The Power of Calling Yourself a Designer

Why do you need the confidence to call yourself a designer?

What is a Designer? What makes someone a designer vs. not a designer? To me a designer is one that takes a concept and brings it to life in various forms. So, if you are creating and putting things together then you are a designer, no matter your skill level.

As designers we all have varying styles, talents, and creative skill sets which make us different from each other, but we all have at least one thing in common and that is the title of “designer.” But why is there a hesitancy to fully embrace this title? Is it fear of judgment, or simply a lack of confidence, or something else? This is something that I hear all the time, “I have Imposter Syndrome”, “Am I good enough”, and “I’m not nearly as good as so and so!” These are all limiting beliefs that will inevitably hold you back if you let them or listen to them. However, it’s time to embrace this title and acknowledge the importance of confidently owning your identity as a designer. Here’s why:

Validation of Your Craft

By calling yourself a designer, you’re not just acknowledging your own abilities, but also validating the countless hours of learning, practice, and dedication you’ve invested in your craft. It’s a recognition of your skills and expertise in shaping ideas, solving problems, and creating impactful visuals that resonate with your audiences. Even if you are just starting out, we learn by doing and everyone has to start somewhere.


Empowerment and Self-belief

Confidence breeds success. When you confidently proclaim yourself as a designer, you are more willing to take on new challenges, push your boundaries, and pursue opportunities that align with your passion. This type of thinking will take you places that you may never thought possible. Believing in your abilities opens the door to growth, allowing you to unleash your full potential. When you lack that confidence, you are more likely to stay stagnant and not move forward because you are too scared to try. Many successful designers are where they are today because they had the confidence in themselves to create a career that they love.


Credibility in the Industry

Clients, collaborators, and employers are more likely to trust and respect you when you confidently present yourself as a designer. Your self-assurance communicates professionalism and competence, creating confidence in others that you have the skills and expertise to deliver exceptional results. This credibility can lead to more fulfilling projects, higher-quality clients, and increased opportunities for career advancement.

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Inspiration for Others

Your confidence as a designer not only benefits yourself but also inspires those around you. By proudly owning your identity and showcasing your work with confidence, you become a role model for aspiring designers who may be struggling with their own self-doubt. Your journey serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement, showing others that it’s possible to overcome obstacles and thrive in the creative industry. Whether it’s sharing insights, collaborating on projects, or mentoring aspiring designers, your confidence enables you to make meaningful connections and foster a supportive environment where creativity can flourish.


So, to all the talented individuals out there who hesitate to call themselves designers, it’s time to shed the doubts and embrace the title with pride. Your creativity, passion, and dedication are what define you as a designer, and by confidently owning your identity, you unlock a world of possibilities for yourself and inspire others to do the same. We all have something to bring to the table with our unique talents. Remember, you are not just a designer—you are a visionary, a problem solver, and a creative. And in my opinion the world could use a little more creativity in it.


Is your dream to become a designer? Join our next Design Bootcamp to find out how.

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