Movie Nights in the Park


We introduced our kids to The Neverending Story on Friday at Millcreek Movie Night. (Pictured here is Siri, cousin Lola, Felicity, and Charlie—who is busy eating a flip flop—good parenting at work here.) I love these outdoor movie nights that the county offers. I became friends with the fabulous lady behind it—Aimee McConkie—when we all lived in Minnesota. So much work goes into these events. Oh ya, and she does it for free. Just because she believes in community. She’s A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

This has been a different summer for me since Josh is home and we aren’t a slave to the billable hour. Here’s what we have been up to:
+ I go to work early and come home early. It’s lovely!
+ Josh has been in charge of the kids.
+ Turns out Josh is super hard core about the girls doing reading time, workbooks, and chores in the morning.
+ Siri and I have been taping a new Create and Make class. It has been so intense!
+ I’ve been taping and writing a new chalkboard class and paper class.
+ I’ve started work on fall sewing patterns. I.can. not. believe. it.
+ I started work on a new free quilt pattern for  my new fabric line Evening Blooms.
+ I have been crazy about decluttering the house and yard.
+ I think I might finally be making some headway.
+ And will yard sale it all in a couple of weeks.
+ We have been to Lagoon
+ And will probably go a lot this summer since our kids are not getting real vacation (or any camping).
+ I finally feel like I have time to read again. Obsessed with a Coco Chanel biography I have been reading.
+ I’m trying to get serious about diecutting files. More on this soon!
+ Siri and I filmed another CGTV episode. It’s not up yet. Sigh.
+ Somehow my office/warehouse got small overnight.
+ That’s what happens when four people come to work all at the same time.
+ I’ve a few more things coming out this fall for Deseret Book. I’m so excited about them!
+ I’m finishing up my 2014 fabric lines. Think “boy” wink, wink.

And with that, I am off to finish up some photos and head to Lagoon.
Happy Summer!

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