying things like, "Will you pass me the dead toes, please?" (Photos below) Eva, Siri, and Felicity play on the blanket under the tree. My niece Lola mixes her potion.

(Photo above) Felicity brews a rather nasty looking spell! (Photos below) Felicity and Lola pose for my Instagram picture (@carinagardner)!

Hope you were inspired and you have a Happy Halloween!


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Pregnancy Photos

I can't believe that these photos were taken only 5 short weeks ago. I'm so happy I pushed us up into the mountains two days before I had Charlie to capture that large belly.

I'm putting this out into the universe because I'm curious about recovery time for other mommys who have had C-Sections. How long before you feel like you have recovered? This time around I have a continuing pain on one side of the incision, and I'm wondering if this is normal. Any of you had this experience?

As we are all in babyland, I still have no real routine. Blogging is sporadic, working occurs in the middle of the night (the only time there is a quiet moment), the house is a wreak, and I feel pretty successful if I have managed to make basically, things are pretty normal around here!

Here are some of the good stuff happening in the studio theses days:

+ I got strike-offs for my line Remember (coming January 2013) for Riley Blake. You are going to love! (Check the instagram feed in the sidebar to see a sneak peek!)

+ We are finalizing our Winter CHA line up at Carta Bella. We also will be showing our Valentine's line soon!

+ There is a video that has yet to be edited on the High Tea Soirée Dress for CGTV. Hoping I will be able to get it up soon! If you need some Halloween inspiration, click on the link and watch Lindsay and I in costume!

+ I am gearing up to start teaching Art of Digital Design 2 again. I plan on starting the class mid-January 2013 with it going on sale in November. I haven't taught it since 2011 so I'm excited to run it again!

+ We are continuing our $1 Sale at on Wednesdays! New releases are on Mondays!


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He's Here!

If you follow on instagram (@carinagardner), you've already seen a bit of the boy, but here is the official blog announcement:). Charles Thomas Gardner will be called Charlie and is currently adored by all 4 other members of his family. Rosy (the cat) may be the only one who feels that his presence has been less than special (she may have realized she is a second class citizen after all).

I'm recovering and Charlie is healthy (and very snuggly!). We are trying to find a routine, and I'll admit that the balance is going to be pretty difficult to find.

But we're already back to work (Susan has been pulling some long shifts!) and I'm trying to snuggle, attend to business, and design all at once (which BTW means that many emails go out with all lowercase letters...I don't always have a hand available to hold down the shift key).

Either way, I'm going to do my best to enjoy this very short period where this little one is, well, little.

From a happy and sleepy mommy,



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Last night Josh and I pulled out the old video camera and watched my daughters' first few hours of life. I'll admit...I cried...a lot. It was one of those moments where your life is put into perspective and all you can do is feel grateful for what you have been given.

Seeing that miracle made the coming of the new baby that much more real. It also reminded me how special and amazing my two darlings are and how they've changed my life.

Past that, I was struck by how fast things change. Not only do I have an eight year old (!!!), but I can't imagine anyone using that video camera anymore, can you (see above!)? Seriously, I had to dust the thing off when I pulled it out. In the video, Josh tells the nurse that we have to use a phone card to call long distance from the hospital (we lived in Minnesota at the time). What the? Was that really only 8 years ago? We weren't allowed to use cell phones in the hospital and the cell phones looked, ancient?

Despite the change in technology, some things don't change. Like the way I feel when I watch my little newborn babes or the three-year old (who is now eight) tweaking her daddy's nose. I'm grateful that we were smart enough to take all that video—and in the last couple of years—taking so many photos.

When I helped launch Carta Bella, I didn't know that the unintended consequence of designing and art directing meant I would also be scrapbooking. I like to make sure our designs work. That means I personally print, cut, and glue most of the projects seen in the marketing materials at Carta Bella. The result is my own personal scrapbook getting built...slowly but surely. (PS the photo above is from our October release...consider it a sneak peek since I have been scrapping with it all weekend).

So as I finish up deadlines for production for October (trying to get ahead so I can take time off with baby!), I've specifically pulled out photos of my girls that make me happy. Lucky me for getting to work and play at the same time! My heart is full for all the blessings I have.

I hope you also get a chance to walk down memory lane soon and/or make some amazing memories in the upcoming future. I'm looking forward to doing both.


PS: Do any of you know of a great service that converts all your old videos into digital format? I'm starting to see the necessity of this soon...


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Episode 4 All Hallow's Eve Decor Video

I know it's only August, but this Halloween video is meant to get you excited about the approaching season. I love fall and adore Halloween. With school starting next week (eek!), fall is just around the corner. I know there's a lot of sentimentality about new beginnings and freshly sharpened pencils when school starts, but I actually feel that fresh starts CAN happen in the fall. I probably feel it more so this year than others since baby boy will be coming to us the day after school begins (7 days and counting!).

Lindsay Moore, Sales Director for Carta Bella joins me in my studio to introduce the All Hallow's Eve line. We show you how easy it is to make home decor crafts from this line (Most of it is either just "cut out" and display or "stick" and display!)

We obviously have a good time, and you'll definitely want to enter to win our Hot-Off-The-Press Giveaway.

As promised, I also have silhouette files and jpgs of the silhouettes and bats I mention in the video. Download them here: All Hallow's Eve Projects.

If you are looking for the Bat Wreath I mention in the video, you can find it here: Bat Wreath Post

And finally, here is the video of Lindsay and me dressed up and having a good time:

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I begrudgingly decided it was time to get a new computer. Besides running really slow, it turns out my love for the 17" MacBook Pro is outdated. So I settled on a 15" that I was assured will make me faster. With baby boy on the way, I knew all the "down time" I currently spend just letting things "run" needed to end. So my "old" Mac and "new" Mac both went to the doctor for a data transfer this weekend.

It's been a long time since I didn't have access to a computer. Maybe too long...because I managed to do some much needed nesting over the weekend. I have a major list of things that will absolutely NOT happen before this child arrives in a couple of weeks, but I also have a minor list that (hopefully!), I will on get done.

One of these "to dos" was to get curtains up in my kitchen. I made these ruffle curtains out of the Paris and Company fabric that I designed for Riley Blake (released out this last April (2012)). They are fun and pretty girly (Josh is dealing pretty well with this), and match the light blue chairs I painted for the breakfast nook.

I also managed to spend a good deal of my time catching up with the Olympics and Pinterest. My obsession for white colonial-style houses and lots of bright colors is evident.

In the coming weeks, I may be a little busy with our new adventure which may result in fewer blog posts. But my obsession with Instagram (follow carinagardner) should keep those of you who want to see the Carta Bella-Riley Blake-Jessica Pattern-More Licensing(Yikes!)-Gardner Family-adventures in the loop.

XOXO- Carina

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Summer CHA Tradeshow Booth Video (Episode 3)

I wasn't sure if it was going to work, but I tried to create a video of us putting up the tradeshow booth. Before I had ever participated in having a booth, I always wondered what the process was.'s a time lapsed video of the two days we put together the Carta Bella booth. It's two days squished into 3 minutes. It's so fun, and I hope you enjoy my commentary!

Enjoy! Carina

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Summer CHA 2012 Review

Hello! I'm back from Summer CHA in Chicago and I've spent the last 24 hours downloading a heck-of-a-lotta videos and photos! You can see more photos (if you don't think you'll get enough here) on the Carta Bella blog.

Many of you will recognize the booth as my Quilt Market booth. It was fun to see it filled with paper this time around. It's also fun to compare that baby belly after two months of baking (only a month left!).

Here Lindsay and I pose on Day 1 of set up. I hardly had to lift a box because everyone was so concerned (I think they just didn't want to deliver a baby).

Set up was also fun because it was a Carta Bella and Echo Park team effort. It was nice to have that many hands putting together the two booths. Check out Andrea (CHA Coordinator for Echo Park and Carta Bella) putting up the Carta Bella sign (below) and Lindsay bolting together the walls.



There were a lot of darling projects in the booth! This advent calendar was made by Deena Rutter who also designed Merry & Bright for Carta Bella (ships September 2012).

I made this Beautiful Moments lamp below. I HIGHLY recommend having a silhouette machine for this project. It turned out darling but took a lot of time to put together.

Samantha Walker put together this fabulous display of silhouette pieces using her Paris Girl Collection.

So many darling cards made by the design team!

Here are my All Hallow's Eve bottles that you will see in the upcoming Halloween video Lindsay and I do. It should be posted sometime next week. Any guesses on what we dress up as?

I made this banner using the Alphabet Junction Collection by Melanie Ritchie.

Here's Miss Melanie herself with her first collection! Love the Vanna White pose!

Me and my belly.

Shimelle (from 2Peas in a Bucket), with Melanie and myself. Too bad we aren't having fun.

Here's dinner with Lori Whitlock (designer for Echo Park) and Andrea (CHA Coordinator for EP and CB). Matt (THE sticker guy and serious foodie) chose this awesome place. The food was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. If you go to Chicago, it's worth getting the beef tenderloin (and all the desserts)

Look at the amazing light fixture! (Which also accounts for the bad photo lighting).

Well, there it is! A few photos from CHA and a little of what we were up to. I'll admit, I was happy to get back home to my own bed. I'm at the most uncomfortable stage of this pregnancy, and it was nice to snuggle into bed last night. Josh and my girls are in Sun Valley at the Bar Convention (therefore making it possible to get all my blogging in before they come home). They should be showing up tonight so I will have my little darlings to snuggle.

Be back in a second with our tradeshow booth video!






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Laminate Bag Tutorial

I've been meaning to post this tutorial for a month now. My kids took a neighborhood art class and the night before I had the hair-brained scheme that they both needed new art bags. After making them, I sketched up the steps for anyone else who is interested in experimenting with these said "hair-brained" schemes.

I've sketched up a similar tutorial for my girls' ballet bag, but this time the bags are substantially larger, made of laminates, and have a single strap. I used the Dainty Blossoms™ laminates (shown in the photos).

Working with laminates was not as hard as I originally anticipated. I like to use Lila Tuller's oil method for running laminates through my sewing machine. It works like a charm!

A few notes about the sketches for this tutorial:

* They are by no means comprehensive:). That means that I give you sizes, and you can customize as you wish.
* Yardage for the bag does NOT include the "cutout" (in my example I show an 'S'). Either use a scrap of contrasting laminate or skip altogether (see more notes on this below).
* You may want to adjust the strap's length for the intended use of the bag. My strap is meant to comfortably fit across the chest.
* I don't use fusible material for the letters/cutout. I simply carefully laid the letters on the front of the bags and appliqué  stitched the letters directly to the front. It was absolutely an experiment in progress since I had never used laminates like this before. Amazingly, it worked (but was not easy!)

After a month of use, turns out these bags are pretty strong and can take a beating. I attribute it to the laminates, which helped my wipe away all the paint my kid's left undone in the bag. Perfect art bag.

Hope you also get a chance to experiment!



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Fourth of July 2012

We ditched our usual Fourth of July traditions to hang out at home. I'm going a little slower these days and a middle-of-the-week holiday seemed like a good excuse to stay at home, enjoy the neighborhood breakfast, and family BBQ.

Breakfast date + Dinner date = Lunchtime nap.

Other than napping, Siri and Felicity helped me make peach ice cream and shuck corn. Sounds rather summer-y, right?

We also decorated bikes to be in the two minute neighborhood bike parade. Crepe paper and my fringe scissors were a cheap way to get by (Yes, the bike below is NOT one of my kids').

Hope you had a fab holiday too!






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Carina Gardner TV Channel—Episode 2 Paris Girl

I just finished editing Episode 2 for the new CG TV Channel. Today's episode features guest Lindsay Moore, who is the Director of Sales at Carta Bella Paper. I hope you'll check out because we show off the Paris Girl Collection for Carta Bella Paper Company and making this darling card (see left).

Watching this video, you'll see why I love working with Lindsay. He keeps me on my toes and has me laughing through the entire thing (and BTW, So You Think You Can Dance IS better than America Idol...just saying, Lindsay).

We also continue our Hot-Off-The-Press Giveaway. Check it out and see what you have to do to be entered!

As promised, here are the dimensions of the card for your scrapbooking pleasure!

* Main Envelope—5 inch x 12 inch (fold)
* Contrasting Paper—4 inch x 5 inch
* Insert—4 inch x 5 ½ inch
* Ribbon—3 inches of a satin or grosgrain

Enjoy! —Carina

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New Lines

Today I have been getting production files ready, getting ready for CHA, and a lot of other general fun stuff for Carta Bella. I also announced two new lines for Carta Bella. Go check out my blogpost for that reveal here.

In the midst of getting the new lines ready, I managed to take the girls to the park for a couple of hours. They have been asking since April to play in the creek (it was too cold then and I wouldn't let them dip their toes in). So today was an indulgence.

To be honest, my only goal this summer is to get out for a couple of hours a day so that the girls and I can relish in our last summer of freedom (ironic because of my current working schedule). Either way, it's our last summer of "big girls only" and I want them (and me) to really cherish it.

The girls playing in the creek today reminded me of growing up in Tennessee. It seemed like we used to play in creeks a lot and explore the woods behind our backyard. Oh, and catch fireflies at night. I tried to explain that to the girls the other night, and they asked when they would get to catch fireflies. I had to explain to them that we didn't have fireflies to catch in Utah. It made me a little sad.

It also reminded me to lug my camera around a lot more this summer. First because I need to make sure the girls have photos of what we did this summer. And second, because I have an awful lot of scrapbooking papers to use up!

So here's to fireflies and rambling! Hope you are enjoying your summer too!


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I am finally getting around to putting away boxes and furniture from my crates from Quilt Market. As promised, my girls got their first pick of the Rini Dolls from the show. Then Josh was lovely enough to bring in all the heavy boxes. I've been pulling out stuff and replacing it in my studio so that we can get around to photoshooting it for the newsletter this coming week.

My camera has been out a lot this last week as I have been prepping marketing materials for Carta Bella. We'll be revealing two more lines on Wednesday. I'm excited about both! Be sure and check those out along with the facebook page where Lindsay and I seem to constantly be giving away stuff.

Speaking of giveaways, it's looking like I will have some extra goodies from Songbird™ for giveaways. There's only so much my tiny studio can hold soooooo be on the look out for a giveaway soon.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!




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Beautiful Moments Ships

Beautiful Moments™ shipped this week! Ironically, I haven't even had a chance to let it sink in because I have already moved on to the next 5 lines. Today, I'm sqwanching (is that word?) paper and tying up twine to take photos of the Halloween line. And I took photos and made layouts for our July release earlier this week.

You are in for some eye candy!

Click on the image to the side here and you can see our Beautiful Moments™ Catalog. More of these catalogs to come...

I'd recommend following my instagram (just follow carinagardner) to see what "secret" projects I'm up to in the day to day. You may even get a sneak peek at what I'm working on at this very moment.

Now back to hot gluing...



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New Mini Sewing Pattern—Kimono Skirt

At Quilt Market, I introduced my new mini pattern—the Kimono Skirt. I'm excited about these mini patterns because we'll be able to release them more often than the large patterns throughout the year.

This little mini pattern includes sizes XS-XXL (2T-10) and includes a knee-length and maxi version of the skirt. It's fairly quick to make and the different versions  make this skirt really versatile (especially as you start combining different fabrics).

Check out the back, because it makes me really happy! (see below!)

The fabrics shown here are all in Songbird™. Songbird™ should be hitting stores sometime this month and if you are a retailer, I still have a few samples left for shops to borrow. Feel free to email me at if you would like to find out which samples (in all the sewing patterns) are left.


Hope you get a chance to grab this sewing pattern in your local quilt shop! It's the perfect, "quick, little project" for your little girl.

Sew Happy,


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Carina Gardner TV Channel—Free Download and Giveaway

I'm excited to introduce to you a series of videos straight from my studio! Introducing CG TV! I originally got the idea for doing the videos because I wanted to show tutorials on my sewing patterns. The idea eventually was expanded to include all the things I do here in the studio—paper, fabric, digital, hybrid, classes, sewing patterns, as well as projects, interviews, giveaways, and introduction into new designs.

So here it is—Episode 1! I'm excited that my first video introduces the Beautiful Moments™ Collection for Carta Bella Paper. You get a sneak peek into my studio where I film the videos and get to see me grow around the middle every month to boot!

As a kick off to the new videos, there is an awesome new giveaway in this video—so be sure to check it out! The winner will be announced on the Carta Bella Facebook Page on Monday, June 4, 2012.

As promised, here is the free download of the album bracket and flowers I show in the video. I've included the following in this zip:


Sadly, this project download DOES NOT include instructions for making the album shown here. It simply includes all the fun templates for you to create an album like this one.



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Quilt Market 2012 Kansas City

I intended to post the day after Quilt Market, but it's been almost a week and I'm finally just catching my breath! This was probably the most exciting show I've attended simply because it was my first time exhibiting. We had been working on the tradeshow booth for months and this is what we had to show for it:

I was ecstatic with how the booth turned out. Things I learned this time around:
+ There's a reason you never see pictures of the booths during set up. You don't have time to pull out your camera because you are so busy just trying to get it all together! After we had most of it set up, I went and grabbed my camera...too late. So I don't have any pictures of the guys putting it up...which is a shame because it was pretty cool to see it all come together.

+ I couldn't have done the show without Josh and the Riley Blake team. My booth was SO heavy, and it took some serious manpower to get it up.
+ I already feel sorry for the Echo Park and Carta Bella guys since they will be putting this up in a couple of months...yes, I will be supervising. Best. job. ever.

+ Help is necessary when you only have one week to sew (Thank you to my mom who made that huge quilt in only a couple of days and Lisa in my neighborhood who embroidered the pillow below).

+ Some of my favorite pieces were teeny-tiny and you had to get up close to really see them (like the cubby full of birds that is going into my studio the moment I get my crate back!).

+ That at the end of the day, my favorite thing about Quilt Market was simply getting to connect with sewers and reconnect with all the people I already knew. (The picture below is with the Riley Blake gals).

Hope you enjoyed all the photos! Josh and I had a wonderful time, and we are excited to do it again (especially when I am NOT pregnant:).


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A Day Away

I am currently packing for our trip to Quilt Market and am running around (perhaps not like a chicken with it's head cut off, but it's close) completely nervous I'm going to forget something (as evidence of the lengthy schedule I've handed out to several family members). I'm only a day away, and I know the moment I get to Kansas City, I WILL have forgotten something, and it's going to be just fine. But until then, I will worry.

I didn't hop on here to tell you about my worry-habits or even to show off how cute my big girl is becoming (an indulgence on my part), but to tell you that there is a happy bundle of fabric being given away at Carta Bella. Expect a little from Samantha, Deena, and myself. It's the final day of prizes going on at the blog and facebook since our launch a couple of weeks ago (my, how time flys!). Hope you get a chance to win it! I believe there will be another giveaway towards to the end of the month so you might as well join now!

Will be in soon to tell you all about QM!



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SongBird Fabric Line—Quilt Market 2012

Quilt Market is a week away and I'm finally getting around to showing you my next line—SongBird™. My booth at Quilt Market will be featuring this line. Most of the sewing is done, and I even have a new pattern I'll be introducing at Market (Don't worry, I'll show it here soon as well!).

Never heard of Quilt Market? It's a tradeshow for distributors, retailers, manufacturers, and designers to show off what is new in the fabric world. I've blogged about the Minneapolis Show 2010 here and the Salt Lake Show 2011 here.

This is my first ever Quilt Market where I'll have my own booth. I started thinking about it last September and started actual work on it this February. What started out as one crate became two + lots of loading issues. To get the crates from my house to Riley Blake we had two freight trucks arrive (one that was tall enough and one with a liftgate) to get them out to Riley Blake's warehouse.

The actual loading of the crates wasn't a picnic either. Poor Josh had to reorganize twice. We packed them pretty full.

Josh is coming with me to Kansas City QM to do the heavy lifting and to help me out in general.

If you are coming to the show, please come visit me in Booth # 1529. If you aren't coming to the show, send your quilt show owners my way! They (or you) can also visit me in a Schoolhouse presentation at 10:40am in Room 2505A on the new line and how to make the new sewing pattern.


You can check out all the fabrics in Songbird by clicking on one of the photos in this post. It is all summery-goodness! It hits quilt shops in June (2012).

Happy sewing!




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Surprise, Surprise!

You've been waiting, and I will not disappoint!  I have TWO announcements for you today. I'm going to let you in on my family news first—and that is we are expecting baby number 3!

After a five and a half year gap, we have decided to head back into diapers, teething, and night feedings. (It has been long enough that I have forgotten how little sleep I will get and have created a blissful illusion that I will be happily snuggling a baby in my very tidy house 24 hours a day). To top off our joy, we also found out that squirt #3 is a boy! Guess I'll be making more boy lines, huh?

My pregnancy secret better explains this or even this, don't you think? You guys are lucky that I skipped posting on bagel week (yes, I ate bagels every day for every meal.)

Baby boy is due at the end of August. This is my first summer baby so if you want to give me some advice for staying cool, I will gladly take it!

To throw a whammy into all this new-found baby fun, today is the announcement of a brand-new company—Carta Bella. Some of you sneaky folks have managed to find out all about this scrapbooking company before we have even had a chance to announce it!

This has been a big undertaking, and I'm so excited for you to be a part of this new venture! Our sister company Echo Park made the transition from "conceptual" to "actual" a wonderful process. Getting to work with the EP team has made the process a pleasure. Second of all, I get to work with the brilliant Lindsay Moore, who is the Director of Sales at Carta Bella (Seriously, have you met Lindsay? He's fab!). And as if I wasn't having enough fun, I am the Creative Director over a fabulous team of designers many of who you know already.

So what's so special about the Carta Bella brand? Other than the amazing crew, the awesome talent, and all the hard work everyone has already put in? All of our papers are TEXTURED! I can't tell you how beautiful this makes the lines. (I wanted to add 4 exclamation marks there, but restrained myself.) I can't help but run my fingers over the samples at my house every time I pass them. And you'll love all the great stuff we are doing with alphabets and elements. Get ready for some serious scrapping!

Our very first collection is Beautiful Moments™, which I designed specifically for the launch (check out that little cutie in the layout! I think I know her...). I know there may be a way to win it through the facebook page although I'm not sure when (details to come!). I also happen to know there is a SERIOUS week of prizes coming up soon to those who are part of the facebook page. Don't miss out on it!

+ Want to check out more on Carta Bella? Visit the new website here:

+ You can check out the first blog post here as Lindsay and I introduce the company.

How's that for some big news? Lots of paper loving coming your way!

Yours truly,

A happy, fat pregnant lady

PS. If you don't subscribe to my facebook page, I made the announcement that we are having some troubles with the email feeds. This meant completely starting over with a new feed. Please re-subscribe in the top-right hand corner of the blog by adding your email or you will no longer receive the blog emails. Thanks!



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Reversible Blouse and Dress Free Download and Video

Today you can learn how to make my Reversible Blouse and Dress Pattern that I created especially for beginning clothing sewers! This is such a fun and easy pattern! I've created instructions and a 8.5" x 11" printable pattern! All you need to do is tape the patterns together. How easy is that?

This pattern comes in both the dress and blouse sizes with my typical sizes of XS-XL. I use the same Child Measurements Chart that I use on all my sewing patterns, which is also laid out in the downloadable instructions for this pattern.

Need more of a visual? You're in luck! My big news today is that I have done a video on Riley Blake's Cutting Corners with Cindy Cloward showing the steps for creating this outfit. There are examples in the Paris and Company™ and Dainty Blossoms™ fabric. Check out the video by going here! NOTE: This video has been postponed and will go live May 1st.


Aren't these girls darling? Gweny and Mae are two of my good friend Aimee's children who happily agreed to pose for me! I'll have samples of this outfit in my booth at Quilt Market in my new line Songbird™ (which I will reveal fully soon!).

Big news to announce tomorrow afternoon (yes, don't get antsy but I won't be announcing until the afternoon).

Hope you enjoy the pattern!



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A Double Duty Week

We've been doing double duty in the studio with the May 1st surprise as well as Quilt Market. I flew my mom into town to help me with all the sewing. We have managed to squeeze into the last 5 days a king size quilt, 2 baby quilts, 9 children's outfits, 2 slings, and a whole heck of a lot of pillows. It's been a marathon! I have new-found appreciation for all the hard work folks put into Quilt Market.

We still have a number of items to make before our crates ship out next week, but I'm feeling pretty good about how far we've gotten. My mom stayed up until 3am trying to get the quilts done in time. My favorite machine quilter Lina, agreed to help me out with this deadline as well (My mom and my assistant have nicknamed me the slave driver). Susan is the sewing-pattern-cutter-extraordinaire now and my mom is the piping pillow master (try saying that five times fast).

PS You are seeing here some of the first peeks at my fabric line Songbird™!

Speaking of that other thing (you know, that May 1st thing?), I am AMAZINGLY impressed by the resourcefulness of some of you out there. I have been sent forum threads and a number of leaks that have come out and all I can say is, "Good detective work!" Can't keep a secret from some of you!

Back to the sewing!




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