Pulled Back

Last week I went to a party and decided that I might as well try throwing my hair up.

Confession: I hate doing my own hair. I purposely have long hair so I can pull it into a ponytail everyday if I need to. I love doing Siri and Felicity’s hair (when they let me which isn’t very often).

This took five minutes and while it’s maybe not the most sleek updo, it worked for me. Just start halfway down your hair with a loose french braid. As you get a few braids down just start twisting it and tucking it underneath (super scientific, I know). I used 5 or 6 large bobby pins and I was done.

I hope everyone enjoyed ths Bloghop this last weekend! It was fun to see all the other designer’s goodies and all the fun stuff they made! I was adoring all the fun hybrid projects (I’m a sucker for those) by the CT team!

Now, I’m looking forward to 4th of July. I think we will be heading to Huntsville, UT again for our smalltown firework show. We took up the tradition after moving to Utah and missing our Stillwater, MN Fourth of July.

Do you have any great plans for this weekend or the 4th?

Hugs! Carina

Silhouette Design Store JOANN Stores

4th of July Photos


img_51304th of July is one of my favorite holidays. In Minnesota, we always went to Bunker Beach during the day and landed in Stillwater for the spectacular firework show over the Croix River. Since we moved to Utah over a year ago, we are still trying to “find” our 4th of July tradition. This year, we went to Toole to be with my in laws for a BBQ. The kids had a blast and Uncle Nate did a fantastic job of lighting off the fireworks. They also liked the baby preying mantises we found on the porch.

Somehow, we managed to forget the “snakes” (Siri’s favorite kind of firework). To satisfy her need for these, we will be lighting them all this week in our driveway.

Photos | 1: Siri and the baby preying mantis, 2: My niece Lola, 3: My sister-in-law Liz and 6 week old baby 4: This kids playing with a lighted magic wand in the dark. The shutter speed was so slow I got this long string of light.

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Silhouette Design Store JOANN Stores